Ryukoku Seidokan Leaders

RSKKR Leaders in Okinawa, Japan

Senior Advisor: Shigemitsu Tamae, Judan

President: Ron Nix, Kyudan

Vice President/Treasurer: Akemi Nix, Rokudan

USA Chapter of RSKKR Leaders: Regional Directors

RSKKR USA Chapter Liaison: Donnie Hayhurst, Godan

North East Region: Joseph Diliberto, Kyudan

South East Region: Keith James, Hachidan

South West Coast Region: Juan Carbajal, Hachidan

Southern Central West Region: Rodney Grantham, Hachidan

Caribbean Region: Ricardo Emerson, Kyudan

Note: No directors are assigned to the Central, Mid West, and North West Regions due to the lack of RSKKR dojos in those areas.

Ranking Members

4th Degree Black Belt (Yondan) and Above