Why I love lockdown


The last three months have been a tidal wave. I don’t want to hear the words ‘unprecedented’ on the news or ‘can you hear me’ on Zoom calls ever again. Yet, despite the terrible fatalities and losses that we have encountered, lockdown has changed me as a person, and I would certainly say it is for the better.

I remember the last day of college- I had just been into town to grab lunch with a friend. We both suddenly noticed our phones going crazy. Endless texts, emails, and missed calls from friends and classmates. The ‘corona virus’ which we had joked about suddenly felt incredibly and horrendously real. At the same time, it was a new adventure- a few days off college before the virus calmed down again. People arranged to meet, go to coffee shops, and binge Netflix. It is only now that I realise that just one of these became true.

Things went downhill pretty soon after college shut- my sister’s GCSE’s were cancelled and my parents started working from home. It seemed as though our world had stopped. Being a key worker during this time, I watched my supermarket stock disappear in an instant. Toilet roll became gold dust- customers would sneak in multiple times to loophole our restrictions of 3 per purchase. Antibacterial hand gel and soap were impossible to find. Shelves were empty. Our high street felt like Chernobyl, an eerie ghost town with only the odd person, bundled in face masks and gloves, hurrying home from the supermarket.

For me, the sudden food shortages made me realise the potential danger we, as a nation, could be in. Corona was affecting each and every one of us directly and indirectly. Yet, after the fortnight of panic was over, I saw real humanity and care from every individual customer. Whether through food donations for the vulnerable, the words of thanks and gratitude, or even the goodbye of ‘stay safe’, I felt that people had been forced to stop and notice each other. For the first time, I felt connections and genuine warmth from each individual I met whilst at work. On the streets, people created libraries in their driveways to share books or gave away old puzzles and games. Not only did we have something to talk about, but the fear of the virus made us realise that death was real. Instead of dividing us, social distancing brought people closer to each other.

As well as human connections, lockdown has given me time. I can’t give excuses to procrastinate or not tidy. Instead, now I am a master baker, a seamstress, a gardener, and incredible at board games. My bedroom, for the first time, is organised. I am up to date with my college work. I also have so much more time to be with my parents and sister. I phone my grandparents, facetime with my cousins, and text my friends.

Looking back on the lockdown, I will remember the sadness and sorrow that we have felt as a nation. But I will also remember trying to teach my grandparents skype (and failing) and clapping for our NHS with my neighbours (some of whom I hadn’t spoken to before) but most importantly, I will always remember the feeling of nationwide connection and small acts kindness from everyone.