Occulta Mundi

Distilled from the substance of human consciousness, occulta mundi projects a paradigm of otherness, far enough from the human condition to be separate, close enough to invoke resonance from within.

It is here that forgotten dreams, lost hopes and denied realities congeal, where inspiration, determination and passions coalesce. It is an echo from the emptiness under the fundament, a spark from the brilliance of enlightenment. Here can be found the primal stuff of being in its raw, unmolested form, beautiful and potent. Here also, the polluted, broken and rejected remnants of the unlived and unloved. 

To explore occulta mundi is to peer beyond one's self into a fantastic dimension of reconstituted remnants and obscure orchestrations of psyche, society, soul and deity...

Stay tuned! 

Occulta mundi  intermittantly expands with new mercatura, opus, conceptus & tropaeis