Book of Kells

Image Credit: bbc.comImage Copyright: The Book of Kells
Image Credit: Lyndi Kiple

What is it?

One of the oldest known books, it tells the stories of the four gospels in stunning artistic detail.

Where could I find it?

It is tucked away in the library of Trinity College Dublin.

What is it made of?

The pages of this book are actually made of animal skin, called vellum, which was once alive and is therefore organic.

How big is it?

Each page measures 330 mm by 255 mm.

What could happen to it?

The pages of this book are so incredibly old that exposure to normal light could nearly destroy them because it would break down the fragile fibers and speed up natural chemical decaying processes. To keep the book safe, it is exhibited in a dark room, a new page is turned open each month, and photography is strictly forbidden to avoid accidental flashes.

Where can I learn more?