Lindsay Dugan

Lindsay Dugan

Lindsay Dugan is a shihan ('master') of shakuhachi, the Japanese bamboo flute. Having first heard the sound of the shakuhachi in Sydney, he soon moved to Japan to learn from renowned masters, and spent more than a decade studying and performing in Japan.

Lindsay's practice is centred on the traditional solo repertoire for shakuhachi, known as honkyoku ('fundamental pieces'). Honkyoku are historically rooted in Fukeshū, a sub-sect of Zen Buddhism. Embodied in honkyoku practice is the concept of shugyō, or training, to focus the mind, body, and spirit. Lindsay also performs traditional jiuta sōkyoku ensemble repertoire together with koto (13-string zither) and shamisen (3- string lute), and contemporary music.

In addition to a traditional shihan master's license, Lindsay holds post-graduate degrees in shakuhachi performance from Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Tokyo University of Fine Art and Music ('Tokyo Geidai'), and is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne (Ethnomusicology). He regularly teaches and holds workshops, and is the president of the Australian Shakuhachi Society.


Sydney Conservatorium of Muiscによる修士課程を修了した後、東京芸術大学大学院修士課程を修了、現在はUniversity of Melbourneで民族音楽学の博士課程に在籍中。Australian Shakuhachi Societyの会長を務め、メルボルンで定期的にワークショップを開き、尺八の個人指導も精力的に行なっている。国際尺八研修館(竹心会)にて師範免許状を取得。