Interrupcion por Timer

Ejemplo de uso, un timer que cada cierta cantidad de tiempo cambia de estado el valor de un pin, el LED en este caso:

volatile boolean l;
void TC0_Handler(){
  long status=REG_TC0_SR0;
void setup(){
  pinMode(13,OUTPUT); //LED
  pinMode(2,OUTPUT);   //TIOA0 => Pin B.25
  REG_PIOB_PDR=0x2000000;//Pin 25 free from GPIO to peripheral use of timer
  REG_PIOB_ABSR=0x2000000;//Peripheral B free from GPIO to peripheral use of timer
  REG_TC0_WPMR=0x54494d00;  //disable protection of registers
  REG_TC0_CMR0=0x9c403;  //Waveform mode, CLK/128, Mode TIOA
  REG_TC0_RA0=0x0;    //RA start point is 0 
  REG_TC0_RC0=0x9fff6;  //RC stop point is 0x9fff6=1 second???.REVISAR
  REG_TC0_CCR0=0x5;   //Enable Channel 0 and start counting by software
  REG_TC0_IER0=0x10;  //Interrupt when RC is reach.
  REG_TC0_IDR0=0xEF;  //Disable the others interruptions
  NVIC_EnableIRQ(TC0_IRQn);   //Enable TC0 interrupts
void loop(){
