The Real Name of God Chants

Sung by

Cantor Kathy Robbins

Sky Ladd, keyboard

narrated by Ellen Kaufman Dosick

Purchase Chants CD



01 Track 1.mp3

1. Introduction

02 Track 2.mp3

2. Anochi - Meditative Chant

03 Track 3.mp3

3. Anochi - Joyous Chant

04 Track 4.mp3

4. Harpu - Be Still

05 Track 5.mp3

5. Anochi Elohim - Anochi is God

06 Track 6.mp3

6. Shiviti - I Place Anochi Before Me

07 Track 7.mp3

7. New Blessings

08 Track 8.mp3

8. B’rachot - Blessing & Gratitude

09 Track 9.mp3

9. Sho'meah -Listen to My Prayer

10 Track 10.mp3

10. Ani Ma’amin - I Believe

11 Track 11.mp3

11. I Am

12 Track 12.mp3

12. Bo’rei V’Go-el - Creator & Redeemer

13 Track 13.mp3

13. Ruach - Breathing

14 Track 14.mp3

14. Bakshu - Seek Anochi

15 Track 15.mp3

15. Kadosh - Holy, Holy Holy

16 Track 16.mp3

16. V’Shavti - I Place MySelf in Anochi

17 Track 17.mp3

17. Grace & Love & ComPassion

18 Track 18.mp3

18. Darshu Tov - Seek Good

19 Track 19.mp3

19. Anochi, I Love You

20 Track 20.mp3

20. With Greatest Love, Eternal Love

21 Track 21.mp3

21. B’OrChach - In Your Light

22 Track 22.mp3

22. Emet V’Emunah - Faith & Reason

23 Track 23.mp3

23. Chai-ei Olam - Life Eternal

24 Track 24.mp3

24. Anochi Tamid - Anochi All-Ways

25 Track 25.mp3

25. Panim el Panim - Face to Face

26 Track 26.mp3

26. Elijah - Sky Blue Is Coming

27 Track 27.mp3

27. And Then

28 Track 28.mp3

28. One God. One World. One People

29 Track 29.mp3

29. Baruch Shem - Blessed Is The Name

30 Track 30.mp3

30. Bonus - Anochi

31 Track 31.mp3

31. Anochi Reprise

The Care and Feeding of Your GodSelf

Lyrics, transliterations, and translations of the Chants CD, along with texts, teachings, newly-written prayers and poems, and guided meditationsfor your own spiritual journey available in the booklet:


Most chant melodies from "Mi'Sinai" Jewish liturgical and folk music Shiviti composed by Shoshana CooperRuach composed by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach zt"land made popular by Rabbi David Zeller zt"l"Eden Once Again" ("And Then") composed by Rabbi Margot Stein, based on the poem "Merger" by Judy Chicago.Anochi composed by Rabbi Hanna Tiferet Siegel, available on her album "Tiferet:Heart of Compassion"www.HannaTiferet.comPermissions granted Recorded at Sea View Sounds© 2012

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Digital Download .mp3