Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

At Fairview we have three tiers of support for students. 

Tier One Supports  - All Students

Zones of Regulation

In most classrooms at Fairview you will see the Zones of Regulation. It's a tool for helping children express their own emotions and better communicate their needs to others. Feelings are sorting into color groups by the amount of self-control associated with the feeling. 

Blue Zone: Used to describe a low state of alertness, like sad, tired, sick, or bored.

Green Zone: Used to describe the ideal state of alertness and a strong sense of internal control. A person may be described as calm, happy, focused.

Yellow Zone: Used to describe a heightened state of alertness where a child is beginning to feel a loss of internal control, such as stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, or fear when in the Yellow Zone. 

Red Zone: Used to describe an extremely heightened state of alertness and loss of control, like anger, rage, explosive behavior, panic, extreme grief, terror, or elation. 

Zones Supplementary Handouts for Elementary Ages.pdf

Eagle PRIDE 

At Fairview we communicate school-wide expectations to students through our PRIDE traits and through our Eagle Expectations. 


School-wide Incentives

Feathers & Fives - Parent Letter_ENG.pdf

The Self-Manager Program

Self-Manager Guardian Letter 2022.pdf

Tier Two Supports  - Some Students

The Landing

The landing is a space for all students to take breaks, finish work in a calm environment, and practice self-regulation. When students enter they make an agreement with the adults in the space and can choose from a menu of calming tools. 

The Counseling Dept.

Counselors and support staff are available for student check-ins to support individual student mental health needs and to facilicate small groups to provide supplemental social-emotional learning. Students can request a checkin by asking a teacher or filling out a Connection Request and dropping it off at the Counseling Dept.

Tier Three Supports  - A Few Students

Student Support Team

For kids needing a high level of support we have our Student Support Team (SST). This team brings together specialists from the whole building to partner with teachers and families, in order to find the best supports for students in an equitable and strengths-based way. SST will design a support plan for every referred student. 

Special Education & 504 Plans

Sometimes Student Support Team uncovers an eligibility for additional school support, such as a disability or medical condition. If a student needs small accomodations to the learning environment in order to understand grade-level instruction they might receive a 504 plan. If a student needs specially designed instruction to understand grade-level content they might receive an Individualized Education Plan through the Special Education department. 

Attendance Team

Student attendance is very important at Fairview, because coming to school every day is strongly connected to positive outcomes for kids. Regular attendance provides structure, social skill practice, and self-regulation skill-building. Additionally, the more learning a student misses the harder it is to catch up which is stressful for students of any age. It can impact a student's sense of self, their relationship to learning, can be alienating, and can have a lasting impact into middle school and high school. 

If students have missed 10 or more days of school our attendance team will start to reach out to families to try and provide supports to help improve their attendance rate. This might include phone calls, check-ins from the principal, or home visits from our school social worker.