
  1. All participants are strongly encouraged to open a Wiktionary profile prior to the event.

  2. Participants will work both at the Conference Room of the Faculty of Sport Sciences and Education.

  3. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own laptops for entry editing.

  4. Working groups will be freely organized according to common interests and affinities among the participants. It will be also possible to work individually.

  5. The organization will propose editing topics and tasks to the participants, although they will be free to decide these issues. Since the Galician edition of Wiktionary has not yet agreed on a style book, participants will be able to consider the guidelines for other editions.

  6. Participants may take as many breaks as they wish. There are vending machines with snacks and drinks in the hall and on the first floor of the faculty. In addition, there are two university canteens (Faculty of Social Sciences and School of Forestry Engineering) next to the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences.

  7. During the hackfest, as participants will be able to freely enter and exit, they will be requested not to leave their belongings or valuables when leaving the work spaces. Neither the event organisers nor the Faculty are responsible for any loss or theft occurred in the workspaces of the EMLex Wiktionary Hackfest.

  8. Registered participants will receive a commemorative t-shirt courtesy of EMLex. They will also receive tourist information from Visit Pontevedra (local tourism board). Besides, all registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

  1. Recoméndase vivamente que todas as persoas participantes abran un perfil de Wikipedia antes do evento.

  2. As persoas participantes traballarán no Salón de Graos da Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte.

  3. A organización aconsella as persoas participantes traeren os seus propios ordenadores portátiles para a edición de entradas.

  4. Os grupos de traballo organizaranse libremente segundo os intereses e afinidades comúns das persoas participantes. Tamén será posíbel traballar individualmente.

  5. A organización proporá ás persoas participantes tarefas e temas de edición, aínda que todas serán libres para decidir estas cuestións. Tendo en conta que a edición galega do Wiktionary aínda non chegou a un acordo sobre un libro de estilo, os participantes poderán ter en conta as orientacións estabelecidas para outras edicións.

  6. As persoas participantes poden facer tantas pausas como quixeren. Hai máquinas de venda automática de snacks e bebidas no vestíbulo e no primeiro andar da facultade. Ademais, hai dous comedores universitarios (Facultade de Ciencias Sociais e Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal) ao lado da Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte.

  7. Durante o hackfest, dado que as persoas participantes poderán entrar e saír libremente, son chamadas a non deixar as súas pertenzas ou obxectos de valor ao saíren dos espazos de traballo. Nin a organización do evento nin a Facultade asumen calquera responsabilidade das perdas ou roubos que se produciren nos espazos de traballo do EMLex Wiktionary Hackfest.

  8. As persoas inscritas recibirán unha camiseta conmemorativa por cortesía de EMLex. Tamén recibirán información turística de Visit Pontevedra. Ademais, todas as persoas inscritas recibirán un certificado de asistencia.