Ranking System in Kuniba-ha Shito Ryu

In Kuniba-ha Shito Ryu Chikubukai, similar to other Karate do styles, there are 10 Kyu degrees before black belt and 10 Dan degrees after. Traditionally, the colours white is used for 10th Kyu, and yellow for 9, 8 and 7th Kyu separated by stripes, green for 6, 5 and 4th Kyu and finally, brown for 3, 2 and 1st Kyu, with stripes. However, the Kyu colours do not matter and the our instructors can decide different colours for the Kyu degrees.

For Dan grades, one can simply have a black belt or a black belt with stripes showing Dan level on it. After the 6th Dan to 8th Dan, the practitioner can use white/red belt if then earned titles, Renshi, Kyoshi or Hanshi.

An Active instructor in Chikubukai Europe has the right of promoting black belts to three degrees below his/her own degree, for higher grades the Shihan Board can examine the Dan degree applicants up to 5th Dan. For higher than 5th Dan all Soke of the style as well as the Chikubukai Shihan Board will take decisions.