RCIA Recordings

RCIA Mystagogy - Curtis Mitch Talk & Other Topics - 4-19-23

Extra Resources from 4/19:

Southtowns Catechumenate (RCIA) - The Trinity 9/21/22   (The audio isn't very good on this one. Sorry!)

Click here for recordings from 2021-2022 RCIA Sessions

Here are some of the sessions from RCIA 2021-2022. If you want to see how last year went, or are interested in the subjects, take a look! (We can Zoom the meetings if people want to join from home.)

Mystagogy with Mary the Mediatrix

Review of Holy Week and Easter Vigil/Reception of the Sacraments

On the Man Born Blind and Sin

On the Samaritan Woman

On the Transfiguration

On the Four Last Things

On Faith 

On the Eucharist

On Catholic Social Teaching