Outside/Electronic Resources

Our awesome Chief Resident Dr. Jason Wilson has complied a fabulous list of resources that can be beneficial for Emergency Medicine. Below is a list that he has complied to assist you. If you have any updates/corrections please email me.


Physically obtaining a relevant article during a busy shift or in preparation for an upcoming presentation often becomes a frustrating and fruitless endeavor for many physicians. It is often too difficult to get past frustrating log in screens while balancing patient duties and other responsibilities. These instructions will demonstrate how to most efficiently find an article by using an efficacious search engine that only brings back clinically relevant sources. To find articles, use the "clinical query" function of PubMed AFTER logging in through USF. Then we will see how to use the USF library resources to access the appropriate journal then print out or save the electronic article.


USF has a very confusing login system for the electronic resources through the Shimberg Library. Unfortunately, they use 2 seperate login/password combos.

    1. USF Health/Shimberg Library Account
      1. When a resource requires this ID, a dialog box will state "Login using your USF Health or Shimberg Library Account"
      2. this is the same login as your USF email name and password
      3. PubMed, MDConsult and Tintinallis will all request this combo
    2. USF NETID
      1. At other times, you will be required to enter something called a USF NETID
      2. If you have not done so, you must first activate your NETID at this site https://netid.usf.edu/una/?display=activate
      3. The USF Library Catalog will require this login
      4. **NOTE: There are some computers at TGH that will not allow you to logon to USF resources when requiring this ID. This is a complicated network problem and there is no solution yet per USF Shimberg Staff


1. http://library.hsc.usf.edu/

2. Scroll down to "PubMed" on the left side

3. Type in your USF Health Email username and password (let me know if you don't have one and you can use mine)

4. Click on "Clinical Queries" in the middle center column

5. You now have two options

a. You can search in the broader clinical query box to obtain search results that include randomized trials and other human studies. This will also

bring back systematic reviews - such as Cochrane Reviews

b. You can search only for systematic reviews in the second box.

6. Your search results will be obtained in a long list format.


1. Click on a relevant PubMed search result.

2. Does the abstract have a yellow "USF-HS Online" button? If so, simply click on the button and this will take you directly to the article of interest

3. No button? Look at the TITLE of the journal - highlight it and copy.

4. Open up another browser tab or window and go to http://usf.catalog.fcla.edu/sf.jsp

5. Paste or type the journal title into the search box and select "Journal Title" from the drop down box on the right.

6. Hit Search

7. If the journal is available electronically, it will be displayed on the subsequent screen.

8. You may be taken to a screen that requires you to type in the year, volume number and page number of the article - if so, refer back to your PubMed Browser

9. You also might be prompted for either your USF Health or USF NetID again

These instructions should allow you to find relevant up to date articles on most topics within a matter of minutes.


There are a number of other useful databases on the USF Library Website.

One of these is MD Consult which includes great Patient Education handouts, a number of online textbooks (discussed below) and a modified interface for searching PubMed. To use MD Consult for patient handouts, follow these steps:

1. http://library.hsc.usf.edu/

2. Click on "MD Consult" in the left hand corner

3. Once in MD Consult, click on "Patient Education" and you will have numerous topics available in English and Spanish

4. Login with either your USF Health or USF Net ID (will depend on whether you are at TGH or home)


A lot of lecture prep can be done using Google Images. However, copyright might be an issue and some things simply don’t show up. There are a handful of collections in the public domain that can be used for education purposes.

1. Hardin Medical Image Gallery at http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/ (no login info required)

2. Image MD

a. http://library.hsc.usf.edu/

b. Click on "All eResources" in the left hand corner

c. Click on Image MD


The following textbooks are available online: Tintinalli's, Rosen's, Roberts and Hedges, Mattu's ECG Book, and Harrison's (along with many others).

Below are instructions for accessing each book.


a. http://library.hsc.usf.edu/

b. Click on "Tintinalli's"

c. Login with either your USF Health or USF Net ID (will depend on whether you are at TGH or home)


1. http://library.hsc.usf.edu/

2. Click on "MD Consult" in the left hand corner

3. Login with either your USF Health or USF Net ID (will depend on whether you are at TGH or home)

4. Once in MD Consult, click on "Patient Education" and you will have numerous topics available in English and Spanish

5. Select "Books"

6. Scroll down alphabetical list to "Roberts"

3. ROSEN'S (*note - listed under "Marx: Rosen's")

1. http://library.hsc.usf.edu/

2. Click on "MD Consult" in the left hand corner

3. Login with either your USF Health or USF Net ID (will depend on whether you are at TGH or home)

4. Once in MD Consult, click on "Patient Education" and you will have numerous topics available in English and Spanish

5. Select "Books"

6. Scroll down alphabetical list to "Marx"


This is accessible through the USF Library subscription to "Net Library". However, there are currently some changes to the interface from the company and access needs to be corrected. I will update this section when that is complete.



The biggest baddesst of the EM podcasts out there comes out once a month and can be downloaded for your iPod or other MP3 player - although iPod is best because the slides even show up during lectures! If you are an EMRA member, access is free. The instructions below are for EMRA Members (all of the residents). If you aren't an EMRA Member and need access, email me at tampaerdoc@gmail.com and I will try to help you out on an individual basis. (tampaerdoc@gmail.com, 1hominid)

a. http://www.emra.org

b. Login - you will need to register the first time you login using your ACEP Member number. If you don't have this, I believe you can contact Jeanie (813) 627-5931 or contact EMRA membership@emra.org or by phone at 800-798-1822, touch 5, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm

c. Once logged in, click on "Member Benefits" from the top right hand corner.

d. Select "EMA and EMRAP" from the drop down menu

e. Click on the Blue Box

f. Click on the rectangular EM:RAP icon picture (second pic down)

g. Select "Downloads and Summaries" from the top.

h. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the most recent podcast

i. *you can also download a WRITTEN summary of the prior months issue about 2-3 weeks after the audio comes out


A review of important journal articles every month

a. http://www.emra.org (tampaerdoc@gmail.com, 1hominid)

b. Login - you will need to register the first time you login using your ACEP Member number. If you don't have this, I believe you can contact Jeanie (813) 627-5931 or contact EMRA membership@emra.org or by phone at 800-798-1822, touch 5, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm

c. Once logged in, click on "Member Benefits" from the top right hand corner.

d. Select "EMA and EMRAP" from the drop down menu

e. Click on the Blue Box

f. Click on the rectangular EM Abstracts icon picture (first pic down)

g. Select "Audio Abstracts" and download the current edition in ipod or MP3 format


The Webinar archive contains a handful of excellent talks from wide ranging subjects including advocacy and financial planning. Usually entertaining and worth a watch.

a. http://www.acep.org/ACEPMembership.aspx?id=45942

b. Login - you will need to register the first time you login using your ACEP Member number. If you don't have this, I believe you can contact Jeanie (813) 627-5931 or contact EMRA membership@emra.org or by phone at 800-798-1822, touch 5, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm

4. EMCrit

Free monthly podcasts by Dr. Weingart - a CC trained EM doc in NY. Also includes a blog, collection or print resources and an archive of other lectures.

a. http://emcrit.org/

b. Click on "EMCrit Blog" in the bottom left corner

5. EM Core Content

The grand rounds at UCLA are broadcast each week and packaged by Mel Herbert from EMRAP in a great format for review. You can sign up with a discount from EMRA at http://www.emcorecontent

When you are too tired to read but want to study, this is perfect!


1. Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine

A monthly newsletter with a few selected critical appraisal topics. Excellent resource and free for residents.

a. contact Jessica Hamilton (jhamilton@acep.org) if you are a resident to get on the free monthly email list

b. If you are not a resident, make sure you are on the USFEMRESIDENCYPROGRAM@GOOGLEGROUPS.COM list and I will try and get you a copy each month

2. Emergency Medicine Practice

Each month, one topic is chosen and a critical appraisal is written providing an excellent update on the current literature that is highly relevant and entertaining to read. The directions below are only for the first time you access this resource, after that you can go directly to their web site.

a. http://www.emra.org

b. Login - you will need to register the first time you login using your ACEP Member number. If you don't have this, I believe you can contact Jeanie (813) 627-5931 or contact EMRA membership@emra.org or by phone at 800-798-1822, touch 5, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm

c. Once logged in, click on "Member Benefits" from the top right hand corner.

d. Select "EM Practice Online" from the drop down menu

e. You will be taken to a registration screen for EM Practice. You will need to put in your ACEP number and some basic information. Then you will create a login name and password. I suggest using your ACEP/EMRA login name and password for simplicity.

f. After registering once, you can now go straight to the site at http://ebmedicine.net/ (tampaerdoc, 1hominid)

3. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice

Each month, one pedi topic is chosen and a critical appraisal is written providing an excellent update on the current literature that is highly relevant and entertaining to read. The directions below are only for the first time you access this resource, after that you can go directly to their web site.

a. http://www.emra.org

b. Login - you will need to register the first time you login using your ACEP Member number. If you don't have this, I believe you can contact Jeanie (813) 627-5931 or contact EMRA membership@emra.org or by phone at 800-798-1822, touch 5, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm

c. Once logged in, click on "Member Benefits" from the top right hand corner.

d. Select "EM Practice Online" from the drop down menu

e. You will be taken to a registration screen for Pediatric EM Practice. You will need to put in your ACEP number and some basic information. Then you will create a login name and password. I suggest using your ACEP/EMRA login name and password for simplicity.

f. After registering once, you can now go straight to the site at http://pediatric.ebmedicine.net (tampaerdoc, 1hominid)

g. *note, once registered on the EM Practice site, you are automatically registered at the Pedi EM Practice site

iPHONE APPLICATIONS: Mediquations ($4.99), Medical Calc ($0.99), Epocrates Essentials (Free), Eponyms ($1.99), OB Wheel (Free), ABG (Free), Skyscape (Free), RSI ($4.99), Sedation ($4.99), Medscape (Free), EyeTestDr ($0.99), NIHSS ($2.99), PubMed OnTap ($2.99), MultiConvert (Free), iMurmur ($0.99), MyPhone+ ($2.99), Facebook (Free), TwitterFon (Free)


  1. Angela Gardner @ACEPheadliner
  2. Gordon WHeeler @ACEPheadlines
  3. Mel Herbert @melherbert


1. EM Core Content

  1. http://www.emcorecontent.com/

2. USC Essentials Course

  1. http://www.uscessentials.com/

3. All LA Conference

  1. http://www.alllaconference.com/

4. EMRA Articles

  1. http://www.emra.org/emra_articles

5. ACEP Policy Statements

  1. http://www.acep.org/practres.aspx?id=32334

Fellowship List



  1. http://thecentralline.org
  2. http://quantavie.net/


  1. JETS - Journal of Emergency, Trauma and Shock
    1. Indexed in PubMed
    2. Free full text at http://www.onlinejets.org
  2. Annals of Emergency Medicine
    1. Indexed in PubMed
    2. Also accessible directly through USF Library Catalog
    3. http://my.usf.edu --> login with email name/password --> USF Libraries --> HSC Library --> Library Catalog --> Journal Title --> Type in Title, Hit search --> Click for Online Text --> Enter volume info or year for a list of articles or specific article info if you have a reference
  3. Journal of Emergency Medicine
    1. Indexed in PubMed
    2. Also accessible directly through USF Library Catalog
    3. http://my.usf.edu --> login with email name/password --> USF Libraries --> HSC Library --> Library Catalog --> Journal Title --> Type in Title, Hit search --> Click for Online Text --> Enter volume info or year for a list of articles or specific article info if you have a reference
  4. Academic Emergency Medicine
    1. indexed in PubMed
    2. NOT carried by USF!
  5. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
    1. Indexed in PubMed
    2. Also accessible directly through USF Library Catalog
    3. http://my.usf.edu --> login with email name/password --> USF Libraries --> HSC Library --> Library Catalog --> Journal Title --> Type in Title, Hit search --> Click for Online Text --> Enter volume info or year for a list of articles or specific article info if you have a reference
  6. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine
    1. Indexed in PubMed
    2. Also accessible directly through USF Library Catalog but VIA PubMed Central
    3. http://my.usf.edu --> login with email name/password --> USF Libraries --> HSC Library --> Library Catalog --> Journal Title --> Type in Title, Hit Search --> PubMed Central