
Reasons for Councils to invest in a fleet of utility-style bicycles

Councils with bicycles in New Zealand.


Bicycle rental programs


European Cyclist's Federation Velo-city® is the largest cycling planning conference series in the world. In order to raise awareness for the next conference in Brussels in 2009, the ECF has produced a promotion video that is now on YouTube.

If you can spare a few minutes, it's worth it!


The first of 5 short videos from the Copenhagen City Council on how they've helped to get utility cycling up to a 36% ( and growing) share of traffic there.

The other 4 videos are viewable here:

'A billion bikes'


Thinking of putting a bike fleet in place for your organisation?

Check out this guide by Transport for London. The guide gives details of how to set up a bike fleet, including what bikes to choose and what safety equipment to provide. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Click here to see the responses to a questionnaire on utility cycling from the October 13 2007 New Zealand Local Government Elections.

If you know of any utility cycling initiatives or would like to add any comments or information to this site,please contact me on the e-mail address below.