LDAP SDK for OS/2 0.00 (2001-11-16)

LDAP SDK for OS/2 0.00 based on OpenLDAP 2.0.15 (http://www.openldap.com)

YANO Takashi (takasi.yano@nifty.com)



2001-11-16 0.00: Initial release


h/ include files for OS/2 lib/ static and import library files for OS/2

liblldap.lib (static link library for IBM VisualAge C/C++ 3.0)

libllber.lib (static link library for IBM VisualAge C/C++ 3.0)

liblldif.lib (static link library for IBM VisualAge C/C++ 3.0)

ldapdll.lib (import library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.0)

ldapdll41.lib (import library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.1)

dll/ dynamic library files for OS/2 l

dapdll.dll (dynamic link library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.0)

ldapdll41.dll (dynamic link library to use with IBM TCP/IP 4.1)

src/ modified SDK *.c files for OS/2 include/ OpenLDAP 2.0.15 source tree's (no change)


OpenLDAP 2.0.15 source tree's (no change)


OpenLDAP 2.0.15 source tree's (no change)





How to use:

icc -C -Gm -I\ldapsdl\h yourprog.c icc yourprog.obj libldap.lib liblber.lib libldif.lib tcp32dll.lib so32dll.lib icc yourprog.obj ldapdll.lib icc yourprog.obj ldapdll41.lib


OS/2 Warp 4 and later OS/2s have TCP/IP 4.0 runtime.

OS/2 Warp Server for e-business and later OS/2s have TCP/IP 4.1 runtime.

If you want for your LDAP programs to work on any OS/2s, I recommend you to use ldapdll.lib or libldap.lib/liblber.lib/libldif.lib.

The programs linked with ldapdll.lib must work with ldapdll.dll.

The programs linked with ldapdll41.lib must work with ldapdll41.dll.

The include path of the SDK must be H, not INCLUDE.

How to build:

build clean

clean up files

build tcpip41

build ldapdll41.dll and ldapdll41.lib

build tcpip40

build ldapdll.dll and ldapdll.lib


build libldap.lib and liblber.lib and libldif.lib