
DPhil Students

I typically take on one new student a year, but occasionally co-supervise an additional student with one of my colleagues.

The students currently working in my group are:

Buckee Scholarship, Merton College & University of Oxford, 2020-.

Masters in Physics,  ETH Zürich, 2020.      

Topics: symmetry-protected topological phases; fractionalization; anomalies


Jointly supervised by Paul Fendley

Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Scholar, 2019-21.

MSc, Math. & Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, 2020.     

BSc in Physics, McGill University, 2015-19.

Topics: symmetries in spin chains


  MMathPhys,  University of Oxford, 2018-22.     

Topics:  moiré systems

  MPhys,  University of Cambridge, 2019-24.     


Undergraduate Students

I occasionally have undergraduates working in my group, usually over the "Long Vac" (Oxford-speak for the summer break). These are usually supported by the Physics department's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, or via a bursary from an undergraduate college.