SBC) Meeting with the Salmon Beach Owners May 21, 2017

Salmon Beach Committee (SBC) Meeting with the Salmon Beach Owners

May 21, 2017 – 10 am, Tennis Court, Salmon Beach Recreational Village


Present: The Salmon Beach Committee (Terry Graff, Ken Lunde, Ellen Peet, Jill Maibach and Kel Roberts)

Tony Bennett- Area C Director

Total attendance approximately 110 lot owners, representing 71 lots.

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Chairman Kel Roberts.

Introductions and Announcements:

Kel acknowledged our neighbors the Toquaht Nation.

Kel introduced the Salmon Beach Committee (SBC) and guest.

Kel asked Area C Director, Tony Bennett, to describe his role as it relates to Salmon Beach.

He also reviewed the Statement of Conduct for the meeting and asked people to identify themselves when asking questions, and to limit their time.


· Chairman’s report – Kel Roberts

1. Kel asked for approval of the minutes of the SBC meeting held September 4, 2016. Carried by show of hands.

2. The Salmon Beach Zoning Bylaw change from marine recreational to recreational residential is still in process.

-Tom Duke asked what the difference will be with new zoning. Answer: road access will be recognized.

3. Toquart and Barkley Main Roads

a. A new culvert will be installed during the fish window later this summer. Date still to be determined. Road closures resulting from this road work will be announced and signs posted.

b. The other budgeted project is the repair/improvement of the Toquart Main slide area along Maggie Lake. Timing to be announced.

c. Also, grading of the Port Albion Road to where the current Community Forests logging activity is ongoing. That logging entails 800 trucks at 12-15/day. Please use caution and be aware that you are driving on an active logging road.

d. Improvement to the hill at Highway 4 turnoff may be scheduled for 2018.

4. Salmon Beach road – dust control will be applied this year in mid-June to all streets in Salmon Beach.

5. Burn piles

a. Yard waste has been dropped on Toquaht lands during the last year, which we have paid to have removed. Please deal with your own waste.

b. Many of you are aware that we used to have a burn area at the sani-field site, where we would have a controlled and supervised burn once or twice per year. A letter has been written to the Toquaht Nation for permission to re-activate that location and practice. The response has been that they will work with the ACRD, etc. to evaluate the possibility.

6. Sanitation –

a. A letter has been written to the Toquaht Nation for permission to install a 5000 gallon tank (this tank was approved in the original sani-field plot plan) and to conduct repairs at the sani-field as needed. The response has been that they are having an assembly in June and our request is on the agenda. We expect they will get back to us following that assembly. Tony Bennett reminded us that should the Toquaht wish to reclaim that land they are required to contribute funds toward finding an alternate location. Kel said we are not asking to expand the field, just make repairs.

b. An audience member asked who owned the land prior to the Toquaht. Kel responded that it was owned by the province. Tony added that the treaty land was allocated during the land claim and the 30 year lease for the sani-field was put in place at that time.

c. Dave Ingram asked about the funds that were set aside to evaluate the future of the sani-field. He stated that if we don’t treat the field correctly, we may have huge problems. He suggests we be pro-active and conduct a study on this topic.

d. Jill Maibach asked for a show of interest to strike a sub-committee for the purpose of researching possible options and plans for the future of our septic system. The following people volunteered: Dave Ingram, Daron Clark, Darryl Furey, Jan Versendaal, Jack Anderson, Jill Maibach, Merle Graff and Terry Graff. This committee will have a report for the September meeting.

e. Four Arrows Jacobs stated that a gray water treatment option should be included in the sani discussion.

f. Tom Duke suggested that the province had been very unresponsible in the treatment of Salmon Beach and that a proper septic system should long ago have been in place prior to our current construction and population growth.

g. An audience member suggested that the province should be forced to come up with a solution.

7. Maintenance Contractor – Ryan Smith

a. Is concerned about the sani-field and what is being deposited.

b. Dawn Sanders asked about screens on the truck and at the field. We do have screens at the field but wipes, condoms and plastic wrappers still go through.

c. Pump & Haul – REMINDER; lot owners are not to approach Ryan Smith when they require a pump out. Please contact the ACRD by phone 250-720-2700, with your civic address and payment arrangements, when you need a pump out. Also, it is important to monitor your tank and try to plan ahead for pump outs, especially from mid-May through September. The sani-field is a very sensitive system. NO condoms, baby wipes, diapers, or garbage should be flushed or placed in your sewer holding tank.

8. SBC Committee recommendation

a. Kel reported that there have been problems with the pump & haul truck and breakdowns. We have no contingency funds set aside for such occurrences, and bringing in outside help is expensive. The SBC recommends that the pump & haul fee be increased to $120/pump + PST for a total of $126/pump. Jill M. stated that the ACRD has agreed to the return of the additional funds if they are not used.

b. In preparation for breakdowns, a new pump has been acquired for the truck and is set aside. The pump truck is a 2008.

· Area C Director – Tony Bennett

1. Thanks to the SBC for their hard work.

2. Reported on a bike trail from Ucluelet to Tofino for which they are looking for funds to complete the portion going through the parks.

3. He stated that Salmon Beach has been looking for greater autonomy in operating and administering our services (transportation, garbage, security, sanitation, water, etc.) for some time, and that the ACRD has explored an alternative via a “Local Community Commission”. A provincial government report was presented at our meeting.

· 2017 Salmon Beach Budget status –

1. A handout of the 2017 budget vs actual report as of May 18, 2017 was provided for our meeting. If owners have questions regarding the budget you may contact Andrew McGifford at 250-720-2700, or email

· Salmon Beach Community Events Committee

-Gina Skippen reviewed the 2017 – 2018 Community Events for Salmon Beach. A pamphlet listing all the planned events for this season was available at our meeting. One change to the July 2nd Picnic in the Park is that, due to legalities, the committee will not be starting the 50/50 draw with $100 seed money. She thanked all volunteers who have helped so far and encourages everyone to enjoy the festivities this year. Any questions, or if you would like to volunteer your time and talents, please email

-If you incur small expenses for a sanctioned community event, please see Ellen Peet, with a copy of your receipt, who has a float and will be able to reimburse you in a timely manner.

New Business:

· A handout of the 2018 Salmon Beach Workplan Draft was provided for our meeting. The total proposed budget for 2018 including both operating and capital input is $353,430. With a total capital reserve fund yet to be determined. At 380 lots that equals $930.08 parcel tax/parcel as calculated on April 15, 2017. (The 2017 budget was $368,250.)

· Future capital expenditures and projects

1. Administration building – a R.F.P. for demolition of the existing building has been published for tender.

2. New building -Kel reminded us that a couple of years ago he obtained a quote for a new steel building, 60’ X 80’, to provide shelter for the truck and a meeting area at a cost of approximately $200,000.

-The zoning at the existing building site is appropriate for such construction.

-Daron Clark volunteered to pursue plans regarding a new community structure.

Information Updates and Discussion:

· Boat ramp - The floating dock system at the boat ramp was installed on May 12th. There is one more post to install at low tide in June and that will allow for additional floating sections to be installed.

· Beach access – has been improved

· ACRD Site Manager for Salmon Beach – the position is under review per ACRD, with a possible update in June. Once hired, the person will be available on an as needed basis, up to 12 hours/week.

· Pressured well update – Arrowsmith Water has been hired to conduct a 12 hour pump test on well #10 on June 1, 2017. The intent is for a potable water site. Richard Chambers commented that he has concerns about the site based on what has been stored and deposited there over the years. Kel responded that whatever system is installed will provide filtered and treated potable water.

· Gas tax $100,000 – Is still available to provide potable water for the community.

· Biffy reinstatement – At this time biffies are put in place for a maximum of 2 days for sanctioned events. There have been requests to reinstate them.

a. Kim McQueen stated as a senior she can’t walk as far as she wants and requests the biffies be reinstated.

b. An audience member says she has two small children and needs the biffies

c. There was general audience applause for the reinstatement idea.

d. Jill M. reminds us we are fee simple and it’s our own responsibility to deal with our sanitation needs. The problems with the biffies are created within our community. We are partners with 1st nations at the sani-field and we are obliged to abide by the lease agreement we have with them. It’s a fragile system.

e. Tony reminded us that we voted to remove the biffies last year.

f. Dave I. suggested we shouldn’t be here unless we have a plan for our sewage.

g. Bea Jacobs suggested that a proper outhouse might cause people to be more respectful.

h. Kim McQueen suggested owners get a key that requires a $50 deposit.

i. Ryan Smith said people break locks.

j. Tony pointed out that we already have unregulated access to the sani-field via people dumping their blue boxes.

k. Dave I. suggested there be a blue box dumping schedule with Ryan Smith being present.

l. Price Carson agreed that the biffies are an ongoing problem.

m. Terry Graff reminded us that every year they are abused.

n. France Chapeau suggested a pay-as-you-go plan.

Motion #1 – Moved by Kim McQueen and seconded by Greg Palmer that biffies be reinstalled – 1 at the boat launch and 1 at the community park – for the period June through September 2017. Carried by show of hands – 37 For (24 Against.)

· Volunteers working at Salmon Beach – Tony stated that discussion and review should happen for each project.

· There was an audience question regarding what do we have for security? Kel responded that we have the front gate, and Ryan does occasionally drive the area.

a. It was suggested that we close the gate 24/7.

b. Daron Clark stated there are public roads that are gated.

Motion #2 – Moved by Daron Clark and seconded by Bob Murray that the SBC investigate, in a timely manner, the viability of closing the gate 24/7.

Carried by show of hands.

· Kel asked if anyone would volunteer to be the Secretary for the SBC. Cheryl Galloway volunteered, and will start her duties as of the September 2017 meeting.

· Salmon Beach Owners communication – Kel reiterated the importance of checking the authorized Salmon Beach website for accurate and timely information regarding your community. The address is

· Volunteer Recognition – Kel

-Kel thanked the SBC for their hard work.

-He also thanked all those owners who come forward to help out. It is most appreciated.

General Vote for 2017 SBC Candidates:

Tony took over the Chair of the meeting and thanked the existing committee. In accordance with procedure Tony asked for nominations from the floor three times. After nominations, he then stated that the existing SBC of Jill Maibach, Ken Lunde, Terry Graff, Ellen Peet and Kel Roberts will stand for next year. With no others coming forward, Tony proclaimed the current SBC elected by acclimation. Ratification to be scheduled with the ACRD Board of Directors at their next meeting.

Kel thanked everyone for coming

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Bennett

Acting Secretary



2017 Budget vs. actual as of May 18, 2017

2018 Draft Budget

2017-2018 Community Events pamphlet

ACRD Staff Report on Local Community Commission

Salmon Beach Pump & Haul Analysis