Meeting Minutes of the Salmon Beach Committee - May 22, 2016 Meeting with the Salmon Beach Owners

Salmon Beach Committee Meeting with the Salmon Beach Owners

May 22, 2016 – 10 am, Tennis Court, Salmon Beach Recreational Village

Amended on September 18, 2016


Present: The Salmon Beach Committee (Terry Graff, Ken Lunde, Ellen Peet, Jill Maibach and Kel Roberts)

Tony Bennett- Area C Director

Andrew McGifford – ACRD Manager of Environmental Services

Chantel Gemmel – ACRD site manager

Alex Reaburn – ACRD onsite staff temporary replacement

Total attendance approximately 65 lot owners, representing 54 lots.

The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am by Chairman Kel Roberts.

Introductions and Announcements:

Kel introduced the Salmon Beach Committee (SBC) and guests.

He also reviewed the Statement of Conduct for the meeting and asked people to identify themselves when asking questions, and to limit their time.


· Chairman’s report – Kel Roberts

1. The Salmon Beach Zoning Bylaw change from marine recreational to recreational residential is still in process, but may be implemented in June following public consultation and confirmation by the ACRD Board.

2. The SBC met with the ACRD on May 10, 2016 and the following new items were discussed and are hereby recommended for implementation by the SBC:

a. A new pump is needed for the pump and haul truck.

b. Storage for the pump and haul truck. Note: There is a well head beneath the existing storage area which may impact the vehicle storage location.

c. Sani-field cutting is needed at this time. This is a job which will go to tender.

3. Pump & Haul – lot owners are not to approach Ryan Smith when they require a pump out. Please contact the ACRD by phone 250-720-2700, with your civic address and payment arrangements, when you need a pump out. Also, it is important to monitor your tank and try to plan ahead for pump outs, especially from mid-May through September. The sani-field is a very sensitive system. NO condoms, baby wipes, diapers, or garbage should be flushed or placed in your sewer holding tank. If the sani-field gets plugged it presents a huge problem for the entire community.

· Area C Director – Tony Bennett

1. Thanks to the SBC for their hard work.

2. Thanks to Russell Dyson. Tony believes Salmon Beach receives good service.

3. Thanks to Andrew McGifford for filling in on the budget for Salmon Beach, and congratulations on transitioning to Manager, Environmental Services.

4. Thanks to Chantel Gemmel.

· 2016 Salmon Beach Budget status – Andrew McGifford

1. Thanks to the SBC and to Chantel.

2. He looks forward to working with Alex Reaburn, who will be filling in for Chantel during maternity leave.

3. Garbage: A new garbage bin was purchased and a decision was also made to pay for rinsing the bin. Each year $2000 is put aside for replacement bin(s).

The wooden step up to the new bin is not satisfactory at this time and will be fixed shortly. Please pack out what you pack in.

4. Recreation: Thanks to Paul Smood, Richard Chambers, Chris McGregor, Greg Palmer, Ross Styles, Rommie Zboyovsky, and all other volunteers who came out on May 7, 2016 to assist with the installation of the floating dock system.

5. Administration Building – the proposal received to bring the Admin. Bldg. up to repair status is $30,000. As we need shelter for the pump and haul truck and other amenities, Andrew recommends studying whether construction of a new building should be undertaken. A proposal will be available at the Sept. meeting.

6. Transportation: There has been repair to several bridge approaches. Two road gradings were missed this year. Randy Fraser has provided information on interior roads and drainage. More information on improvements to roads will be forthcoming at the September 2016 meeting.

7. The Well Report has been published on the Salmon Beach website. There will be a letter to come next week from the ACRD/VIHA regarding accessing well heads on private property. Please check with Land Titles for your own lot to see if there is a well easement on your lot. It is up to individuals to research the status of their own lot with regard to wells.

8. The only well that the ACRD has an interest in is the one located at the Admin. Building. The Electoral Directors have access to gas tax funds. Russell Dyson has been successful with his application on our behalf for a grant of $100,000 from these funds, to be utilized toward a potable water source for the SB Community. It will not be a large source of water. The well site will not necessarily remain where it currently is. Recreational properties are not as likely as other types of properties to receive this type of funding, so this is a fortunate and positive decision for Salmon Beach.

9. An audience member voiced his concern about the notion of “paying as you go” for the potable water and the costs to Salmon Beach, including the operating costs moving forward.

10. Road Maintenance Update –

-Dust control to be completed in June as per Randy Fraser.

-Other road infrastructure, ditching and culvert pipes to be standardized, following an engineering report, in the near future.

11. Andrew indicated that if owners have questions about the 2016 Budget to please contact him at 250-720-2700, or email

New Business:

· Review of the 2017 Salmon Beach proposed Budget and Workplan. Kel reviewed the draft budget, a copy of which was presented at the meeting, and asked for questions or comments.

1. Andrew indicated that the way funds are allocated has changed this year, but not much has changed as far as the amount of the budget.

2. Ellen Peet pointed out that the cost of the in-fill for the North side of Short Street is not included in this 2017 draft budget.

3. Andrew will have detail of expenses for review at the September 2016 meeting, and pointed out that there is surplus that is carried forward each year which is not reflected in this draft.

4. Wynna Jorgensen asked about the $1500 beach access line item under the Recreation envelope, and wishes to request that the ramp to Sandy Beach be cleared each Spring to facilitate kayak access, and also easier access for families and older folks.

5. Andrew reviewed out of the ordinary expenses:

a. $2000 truck repair. The condition of the truck is not good due to exposure to the elements.

b. The front gate is not operating properly. Ron McKinlay, an electrician, is willing to have a look at it. It may be a capacitator problem. The gate was damaged recently by someone jacking it open and bending it. Chantel has had discussion with the electronics supplier trying to find a fix. The security camera does not show who is responsible for the vandalism. (Deer Bay also experienced vandalism to two of their machines recently which has delayed a lot of their jobs. They now have a security camera.)

The total 2017 proposed budget is $368,250, with a total capital reserve fund yet to be determined. Kel reported that the parcel tax for 2017 is expected to be approximately $969.08/lot based on 380 lots. (This represents approximately a 6% increase over the 2016 budget which was $346,250.)

· Future capital expenditures and projects

1. The Boat Ramp - The floating dock system at the boat ramp was installed on May 7. There is one more post to install at low tide in June and that will allow for two additional floating sections to be installed which have already been paid for.

2. Dave Ingram asked about volunteerism. How can it be implemented to everyone’s satisfaction and who can be included? The SBC will research this.

3. An audience member suggested reimbursing Paul Smood for expenses he incurred for flagging the large rocks in the shallow access channel to our boat ramp. The crowd applauded. Paul declined any reimbursement.

4. Deer Bay’s grading contract ends March 2017. A new contract will go to tender.

5. Jill Maibach suggested that we create a list of Salmon Beach volunteer roles, when and what type of work they will perform, who is interacting, if it’s a WCB issue, and if there are other things we want to volunteer for, and request a quote for liability insurance to cover volunteers.

· The Administration Building: there was one quote of $30,000 for its repair.

-Merle Graff pointed out that the floor is rotten as well as the subfloor, and has been for several years.

-Kel reminded us that a couple of years ago he obtained a quote for a new steel building, 60’ X 80’, with a bathroom, kitchen, meeting room, storage, and shelter for the truck at a cost of approximately $200,000.

-Andrew pointed out that the zoning at the existing building site is appropriate for such construction.

-Tony Bennett said we need to create a budget for a proposed new building.

-Andrew reported that there is $25,000 allocated to the Admin. Bldg. repair, and those funds could be reallocated towards a plan for a new building.

Colleen Zdan is concerned that there has been no access to our Community Building for two years, and wants to know how much longer, and believes that because of this, timing for construction is important.

-Dave Ingram asked if the Department of Highways currently owns the land. It is currently on “highways road allowance”.

-Richards Chambers questioned the legality of the proposal due to site ownership. The Department of Highways will have to be contacted for direction.

Motion #1: It was moved by Ellen Peet and seconded by Jill Maibach that the $25,000 currently allocated for repair of the Admin. Bldg. be reallocated and utilized towards coming up with a plan for a new building. It was emphasized that the cost for removal of the existing Admin. Bldg. be included in this initial $25,000.

Carried by show of hands. (Note: Such an expense would go to referendum)

· Salmon Beach Events Committee – Gina Skippen, Cindy and Ken Lunde

-Ken reviewed the 2016 Events Committee pamphlet that was handed out at the meeting. It is not as packed with events this year. The committee recommends that due to the large amount of work involved, the fishing derby should occur in alternate years. He reminded us that volunteers are needed, and that these events give us a good sense of community.

-If you incur small expenses for a sanctioned community event, please see Ellen Peet, with a copy of your receipt, who has a float and will be able to reimburse you in a timely manner.

· Pump and Haul fee increase – Andrew

-A pump and haul fee increase to $150/pump for 2016 had been recommended by the ACRD at a recent SBC/ACRD meeting, with a proposed increase to $200 for 2017. Andrew reported that, after review, the actual cost is $140 to operate each pump and haul, and suggests that the fee be increased to $140. He pointed out the limited capacity of our sani-field.

-Dave Ingram suggested that if we keep increasing the cost, people may do other things with their sewage than act appropriately.

-Colleen Zdan suggested that the haul-your-own people should pay a fee instead of pumping for free.

-Jill Maibach suggested that Salmon Beach is our community and we must have a voice in what happens here.

Motion #2: It was moved by Dave Ingram and seconded by Price Carson that the fee for pump and haul remain as it is. Carried by show of hands.

· Highway sign proposal from the Toquaht Nation – Kel

The Toquaht Nation is installing signage at the base of the hill as you turn off Highway 4, and has invited us to have a “Salmon Beach” sign added to one of the sign posts. The cost would be $3000, with an additional $200 annual maintenance fee. Kel asked for a show of hands of those in favor of participating. 2 people were in favor.

· Proposal to fund improvements to Wendy Creek Bridge – Richard Chambers

-Kel pointed out that Macoah Village is constructing a sewage treatment plant and that they are already hauling through Salmon Beach.

-Richard reported that the Wendy Creek Bridge needs a capacity upgrade. In order to facilitate the upgrade, and reduce gravel truck traffic through Salmon Beach, he has spoken with Macoah Village who will contribute $15,000 towards logs, BC Hydro who will contribute no funds at this time, and Ministry of Forests who will cover the engineering, environmental and signage costs for the project. The upgrade is estimated to cost $130,000. New stringers are necessary, etc. It is estimated that the new life of the bridge would be 20-25 years.

-After review and discussion with all the appropriate government parties, Richard reports that the cost to Salmon Beach for our portion of the Wendy Creek Bridge upgrade is estimated at $8,000-$10,000, ($10,000 divided by 380 lots = $26.32/lot.), and recommends that we contribute funds toward the upgrade. Timing is of the essence.

-The bridge is located outside of Salmon Beach property, however its status impacts us; from both an access, and from truck traffic going through our community point of view.

-Chantel spoke with Rick Shafer about this issue, and the Toquaht Nation has requested a meeting with the ACRD in the near future. Plus she mentioned there is not $10,000 in the 2016 Budget for such an expense.

-Terry Smith has spoken with Noah Mack at Macoah regarding log supply, which is available now. And he suggests that we fix the Bridge before the trucks start hauling regularly on the back road. We need to act as quickly as possible.

-Andrew admits that the Transportation envelope of the Budget contains a capital reserve.

-Price Carson supports the reallocation of funds to cover Salmon Beach’s portion of the Bridge upgrade because of the opportunity we have here.

-Tony Bennett brought up the need to follow “process”, and do we have the funds to reallocate?

-Jill Maibach suggests a show of hands from the owners present at the meeting whether there is support for such an expense. Do we have the desire to fund an outside asset to an outside agency?

-Andrew suggested that the Bylaws may not allow for a shift in how funds are spent.

-Kel reiterated the significant impact the current state of the Bridge has on our internal roads and community.

-Hans Heringa queried why Salmon Beach would get involved when the Bridge is out of our jurisdiction, and that there must be alternatives.

-Richard Chambers reiterated that Forestry will not participate in the actual construction, but will oversee the engineering, etc. He also stated that the hauling is scheduled to occur through October and that there will most likely be additional hauling beyond that.

Motion #3: It was moved by Richard Chambers and seconded by Jill Maibach that Andrew McGifford consult with the ACRD to investigate whether we can adjust and access funds up to the amount of $10,000 for the Salmon Beach portion of the Wendy Creek Bridge upgrade, and report back to us. Timing is of the essence for this action.

Carried by shows of hands.

· Proposed infill on North side of Short Street for parking – This issue will be addressed at the Sept. meeting.

Information Updates and Discussion:

· Salmon Beach Owners communication – Kel reiterated the importance of checking the authorized Salmon Beach website for accurate and timely information regarding your community. The address is Also, if you have questions or concerns please put them in writing and send to Kel Roberts, P O Box 132, Errington, BC V0R1V0.

· Pressurized Well update – See Item 8 under Review of 2016 Budget above.

· Volunteer Recognition – Kel

-Gina Skippen has been a great advocate for our community and we thank her.

-Thank you to all the folks who come out on a regular basis and contribute to our community on a volunteer basis.

-Kel also thanked the SBC for their hard work.

If anyone would like to help out with the community events please contact anyone on the Social Committee. They are listed on the pamphlet handed out.

-One of the pioneers of Salmon Beach, Flo Larson has passed away. She was instrumental, feisty, and participated in all things Salmon Beach. Price Carson suggested naming a street after her. Price Carson suggested that the boat ramp be renamed Larson’s Landing in honor of Flo.

· The Gathering Place – The stern/transom of the old boat is to be moved from its current location by June 18. Kevin Middlemiss was given this time line by the ACRD.

-Dave Ingram reported that a fund-raising took place and, of the funds raised, $1800 was spent on the new gravel pad, culvert pipe, etc. There are still funds available to complete the job.

-Chantel reported that the current location is a safety issue from the ACRD point of view. She suggests that any new plan will need new approval from ACRD.

-Jill Maibach asked what the significance of June 18 is. It is an arbitrary date set by the ACRD, but coincides with coming into the Summer season.

-Tony Bennett suggested that we could ask the ACRD Board for an extension if the timing of the move is an issue, and suggested that an extension shouldn’t be a huge hurdle.

· New Year’s Eve celebrations – People have built fires on the point and fires on Big Beach and left them unattended. This is a dangerous activity. It has been suggested that the New Year’s Eve festivities be moved to the playground area where there is a fire pit, etc.

· Trees – there has been an inquiry by a resident about trees blocking views. The trees in question are on Highway Right of Way. Andrew will package up tree removal to make it cost effective.

· Jo-ann Ingram reminded us that last Sept. it was agreed that Chantel would provide a record of her hours and what her time was spent on. Andrew agreed to have that report at the September 2016 meeting.

· Jill Maibach requested that the SBC receive Chantel’s log and the position review prior to the Sept. meeting.

· Patience Conley asked who checks people’s property after storms. And also wants to know if the fees for the onsite manager have gone down since the departure of Kathleen Holland. The fees have reduced by $35,000.

General Vote for 2017 SBC Candidates:

Tony took over the Chair of the meeting and thanked the existing committee. He stated that the existing SBC of Jill Maibach, Ken Lunde, Terry Graff, Ellen Peet and Kel Roberts will stand for next year. In accordance with procedure Tony asked for further nominations from the floor three times. With no one coming forward, Tony proclaimed the current SBC elected by acclimation. Ratification to be scheduled with the ACRD Board of Directors at their next meeting.

Kel thanked everyone for coming, including our guests Tony, Andrew, Chantel and Alex, and encouraged people to think about participating in the SBC next year.

Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Bennett

Acting Secretary



2017 Draft Budget

2016 Community Events pamphlet