Gresley 3669

Progress Activity

You shall go to the York ball!!

3669 Enters Service

Varnishing complete

New gangway diaphragms and fitting out the toilet

Removing the varnish

Into the shed.

Fire buckets.

Bogie Work

The completed Van end

Back to work

On the move

New seats

New flooring

More Progress with the Compartments

Completed Battery Boxes

Compartment Fittings and Battery Boxes

End Bellows and outside view minus polytunnel.

Compartment Progress

Tornado ends the polytunnel

Compartment interior

Final piece of the screen and that water tank again.

That water tank!!

Fixtures and Fittings

Corridor screen almost finished

Return of the corridor screen.

Finishing Touches (Safety)

Finishing Touches (Varnish)?

Corridor screen and transfers

.. and even more gangway faceplates

Those gangway faceplates

Looks finished but..

.. and a bit more

Van interior goes back

1st Guards door reinstated

Final goods doors reinstated

Van end stringers

Redoing the lining

1st set of Luggage Doors

More lining and seats

More doors and lining

Some doors go back

Roof cornice goes on.

End Cornice, doors and feet up

Ongoing progress.

Van end complete, last teak panel.

Corridor side complete

Complete Coach Corridor

........beading and glass

.. beading....

...... Panelling....

'B' side frame repairs

Reinstating the partitions

Filling in some gaps

'B' end panels go on

Bits you haven't seen

Side 'A' almost complete!

'A' end panels go on

Progress on side A

Body's Reunited with Frame longer rotten

That rotten floor

Frame finished!

Polytunnel damaged

Frame cleaning and painting

The Finished Polytunnel

Constructing the Polytunnel

Before the Polytunnel