Mugshots.Zone Removal

Remove Your Information from Mugshots.Zone

What is Mugshots.Zone?

Mugshots Zone is a mugshot gallery and arrest record search engine that was launched in 2021.  The website Mugshots.Zone aggregates arrest records and mugshot images from county sheriff offices and jails around the United States and publishes this information for everyone to see.

Mugshots Zone Mugshot Removal

How to Remove Mugshot Images from Mugshots.Zone

Like many mugshot websites, Mugshots.Zone can be a bit tricky to get information removed from.  In order to get your information removed from the site you will need to submit official court documentation showing that the arrest has been expunged, sealed or dismissed. 

We can help you get your Mugshot taken down from mugshot websites like MugshotsZone. Get in touch with a representative at, or Colorado online reputation repair company Defamation Defenders