
Is Erase mugshots Legit?

Erase Mugshots Review

Our #3 pick is Erase Mugshots, another service people can use to get mugshots removed from the internet. 

Erase Mugshots hasn't been around quite as long as some of the other mugshot removal services reviewed by our team, but true to its name, the Florida based company has become quite well known in the industry and provides ways to erase mugshots from many of the websites that publish mugshots and arrest records and make these records available to all of the public. Complaints


One common complaint about Erase Mugshots and many websites offering similar services is related to pricing.  With most services starting from one to three thousand dollars, many consider EraseMugshots Price to be on the high side, but not nearly the highest.

Project Duration

Project duration, or time to complete is another pain point for Erase Mugshots, a company that offers various solutions to remove information from the internet, most of which cannot be guaranteed at all, much less with a short turnaround time.

Removal Guarantees

Some customers of NetReputation (Erase Mugshots) say the company makes unrealistic guarantees regarding the removal of arrest articles and mugshot records from public record databases, mugshot websites and internet search engines.

Top Erase Mugshots Competitors

If you are doing your proper due dilligence when looking into Erase Mugshots, you will naturally want to know what rivalries it has in the mugshot removal industry.   To help toward this end, we used our research and expertise to determine Erase Mugshots biggest competitors to date: