11 - "Thirty years already..."

Вот уже тридцать лето под землёй

троечник с минусом, вертопрах, -

мальчик, который бегал за мной

на лыжах, роликах и коньках.

Даже однажды ногу сломал.

Думала, шутит. Но нет, всерьёз.

И старший брат, хоккеист-амбал,

его с катка на руках унёс.

Thirty years already beneath the ground,

a third rate student, a lighthearted fool, -

the boy, who chased after me all around

on rollerblades, skis and skates after school.

He even broke his leg once. I remember,

I thought he was kidding. But he didn’t rise.

His older brother, a huge hockey center,

carried him off in his arms from the ice.