"Have these tatters, my dear..."


На тебе, ласковый мой, лохмотья,

Бывшие некогда нежной плотью.

Всю истрепала, изорвала, -

Только осталось что два крыла.

Одень меня в свое великолепье,

Помилуй и спаси.

А бедные истлевшие отрепья

Ты в ризницу снеси.

13 мая 1918


Have these tatters, my dear, my cherished,

What was once gentle flesh, now perished.

It was torn apart, battered, and stained, -

These two wings are all that remained.

Dress me up in your splendid majesty.

And have mercy, let me be purged.

Leave the shreds, - decomposed and raggedy, -

In the vestry of the church.

May 13, 1918

[1] In many publications, this poem was included as part two of the cycle "Psyche"