WORLD BANK analysts Robert Goodland and Jeff Anfang re-evaluated world annual GHG pollution from 41.76 Gt CO2-e (FAO) to 63.80 CO2-e (methanogenic livestock impact re-assessed)

Robert Goodland and Jeff Anfang. “Livestock and climate change. What if the key actors in climate change are … cows, pigs and chickens?”, World Watch, November/December 2009: .

World Bank analysts Robert Goodland and Jeff Anfang have carefully re-evaluated the contribution of methanogenic (CH4-producing) livestock production including attendant land use to world annual greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and found that the world's annual total rose from 41.76 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent (CO2-e) as estimated by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) to 63.80 billion tonnes CO2-e, with livestock production contributing over 51% of the higher figure.