Welcome to the Home Page of the Longhorsley Tree

This is the monthly community newsletter for the parish of St Helen's - Longhorsley, Northumberland.

It contains articles, news, notices of group meetings and forthcoming events of interest to the residents of Longhorsley.

It does not publish individual opinion or campaign on behalf of any cause.

We carry a limited number of advertisements - see How to Advertise

It is distributed free to most of the homes in the parish and published on this website.

You can view and download pdf versions of the Longhorsley Tree from Back Issues

We also maintain a website with static information about Longhorsley

To make comments about this website or the paper Longhorsley Tree, please contact us.
If anyone makes a formal complaint, in writing, then it is discussed by our Editorial Board and they respond.

To contact us email longhorsley.tree@gmail.com

You can email or leave articles at the Longhorsley Village Shop.

If you leave an article in the shop, please include your phone number.

Articles must be submitted by the 20th of each month for publication at the beginning of the following month.

Note that we do not publish the newsletter in August or January.

The How to Submit page contains guidelines and templates.

The Longhorsley Tree is edited and delivered by a team of volunteers organised by St Helen's Church.
We are indebted to Longhorsley Parish Council for funding the publication.