
The Lincoln Music and Drama Festival has an arsenal of over 80 magnificent trophies which have been donated by organisations, businesses and individuals over the years since the Festival first started in 1936. Many of these trophies have been donated to the Festival in memory of loved ones who have been involved with the Festival in the past. The trophies give a wonderful insight into the history of Lincoln and the surrounding area, with many of the trophies bearing the names of companies that no longer exist but are still remembered with fondness by those of us old enough to recall those times! If you mention Woolworth’s, the Lincolnshire Chronicle, Mawer and Collingham (department store, now Binn’s, on High Street), Curtis and Mawer (furniture shop in Silver Street), The Sunday Pictorial, Duckering’s (cast iron foundary), West’s (Jaguar garage on High Street), and Spouge’s (music shop in the Cornhill), many of you will be taken back down memory lane. Individual names such as Dr Slater (Cathedral organist), Mansell’s (jewellers), the Riggall family (Ruston’s) and John Newman (piano shop on Monks Road) will bring back similar memories.

All the trophies awarded to the individuals at our Festival are retained by the winner for one year. They are responsible for returning the trophy to Ushers Jewellers in Guildhall Street, Lincoln by 31st January following receipt of the trophy. Please help the Committee Members by returning the trophies in ample time and in a good clean condition.

Please note that Trophy winners are responsible for meeting the expense of having their names engraved on the trophy (where this is permitted by the Festival). Details of whether engraving is authorised is included in the copy of the receipt retained by the winner.

All enquires regarding trophies and their return should be made with the Festival Trophies official, Tony Wintin on Lincoln 526193 or by email