ISU OPTIONS for 12A Physics (NOT AP)

12 A or Physics ISU 10% of final mark


After a brief intro by the teacher, teach yourself part of this unit. Details will be provided in class. Mark will be based on a problem set and test.

ISU Light Test Prep

Chose A, B, C, D, E or F or G for 50%

A- Make a presentation to a class on a Physics related topic (i.e. Energy, Newton’s Laws, Waves, Black Holes, Hyperspace, Weird Science, etc. ). Preferably present to a grade 6-8 class. You must arrange the presentation yourself with a teacher who will fill out an evaluation form available from me. You must also provide me with an outline before the presentation and a self evaluation after.

No. of presenters. Length

1 30 min

2 1.0 h

3 1.5 h

B– Read one (or a portion) of the following books, (or any physics related book approved by the teacher) a write a summary in your own words. 4-6 pages single-spaced. Include quotes. All rough work must be attached. No Plagiarism!!!!

"The God Species" Mark Lynas

‘A Brief History of nearly Everything’ Bill Bryson (2 copies in library)

‘ Weird Science’ Mike White (2 copies in library)

‘The Human Factor’ Kim Vicente (3 copies in library)*

‘How the Universe got its spots” (1 copy in library)

‘A Short History of Progress” Ronald Wright

‘A Briefer History of Time” Steven Hawkings

‘Bad Science” Ben Goldacre.

"What a Wonderful World: One Man's Attempt to Explain the Big Stuff" Marcus Chown

other options can be found here

Don't Even Think About It Hardcover – Aug 19 2014

by George Marshall (Author)

C- Listen to 3 hour long episodes of Quirks and Quarks and summarize 6 topics and present 2 of these to the class.

D- Prepare for and write a test on Bodies in Equilibrium. (recommended for students applying for Engineering, Architecture or Physiotherapy prep.) There will be a brief lesson and a Test outline for interested students.

E- Build a 250g bridge out of popsicle sticks and clear drying glue that can span 50cm (must be more than 50cm!!). Details on University of Guelph handout. Must be at least 5 bridges for this option to run. Competition will be on Dec 2, 2014

F- Print out, highlight main parts and summarize 7 physics related news articles dated after Sept 1 2014. NO PLAGIARISM. Use quotes when necessary, otherwise, use your own words and pick articles that you can understand.

G - listen to at least 3 h of physicists on You tube and summarize i.e. Michio Kaku, the Universe in a Nutshell. 4-6 pages double spaced