
Scattering intensity (left) and pair-distance distribution (right) function of lysozyme from experiment (blue) and simulation (red).

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (34) (2011)

front cover (inside)

Snapshot of a molecular dynamics simulation of lysozyme in a 150 mM NaCl solution.

Single-file water in a carbon nanotube.

The phase diagram of a symmetrical binary mixture. Here, the gas-liquid critical line (red) ends in critical end points.

Hydrogen bonding defects in single-file water. The L defect (top, yellow) donates two bonds without accepting any and the the D defect (bottom, blue) accepts two bonds without donating any.

The phase diagram of a symmetrical binary mixture. Here, the mixed-demixed liquid critical line (orange) ends in critical end points.