FREEZE, Jacob. US Occupier responsible for Iraqi Holocaust

Jacob Freeze is a humanitarian American photographer, artist, writer and commentator (see: ).

Jacob Freeze on the Iraqi Holocaust (2007): “The best current estimate of the number of Iraqis who have been killed in consequence of the American invasion and occupation of Iraq is 1,200,000. This figure is consistent with the earlier estimate of 655,000 published in the Lancet in October 2006, if some account is taken of the intervening orgy of sectarian killing.

The responsibilty for all this death belongs to the United States, as a matter of international law. Kofi Annan's summary of the relevant articles of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Hague Convention of 1907 is perfectly clear: "In any area under military occupation, responsibility for the welfare of the population falls on the occupying power."

I call it a Holocaust because no other word does justice to the magnitude of this abomination.” [1].

[1]. Jacob Freeze, “Iraqi Holocaust”, Daily Kos, 3 October 2007: .