My Blog Comments

At Bavarian Illuminati WordPress (unaffiliated with me), I posted some comments:


Rousseau was clearly the #1 influence on Illuminati doctrine. Hence, the origin of their ideas were French, not American. See my wordpress page:

The American revolutionaries #1 influence was John Locke. Hence, a British political theorist was the greatest influence upon them. Jefferson and Madison were the great articulators on this side of the Atlantic prior to the revolution itself.

The Illuminati likely died when Montgelas fell from power in 1817 in Bavaria. Their members may have been absorbed in Mazzini’s Young Europe movement much later.


The best example of what an Illuminati society looks like is Knigge’s popular travel fantasy books from 1783-1785 of an island paradise. Half the island land was divided early on among those alive. Then each year, the new adults are given a piece of land to till for their family. All the excess food production is shared among the old, infirm and widows. There is no study of science, for this agrarian world is happy enough. Woman have equal education with men. One could believe in God, but no one was compelled to do so. The laws were entirely neutral on the subject. Any transgressor of the fundamental laws is blindfolded, put on a ship, and sent to the outside world with no means to find a way back. There is no death penalty for any crime. The only administrators were the judges who made these decisions. Otherwise, there were no rulers. “No state ever existed in that happy isle.”

The original edition is Knigge’s work entitled Peter Clausens Geschichte in drei Teilen [The History of Peter Clausens] (Riga, Latvia: 1783-1785). An English translation — available through is Knigge, The German Gil Blas: or, the adventures of Peter Claus. (London: C. and G. Kearsley, 1793) Vols. 1 and 2. Volume one of Peter Clausen is available online from at and volume two at

The same type of world is espoused during the French Revolution in 1791 by Nicolas Bonneville in The Spirit of Religion (L’Esprit des Religions). Nicolas was the Bavarian Illuminatus at Paris who led the Cercle Social. I translated his work which I retitled as Illuminati Manifesto of World Revolution.

In 1793, Maréchal – a member of Cercle Social — in Corrective of the Revolution (Correctif á la Révolution) likewise defended the same kind of idealized world. He added that the father of the family was the center of society, and thus filial love binded society together. As a result, there was no need for a state — no governed and no governors. Just wise distributors of the excess production. (I translate this pamphlet at page 313 et seq of Illuminati Manifesto of World Revolution.)

In 1793, Maréchal teamed up with Babeuf — another member of the Cercle Social, and outlined a world communist system which slightly differed from Knigge’s and Bonneville’s dreams. Maréchal and Babeuf anticipated the voluntary enrollment in their non-governmental system by peoples once they saw the social advantage of the great distributive store house of goods. The new society did not incorporate an agrarian law anymore (as Knigge & Bonneville had envisioned), but maintained the communal right of property – something familiar to French farmers where pasture land was used / held in common to graze cattle. And the key was in this system “there was no more governed and no more governors.”

(During the French Revolution in 1792, Bonneville’s agrarian law was tried with communal lands, and the peasants rebelled, for it cut off their use of communal lands for grazing. So Marechal and Babeuf turned to ‘communism’ because the peasants in 1792 preferred the status quo. How ironic most people do not understand the impetus of communism in radical theory was first adopted as a conservative amendment to adapt to peasant communal traditions.)

Hence, the true Illuminati dream is best reflected in their own member’s writings starting with Knigge. It also includes the writers from the Cercle Social at Paris — the Illuminati of Bavaria hidden under another name. And its outspoken dreamers were Bonneville, Maréchal and Babeuf.

The Illuminati plan was always libertarian aiming at no government, where friendly-family-like cooperation reigned to share an agrarian style of living. And that dream, of course,started with Rousseau who declaimed against the evils of modern city-living, urging all to return to an agrarian lifestyle.