
Matthew's Two

Matthew's Two, is tightly written to the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter two, and is the third in the HESUS JOY CHRIST series, after Matthew's Two Four and Matthew's One Too! . It is generally considered to be a chapter in the Bible that tells of the visit of the Magi or Wise Men, and the escape to Egypt.

The discussion of Matthew's Two is being written now, after the discussion of Matthew's One Too! has now been written. The discussion of Matthew's Two Four and Matthew's Three Fold are complete and on their respective pages of this website.


from the opening of the discussion of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Three Fold

Well here we go ! Try to keep up because there are many angles to this text and it's discussion will cover all the angles I can find in both texts and the relationship between the two texts, which carries a fourth level of meaning. That is – the meaning of each text individually ( 2 meanings ), the meaning when both texts are viewed together ( 3rd meaning ) and the meaning of the relationship ( 3rd meaning ) in the context in which we share – real life ( the 4th meaning ) !

Stepping back a bit, let's acknowledge a few things . We are talking about religion – specifically christianity, which I believe is essentially forgiveness to the ultimate degree . All religions have their strengths, in fact all are valid and relevant . Forgiveness is either a spoken or unspoken element in many religions. I believe forgiveness is essential, and that is why I am christian .

Many religions have elements of Whole and Part . Ying-Yang for example . Other terms are Agency and Communion, Reductionistic and Holistic, one and many, or Male and Female . All that exists has both a wholistic aspect and a partial aspect . Everything that exists is part of a context, and wholly made of parts . To bring something into existence one must address both the whole and the part, both the context and the specific, aspects .

Furthermore, everything that exists has an inclination to either whole or part . The approach to anything assesses the balance of whole and part in that thing . An imbalance is always apparent, and the inclination of any approach is to correct the thing to obtain balance . If it appears too partial it must be corrected . If it appears too wholistic it must be corrected . The fallacy is that anything that exists is not in balance . In other words, if you may approach it then it does exist and if it exists it must already be in balance . Forgiveness allows the balance to exist without correction, and accepts that all things are in balance . This is somewhat a Buddhist opinion or faith . The important thing is to SEE the balance and not be moved to correction by any APPARENT imbalance . Otherwise the urge to correct leads to confrontation and a need to make things unbalanced and favoring whole or part over the other . A key thing about christianity is that it will forgive any apparent imbalance to the extreme of self destruction, but the self destruction is only apparent and not real ! This last idea is explored in the animation entitled HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two Four which is a chapter about ends .

If whole and part are termed female and male, then this forgiveness that exists between the sexes will allow marriage, which is capable of creation, if not joy and contentment . The whole of HESUS JOY CHRIST points to marriage as the further salvation of humankind, which is based on the essential character of Jesus that is essential for any successful marriage of any whole and part or female and male .

All people are called to different vocations, whether single celibacy, marriage, or other . Marriage is essential to society as a union of whole and part that creates new meaning and life . Marriage is a resource that produces new understanding and creates far more than just babies . This in no way diminishes christianity, because without ultimate forgiveness and sacrifice no marriage will survive . It will end when a partial or whole attitude fails to forgive a whole or partial attitude . Once one has taken up the challenge of Christ and begun to follow him, some sort of witness of the union of whole and part is where one must head, fully armed with forgiveness .

Moving on, evil is real, and forgiveness is how to deal with it . This third chapter of the Gospel of Matthew is about Jesus' baptism by his cousin, John the Baptist . John the Baptist was not preaching forgiveness, nor rebirth through death from forgiveness, but repentance which is turning from doing evil and trying again . Obedience to the Law, as turning from evil, will make balance apparent and allow the balance to be acknowledged and seen . But no one has ever been able to obey the fullest intent of the Law without the benefit of infinite grace . In other words, no one has ever been able to keep the Law when circumstances were against them . Jesus was able to obey the Law but it lead to his very public death . Many others have died obeying the Law in much less honoured deaths . Death – what is it really ? Death will be discussed elsewhere – perhaps in a further discussion of Matthew's Two Four .

Finally, one may choose to keep the issue of the existence of God out of this discussion . For my part, God is an infinite goal, infinitely present as an infinite goal, colouring our perception of existence . Whether God is a person, male or female, is beyond this immediate discussion, but worth discussing in some other writing . Suffice it to say, for now, that whatever has been created exists within infinity and it is all, entirely, good .


Ash Wednesday, March 9th, 2011


This is written after the discussion of Matthew's Two Four, the discussion of Matthew's One Too ! and the discussion of Matthew's Three Fold were written, and before the discussion of Matthew's Foretold. Matthew Chapter two, is the story of the visit of the Magi, wise men from the east, and both the escape to Egypt and the return to Nazareth. Matthew's Two is a similar story of the coming of the infant One, its Escape Into Civilization and the Return to Nativity.

The One is the marriage relationship, or balance of male and female or part and whole. This discussion will be about the coming of the infant One into the world in the form of a marriage-like relationship. This One needs to be protected and nurtured to come to fullness and maturity.

The infant One is the understanding of the necessity of a balance whole and part, and the faith of marriage, which must be nurtured and cultivated. It appears in relationships, especially romantic relationships, and must be taken care of and nurtured to reach maturity. This care can be interfered with and obstructed, as it frequently is, by other interests in the life of the spouses. Matthew's Two is the story of the trials of nurturing the One relationship.


Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, November 20th, 2011


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Drop Your Shorts - Revue Cinema open screening .

Revue Cinema's Drop Your Shorts next open screening is Thursday, November 5th, so the countdown clock is running for me to complete the next HESUS JOY CHRIST - Matthew's Two.


By the way, the theme song for HESUS JOY CHRIST is complete and I just might post it here as a teaser ....

ngoh ngoi neih pauh yahng

culprit: R David Foster incident 10/07/2009 09:47:00 AM


Monday, November 2, 2009

HESUS JOY CHRIST - Matthew's Two ! Drop Your Shorts - Revue Cinema Screening

HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two !

is being screened this Thursday, November 5th, at the Revue Cinema on Roncesvalles, in Toronto, as part of their open screening called Drop Your Shorts .


Since the text is so closely tied to the original second chapter of the Gospel of Matthew I have provided the original text below. You would be wise to read it over before viewing the animation to double your viewing pleasure ! I will post the animation here on Sunday or Monday next, complete with the text of the animation - HESUS JOY CHRIST - Matthew's Two !


Discussion of Matthew's Two

Verse 1 The Visit of the Magi

1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi d from the east came to Jerusalem

d 1 traditionally wise men

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 1 The Visit of the Daughters

1 After the One was conceived in the body of Christ, under the household, majestic daughters of communion came to the church. . . .

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 1 Discussion

NIV Bible text verse 1

Here we go again !

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which was known as the city of David, in the region of Judea, under the reign of King Herod. The people of the One God, were as a house of God, a living temple to Him, just as we are temples to God in our bodies, and form the body of Christ, the church. The people of God are one, as a family is one, under the head of the household, who for Judea was King Herod. He was not a religious leader, but a puppet king of the Roman Empire.

The One can be found in many places, including scripture as the Lord, in Christ, the anointed One, and in the church, the body of Christ, as well as in healthy marriages. The One is present as Christ is present, in the Eucharist or Communion. To conceive of the One, is to recognize the One as one may encounter it, and once this is achieved, one seeks it out wherever it may be found.

I find the title “Magi” to be a root of the word “majestic”, so in this story, the Magi, or Wise Men, are played by three majestic daughters of communion. Old wise men are played by young daughters. This is a story of young romantic love, found in the church by three young women, as opposed to the cold old love of majesty. Actually, though, in my mind, one daughter is a married elder, another is middle aged and married, and a third is a middle aged single person. All three have conceived of the joy of the One and are chasing it down, as this story plays out. Each however, is in a different situation, as one is a married leader, another is married and the third is single, yet these three friends have found the One and are pursuing it from each of their situations in life. Each has their own household within which they act. The household is unique to each of the three, from each of their perspectives. Yet they all encountered the One in Communion.

As well, the body of Christ, the church, has born the idea and being of the One to the world, as Mary bore Christ into the world.

The One, as a balance of whole and part, wholistic and reductionistic, yang and yin, female and male, as well as communion and agency, is alive and leading them, and not definable. The use of the word “communion” is not a mistake, as the Communion or Eucharist of the church, is a wholistic influence, as the name suggests. But as well, whole and part can be expresses as east and west, as the west is reductionistic or partial as opposed to the wholistic nature or wholeness of the east. The United States, as an example of the western world, is reductionistic when compared to China or other eastern lands such as Japan or Korea. But then again, Japan is reductionistic when compared to China, and North Korea is wholistic when compared to South Korea.

So Wise Men from the East, in this story, are played by daughters of Communion. Get it ?

And so now, as the story is told, the city of Jerusalem has become the church , an architectural being of spiritual leadership. This is not as hard to make sense of as one may imagine!

And now to flesh out this blog post, let's discuss romantic love. Romantic love is seen as contrary to holiness by some, but as my understanding of this Theology of the Body stuff coming from the Catholic Church, the union of male and female is a participation in the union of the Trinity, and is very holy ! So the attitude that daughters of the church are misbehaving by chasing down romantic love, if they are sincere and committed, has to go !

Many people believe that young love is irresponsible and too much for adolescents to be involved in, but isn't that societies fault ? If society demands so much education while neglecting basic human nature, so much so that a teenage pregnancy is considered a tragedy, isn't something wrong with society ? Even in this case, where the three daughters are of middle age, why need there be a problem with these adults pursuing the One of romantic love ? Surely the two married persons may pursue romantic love in their marriages, especially the person with the leadership role !

Mary was an adolescent and God chose her as she was.

Many people fault the Catholic Church for not allowing married priests so as to effectively minister to married couples. Yet this condemnation of romantic love is just as present in the protestant churches.

If God is love, and the Trinity is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or rather, the mind, self knowledge and self love, then in light of the Theology of the Body, such condemnation of romantic love as between married couples is absurd. And restricting both youth and adults from romantic committed love is just wrong.


Sunday, November 13th, 2011


Verse 2 . . .. 2and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east e and have come to worship him.”

e 2 OR star when it rose

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 2 .. ...2and asked: “ Where is the One who has been born above all ? We have felt his joy in communion and have come to adore him .”

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 2 Discussion

Who was born to be king of the Jews? The Messiah, or anointed one, was promised in scripture to the Jews. As the Messiah, he had four tasks to complete, which were, gather the people, cleanse the temple, deal with the enemies of Israel, and reign as king of all nations. In a book entitled The Real Messiah A Jewish Response to Missionaries , the case is made that Jesus of Nazareth did not accomplish any of the tasks of the Messiah. But Christians claim he accomplished all the tasks of the Messiah. Christians claim that Jesus gathered the sinners, cleansed the temple, whether the building or the bodies of the people, dealt with sin and Satan as the real enemies of Israel, and greatly ruled as king of the nations, as many western nations govern under God. Even in the United States, where there is a separation of church and state, prayers at least use to be said, in Congress and the Senate.

So this baby born in Bethlehem, was sought after to be acknowledged by Wise Men from the east, who in spite of being wise, thought the current establishment in Jerusalem would be aware of his birth. They unwittingly brought the threat on his life from Herod. In seeking to praise him they brought upon him the threat of death. This is not so uncommon an occurrence. In seeking to praise, one draws attention to the tall grass, that will cause it to be cut off.

So as king of the Jews, to rule all the nations, this is what it means to be born above all. The majestic daughters have not known any greater One, so this One is above all else.

So they saw his star in the east, and this was the guide of the wise men, to both the place and time of the birth of the anointed one. The star is the specific and the east is the context. In the animation text, the joy is the specific guide and the context is communion, whether the Eucharist or the unity of the church. The joy can be felt and can guide one as in the game where the players are either hot or cold depending on how close they are to the prize. If one feels joy they proceed until the joy passes, then they redirect themselves until the joy returns.

Adoration is a form of worship. But adoration includes personal love as well as honour and glory and blessings. The three majestic daughters are asking the church, instead of the people of Jerusalem, where the One is, so that they may adore him further. The church doesn't know. This is beyond the churches comprehension.

The One may be referred to in the third person, as masculine, since in this case it is considered other than us, as opposed to being united with us, when it would be referred to as feminine in the third person. The three majestic daughters have encountered the One, but he passes and they seek him out where they have not been. He is apart from them.

Since they felt the joy of the One in communion, they naturally ask the church where it can be found, just

as the wise men from a foreign land, ask the locals where the king of the locals can be found. The church generally has no idea where the One can be found, just as King Herod has no idea where the king of the Jews can be found, as he considers himself King of the Jews, and the church believes it has the highest and greatest joy. This joy that the majestic daughters have encountered is considered foreign to the church, just as any other king is considered a threat to Herod. Another understanding is that as the three majestic daughters come to know the One, their adoration of the One grows, or rather they come to adore him.

This whole scene is like a child asking their parent a confounding question. A question such as “Where do babies come from?” can confound a parent who strains to answer the child both honestly and in a way they can understand, as well as present the appropriate attitude with which the child should approach sex and birth.

Finally, God save whoever bears a temptation to the majestic daughters of communion. The head of the household will take action against anyone who bears an alternative to their authority, just as King Herod seeks the death of any child considered as born to be king of the Jews. It does not matter that the bearer or child is only a part of all that is to come, they must be eliminated as they are the means by which it will come. The action of Herod is against God, and the baby Jesus is only the means by which God comes, and therefore the target of Herod. Likewise, the means by which the One comes will be the target of the head of the household, and the head of the household, as well as the church, may choose to act against God by acting against the bearer of the One. The One may be considered to be God, as it is an infinite source, but God is unfathomable and undefinable, so any image of God, such as a One, is not God, but rather only another image of God. God does not live in the Sistine Chapel any more than He lives anywhere else, but there is an image of God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, November 20th, 2011


Verse 3 3When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 3 3 When the head of the household heard this, all the church was disturbed.

from the animation text of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 3 Discussion

So the role of King Herod is played by the head of the household. A matriarch of a family is the economic and social leader of the family, as the king is the social and economic leader of the nation. More commonly though, in western society, it is a patriarch who is the head of the household. It doesn't matter whether it is a female or a male leader who has authority over the household, just as it doesn't matter whether a queen or a king is in control, neither is interested in entertaining any challenge to their authority.

To call Jesus “Lord” or “King”, is to give Him authority over economic and social issues, as well as everything else. He as well, asks for total obedience to His authority. He wants all of me, you, or us, more so than any other king. But He wants us to surrender to Him willingly, and will not force us to pay Him homage, but rather patiently waits and encourages each of us to acknowledge Him and accept His blessings.

So trying to serve two masters will make one hate one master and love the other master. Jerusalem at the time, had two masters, and God as well. The King Herod, the Roman rule, and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of being itself. And this choice between these three would have to be made daily. Jesus was challenged whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Rome or not. He answered with the question “Who's face is on the coin?”. Being the Roman Emperor's face on the coin, Jesus said “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's”. And that is the way to sort out how to deal with more than one master, but still leaves the love of one and the hatred of the other.

So if there is the head of the household, the head of the nation, and the King of Heaven, then give to each his due. The problem arises when one authority wants homage out of its jurisdiction. The church may be all knowing in the way of following Christ as Lord, but it has failed in directing how one should proceed once one is committed to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This the church has left up to the individual to sort out on their own. And this is where this idea of marriage picks up. The idea of the One of marriage demands the application of all Jesus taught and was, or is, to the sacred relationship of marriage. Any interference by any authority, whether the nation or the household, is interference in the application of the direction of Jesus. This is why the household and the church were disturbed when they heard the question of the previous verse - “Where is the One who has been born above all? We have felt his joy in communion and have come to adore him”, - they were enjoying undue authority over the relationships of the members of the household, or nation, and recognized this question and expression of love as a threat to their authority. The household saw a devotion greater than it knew, to an other beyond their authority, and the church likewise saw a devotion greater than it knew, again, to an other beyond its authority.

This is common in popular culture, this overbearing interest of the parent or parents, in the relationship of their adult children. Surely adolescents need guidance, but this is not forever, as even the crown acknowledges that adults, over the age of 18, are responsible for their own decisions, regardless of whether their parents feel they are capable or not. Indeed, many parents deliberately undermine the adult child's ability to take care of themselves independently of their parents, so as to keep them under the authority of the household. This servitude is different in each culture, but prevalent in all cultures. It is as rampant with fathers as it is with mothers, with respect to male adult children as it is for female adult children.

And this overbearing influence of a parent or parents undermines any One relationship the adult child may venture into. It truly becomes a marriage of two families, and the ensuing battle for control between them, rather than a significant balance of whole and part in the form of a marriage of equals. Not only that, the parents of the adult child have their own relationship as husband and wife that suffers neglect by the undue attention given to the adult children. Both fathers and mothers are guilty of neglecting their spouse in the interest of maintaining authority over their adult children.


Sunday, the first day of Advent, November 27th, 2011


Verse 4 4 When he had called together all the chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christa was to be born.

a 4 OR Messiah

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 4 4 When all were consulted the head asked where the Christ was to be born.

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 4 Discussion

Looking back now, I could have written “One” instead of “Christ”, but what I wrote, I wrote.

As a union of whole and part, Christ, or the Messiah, or the Anointed One, has dominion over all of us. We each are inclined toward the whole or the part, whether by choice or gender, and this inclination moves existence forward, albeit in a struggle as well as in peace. We are limited to the extent in which we are a union of whole and part, as a world or as individuals. Christ is the union of whole and part, in history as well as for all time. Christ is the Word, before all worlds. This eternal union of whole and part which is existence can be brought forth in marriage as well as many other ways. We all exist in this union of whole and part and anything new is created first as a union of whole and part. So in marriage there is the potential for creation, to the extent that the union of whole and part exist. Christ, as union of whole and part, is synonymous with the One of marriage.

So the head of the household, having heard the daughters ask where the infant One was, must track down this challenge to their authority, under the guise of curiosity and genuine interest. This is what Herod was doing and this is what the head of the household does. Under the assumption that they have the best interest of the infant One or the infant Christ as their intention, they draw their enemy closer than their friends and prepare to deal with this challenge to their authority.

The members of the church, or the chief priests and teachers of the law, may be open to the gift of the One or Christ, but nevertheless, they unwittingly allow the infant One or the infant Christ to be threatened. Each member of the church must choose for themselves if they will accept this occurrence or oppose it. There will not be a consensus arrived at, but rather, each person will decide for themselves if they will accept the One or the Christ and act accordingly.

So the One or the Christ, may appear as a person, but in reality it is a relationship. The other person in your relationship my appear to you as the One, but in reality the One is the relationship you have with the other person, rather than the other person themselves. This is a common error, this confusing the joy of the relationship with the other person, the object of your intentions. The other person may truly be the essential origin of your joy, but in reality it is your relationship with the other person that is the true source of the joy. The other person without you is nothing more than any other stranger, but your relationship with that individual bears great joy.

This true source of joy, the relationship, is trickier to explain with respect to Jesus Christ, but is still true of your relationship with Jesus Christ. To begin with, did you ever personally shake Jesus' hand ? No you haven't. But Jesus is a source of great joy. He did many things, in the past, but it is His presence to you today that brings you joy. You have not shaken hands with Jesus, but you live in an eternal relationship with Him and this is the true source of your joy. The relationship with Jesus is present to you today, if Jesus the man is not present to you today.

That is why it is so important to act on your relationship with Jesus, or your spouse, so that the relationship may bear fruit. The consequences of your actions are the only thing that really exists in this world, that can bear witness to the relationship, which bears witness to the eternal existence of the Christ or the One. The little things we do each day for Jesus or our spouse are the only things that exist in reality, and especially so for those beneficiaries of our actions based on our relationship with Jesus. What ever you do for the least of these, you do for Jesus. And the same is true for the One of the marriage relationship – whatever you do for your spouse, no matter how inconsequential, you did for Jesus, the Christ, and the One of marriage.

Finally, sometimes it is important to do nothing. This allows the spouse to come to act on the relationship. Joseph, allowed Mary to nurture Jesus in her way, and supported the Holy Family as best he could. He safely took them into hiding in Egypt, and safely brought them back to Nazareth, as opposed to Bethlehem, where Herod's influence still threatened the infant Christ. But the immaculately conceived Mary, was the one to raise Jesus up to fulfill his mission, with the blessings of Joseph. Joseph may have known that Jesus was the one to do all Joseph longed to see, rather than Joseph doing it himself, in a futile grasping at God. The union of whole and part was allowed by Joseph to exist between Jesus and his mother Mary, and blessed by Joseph, who may have judged it more powerful than anything he and Mary could accomplish. This one man, Jesus, was a product of an immaculately conceived Mary and her relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and may have been more than anything Joseph could have come up with, so he honoured Jesus by allowing Him to do his work.

Jesus is the perfect person, if Mary is the perfect Mother, and Joseph is the perfect Father. We are all called to be perfect people, in the image of Jesus, as children of God, and secondly called to be spouses, and thirdly called to be parents. The union of whole and part that exists and existed in Jesus Christ, is most readily available and full of potential in the marriage relationship. It does exist between parent and child, but this is an imbalance of power, where a true marriage is a perfect balance of whole and part.


the Second Sunday of Advent, December 4th, 2011


Verse 5 5 ”In Bethlehem in Judea”, they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: . .. ...

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter two, New International Version

Verse 5 5 “In the macropolis of David” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew’s Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 5 Discussion

So this is the kind of thinking involved in the experience of the One. Bethlehem was a town in Judea. It was the birthplace of the King David. So it is known as the city of David. Now a city can be big, and referred to as a metropolis, which is a word with either Greek or Latin roots. Bethlehem was a small town, I believe.

The Acropolis, which means at the top of the city, is a fortified hill in Athens on which the Parthenon stood as a Doric temple to the virgin god Athena. And finally, the prefix “macro” is from the Greek makros, and is a “combining form meaning long, large”a. I did not look any of this up when I wrote the text of this animation, but now that I have looked it up, let's figure out what this means.

My thinking at the time of writing this, was that the Acropolis was a temple to all the gods of Greece, and that “macro” meant all as well as large or many. So the Macropolis of David would mean the temple to all the gods of King David, which, David serving the one God, would mean all the approaches of King David to the one God. But now that I have looked up the roots of this word Macropolis that I made up, let's see how one could interpret this made up word.

Macro means long or large, and polis means city. Metropolis, means mother-city, but can refer to any large city. So correctly and literally, Macropolis means a long or large city.

But Bethlehem is a small town, so why refer to it as a large city? I was not referring to the town of King David's birth nor the town where Jesus was born. I was referring to “where the Christ was to be born”, and in this animation story, the Christ, or One, is born in the, let's say, long or large city of David. For this to make sense, we must see the word “Macropolis” as having a religious context, and having the meaning of the large city of David's gods. And since both King David, and the author, David Foster, serve the One God, this plural gods means the many approaches to the One God.

The boy David was the son of Jesse, and a shepherd who was called upon to slay the giant Goliath. He later became King and wrote many psalms, as well as marrying the wife of a man he sent to certain death. His most popular psalm is known as the 23rd psalm which begins “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing that I want.”

David led a wondrous life as poet, warrior, shepherd and king. He truly had a thorough understanding of his Lord and God. The city of his knowledge of his Lord and God would be very large and magnificent.

So there you have it - this is the meaning of the answer to where the Christ was to be born- in the Macropolis of David. It takes a bit of thought to make sense of this stuff, but the experience is worth the effort and makes for a nice Sunday drive around one's mind.

This is what is meant by the Christ being born in the city of David, Bethlehem, and Joseph being a descendent of David – the Christ bears many of the aspects of King David, mainly the spiritual aspects. It is not important who Joseph was a descendent of, nor is it important what the geographic location of Jesus' birth was – it is most important what the Christ was building upon, which is the legacy and establishment of King David.

King David was a celebrated individual in the Hebrew faith. His life was held up as an example of one who was devoted to God and blessed by God. It was promised to him that the Messiah would be one of his descendents. This was not an incidental favour bestowed on David, this was an acknowledgment of his closeness to God. This is what is important, that David was close to God, as Christ would be close to God. David's offspring are incidental, as is the place of his birth, but his closeness to God is of primary importance.

So the One, or Christ, appears in the legacy of King David, rather than in a small obscure town or glorious lineage. Deliberation on the psalms and history of King David points to the Christ, and the One.

Finally, this animation text is the story of my experience of the Gospel of Matthew, and how I find the truths of the Bible played out in my life. It is a coincidence that my name is David and that I may appear as a spiritual scout, reporting on the spiritual territory that our people are entering into. Many may feel that it is obnoxious to write all this, and to dwell on my experiences, but I feel it is important for me to share my experience, as I am able, as we all should do, to identify and establish spiritual truths to those that follow us. None of us live in a vacuum - we all share this life with the others around us. Identifying and clarifying our existential nature is a joint endeavour of all of us. This, I find, is more important than what I will get for Christmas, or what state I will be in financially when the tally is taken. I readily welcome any comments and discussion, whether supportive or critical, and can be reached at vid932008@gmail.com .

a Page 361, Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, Warner Books Paperback Edition, © 1984


the third Sunday of Advent, December 11th, 2011


Verse 6 6 ” ‘ But you, Bethlehem, in the Land of Judea, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.’ b ”

b 6 MICAH 5 : 2

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 6 6 “ ' The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet” ' a

a 6 MATTHEW 22 : 44 ;

LUKE 20 : 42-43 ;

PSALM 110 : 1

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 6 Discussion

So which is more important – the legacy of King David, or the geographic location of the birth of the Christ or the One? Well for one thing, this animation is specifically about the birth of the One, so the legacy of King David, as maintained and fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth is more important to this story of the One. But the geographic location of the birth of Jesus is something to be considered for those who are drawn to supernatural occurrences. Jesus being born in the city of King David, Bethlehem, is important to those looking for supernatural signs and acknowledgments of God. But be careful that these supernatural occurrences are not an attempt by Satan to mislead the overly simplistic. I'd rather try to know God, although He is ultimately unknowable, and develop an understanding, than be at the whim of any supernatural claim that comes along.

But the Wise Men, or Magi, were looking for the geographic location of the birth of Jesus, so the scripture quoted to them makes a geographic claim that Bethlehem would be where the Anointed One will be born.

Where did the Wise Men get this idea to come and visit a baby in Judea? My understanding is that there are two ways something can be known – wholistically and partially. The Wise Men came upon their knowledge wholistically. This wholistic way of knowing things can be explained by an example. If you see a stallion come out of a barn, and then after a gestation period, see a colt come out of the same barn, you would know that there is a mare in the barn. This is the wholistic way of knowing things. Alternatively, if you go into the barn and find a pregnant mare, then you know there is a mare in the barn. This would be the partial way of knowing things. It is the classic idea of the problem of the One and the Many – if there is one, then how can there be many ? The Wise Men saw signs and came looking for the baby in the manger. I have generally gone looking for the mare, and tried to further my understanding through inquiry, consideration and integration of what little I know.

But Jesus, as a balance of whole and part, knew far more than even the church has imagined. The Wise Men saw signs and knew the Anointed One would be born, but Jesus, as the Anointed One, knew many more things through the integration of the whole of his awareness with the parts of his awareness. Also, Jesus was in a geographic location that gave him a unique whole view. And, Jesus was at a historical time that gave him a unique whole view. These signs of the place and time were what the Wise Men knew and so were able to locate the manger.

So as a balance of whole and part, the One, which the majestic daughters of communion have encountered in the church, is of the legacy of King David and made alive in the life of Christ, and can be tracked down just as the Wise Men tracked down the manger, by inquiry, consideration and the integration of what little one may know.

So in the animation, the Lord said to David's Lord, “sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a

footstool for your feet.” So which Lord is which ? I would argue that there is a the classic Lord of the Old Covenant, which I would refer to as the Father, but David's Lord, is the Christ, the balance of whole and part, which would suffer and die as the Son, to bring about a new heaven and a new earth through His resurrection. In the legacy of King David, there is the new inkling of the idea of the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To me, the Father is being, the Son is the knowledge and awareness of being, and the Holy Spirit is the love of being. And the Christ, which is Greek for “the Anointed One”, who was wholistically anointed due to his place, time and nature in the reality of the world, is the eternal balance of whole and part. This balance of whole and part is of the legacy of King David, and sits at the right hand of the Father, the Lord of the Old Testament. The balance of whole and part is the action of the nature of existence and draws all existence to it. Existence – Father, Being; acts by the balance of whole and part – Christ, the Word, the Son; and is motivated by love – the Holy Spirit. To sit at the right hand is to be the lead actor in the organization of the throne's occupant. So the One may be found in the macropolis of David, where David's Lord sits at the right hand of the Lord, until

the Lord makes the enemies of David a footstool for his feet. Today's reading from the Second Book of Samuel, Chapter Seven, verses 1-5, 8-12, 14 and 16, is how King David realized he was living in a proper house, while the Ark of the Covenant, the gift of the presence of God, was housed in a tent. David expressed this to the prophet Nathan, who told him to go ahead and build a better “house for God”. But that night Nathan became aware that God would raise up a house for David, as David had wanted to build a house for God. “Moreover the Lord declares to you, David, that the Lord will make you a house.” “I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me. Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne, David, shall be established forever.”

I believe David will be remembered as a leading founder of the thought of the Trinity, and the balance of whole and part.

Finally, to see this whole seating arrangement, if David can be seen to be sitting at the right hand of his Lord,

and his Lord is sitting at the right hand of the Lord, then if this is the complete gathering, then David is sitting at the left hand of the Lord. This will confound many people, but this is the nature of wholism, and the truth of the completion of the seating arrangement.


The Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18th, 2011


Verse 7 7 Then Herod called the Magi and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared.

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 7 7 Then the head of the household called the daughters and asked when exactly the joy had appeared, . .. ...

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew’s Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 7 Discussion

Herod is hunting down this alternative to his authority, and using the Magi for his purposes. There is nothing the Magi can do about it, as the milk is spilled. They have unwittingly brought a threat onto the life of the one they wish to honour. It's as simple as that. Now that Herod knows the time that the star has appeared, he will know the age of the infant and can narrow it down by the age of the infant.

Not everyone who expresses interest is sincere. There are many reasons to seek the infant

Christ, or One, and not all of them are benevolent. Many people came to Judea looking for enrichment, but many were like the Romans and saw opportunity for wealth rather than spiritual enlightenment. But in the nature of the One, anyone who is not totally committed will fall away as the will of the One prevails. Another way of looking at it, is, there is only one One for each individual, and all else falls away as the will of that one One prevails. We are all called to fulfill our lives as the One intended, and this is unique for each one of us. This being, and furthering our knowledge of being, precipitating further love of this being, is ultimately beyond full knowing, and this leaves a constant opportunity for surprise growth. Any threat to this ultimate purpose will ultimately fall away. Likewise, as with the Magi and King Herod, the One will prevail over the threat presented by the head of the household. The head of the household likewise sees the One as a threat to their authority, whether it is or not, and has a malicious interest in pursuing the One, so that it may be eliminated and no longer threaten their authority.

Where the Magi followed a star, the majestic daughters are following the joy as a guide to the presence of the One. This joy prevails over all else, and is easily pursued like a game of “getting warmer” - “getting colder”. So when exactly the joy had appeared, would guide the head of the household as to what the circumstances were when the joy had appeared, and provide information as to what may be eliminated so as to eliminate the joy. This could be a person, place or thing. It could be a lover, a prophet, a book, a drink or any other amusement, as long as it provides a joy that threatens the authority of the head of the household. Normally, this is just the head of the household being responsible for their charges, but if there is a limit to their responsibility – a point at which they are to relinquish their authority, then the head of the household is grasping at authority that they are not intended to exercise. Yet the One will prevail, as the infant Jesus was saved to gain maturity.


Thursday, December 22nd, 2011


Verse 8 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I may go and worship him.”

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 8 . .. ... 8 and sent them out to find the One, and report back so that he may be adored by all.

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 8 Discussion

There you have it - Herod claims he wants to worship the infant One, Jesus. There are many who claim they want to worship similarly to how one may worship, yet there is a vast array of how many people comprehend their faith, our faith. Yet by their fruit you will know them.

The body of Christ, the church, is a compendium of various understandings. What one may see clearly, can vary greatly from what another may understand thoroughly, and the church is made up of these many understandings. They all may be correct, each in their own context, but in an infinite context, each one's understanding comes up short. Combined, all these comprehensions make up humanity's comprehension of God, and may actually be complete, one day. Nevertheless, by their outcomes, one will know which comprehension is of God and which is opposed to God.

As well, there is a parable of Jesus, somewhere, where he illustrates that to uproot the weeds, or understandings opposed to God, would damage the understandings, or crop, that are of God. Better to let them alone, and when the day of judgment comes, the harvest, when all are taken up, let God sort out what is of Him and what is opposed to Him.

In light of this, I would propose, that as the world was created as good, and therefore all is good, there are not any weeds or understandings opposed to God, but rather conflict between differing limited understandings that are all of an unlimited God. There really is no one who willingly opposes God, by definition of God being an infinite unlimited purpose, but limited understandings of an unlimited God. Satan is real, however, and is manifested by one limited understanding trying to obliterate another limited understanding. This pursuit of destruction is where Satan comes into play, rather than anything being worthy of destruction, the act of pursuing destruction throws out the baby with the bath water. This is why one must forgive – to let God sort out what is of Him on the day of judgment, at the harvest, when the time comes to exercise judgment and act on that judgment. The good news is that there is likely no end to God's created world, as he set it into perpetual motion, but the bad news is that this day of judgment can come at any time, to any person, and happens frequently, as necessary.

Herod may have been correct in asserting that he must perpetuate his authority for the good of his people, but when he acted to obliterate what he considered opposition to his authority, he acted as Satan the opposer acts, and opposed another understanding of authority. Jesus himself said his kingdom is not of this world, so he had no intention of opposing or obliterating any state authority, whether Herod or Pontius Pilate, the Jewish state or the Roman Empire, but was rather, establishing an infinite kingdom, not a limited earthly kingdom. His kingdom would guide earthly kingdoms, as it has in all Christendom, rather than oppose and try to obliterate earthly kingdoms. Render unto God what is God's, and unto Caesar what is Caesar's. So Herod was limited, mistaken, in his opposition and attempt to obliterate what he saw as opposing him.

This is all too common, this perception of opposition to our best interests. As Joseph accepted a pregnant bride, one must not leap into action to correct what one's limited understanding perceives to be incorrect. One must endure and suffer the opposition to our existence and not oppose, so that one may see a common ground between one's understanding and the apparently opposing understanding. So Herod was lying when he said he too wanted to worship the infant One, Jesus, just as the head of the household, in the animation text, claims that they too want to adore the infant One, the balance of whole and part, as witnessed to by the joy the daughters felt in communion. Lying – what is the problem with that ? Well when one lies, the first lie they tell is to themselves, and that lie is that they will get away with it. Lying splits one's mind into two realities – their truth and the impression of truth they present to others. These two realities destroy the integrity of one's mind and consume valuable resources needlessly so as to beleaguer the liar and limit their own existence by limiting their integrity. “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.” Destroying your integrity by lying obstructs your comprehension and cuts one off from their lessened limited potential before the infinite. Once one has lied, they have lessened their ability to comprehend the unlimited and thereby cannot reconcile their limited understanding with another's differing limited understanding. They have truly challenged themselves before infinity and generally made things harder for themselves.

The recipient of the lie, however, maintains their integrity as they act truthfully in the world the infinite has presented to them. They continue on their way, oblivious to the falsehood they have accepted, but with their integrity, they are able to conceive that a falsehood has been perpetrated, as circumstances play out. This is apparent when the product of one becomes apparent, when the fruit of one's actions is obvious – by their fruit you will know them. Only the pure in heart, those with integrity of understanding, the solid construction of all they have encountered and experienced forming a grand world of their understanding, can withstand falsehoods perpetuated upon them.

Furthermore, looking to where this all leads, one becomes aware that their suffering by the falsehoods of others is really only a means by which the infinite purpose, God, forges one's character in the furnace of such trial, to purposes we can rarely imagine until the benefits of hindsight come. For example, the three failures of my youth, Povungnituk, electrician's apprentice, and structural drafting, all made me perfect to do electrical drafting and supervision for remote northern communities. I could never have imagined such an opportunity for myself, especially when each of the three failures were raw. And besides, the falsehoods perpetuated by others on one, become as plain as the nose on their lying faces, and never really have any detrimental effect on those living a life of balance of whole and part, following in the path of Jesus, the Christ, the annointed One, whether they be a woman or a man.

Solemn Blessing – New Year

May he give you integrity in the faith, endurance in hope, and perseverance in charity with holy patience to the end. Amen

New Year's Day, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, January 1st, 2012


Verse 9 9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east c went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.

c 9 OR seen when it rose

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 9 9 The three majesties went on their way when they had heard the head of the household, and the joy they knew in communion went ahead of them until it rested over a place of a child.

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 9 Discussion

The Wise Men, or kings from the east, or Magi, are foreign to Israel, but are searching for the child they have learned about in their own way, and want to offer him valuable gifts to honour him. They have become aware of his importance by a completely foreign method, but nevertheless want to make the journey to honour him, with their gifts. It just goes to show that whatever good there is locally, it may take a foreigner to recognize it. As well, seek and you will find, or, knock and the door will be opened. Who knows what the baby Jesus could have meant to these foreign Magi. They had the means at their disposal to make not only the journey, being welcomed by the Jewish head of state, but to offer substantial gifts as well. These foreigners had their own reason to honour the baby. One may never know from where one may receive acknowledgment.

It is the same for the One in the animation. It is known by the three majestic daughters, but who is to know the what or the why of their pursuit. Nevertheless, they pursue the One, led by the joy they knew in communion. More could be said about this particular instance.

So the joy led the daughters, as the star led the Wise Men, always ahead of them and calling them onward, until it comes to rest over the place of a/the child.

The star is a sign of something beyond the baby Jesus, acting in accord with his birth, just as the joy is beyond the One, and acts according to the One's occurrence. But the One is not the child, or the man who acts as a child, but rather the relationship of the child and the three pursuers. How's that for speaking plainly ! It cannot be more plain than that.

Jesus, however, is the One for all time, as he is a perfect, historical, geographical, sociological person balanced between whole and part, communion and agency, female and male, for all the world. But for us today, we may only witness to glimpses of the One, and may not ever in one's lifetime fully grasp the One, just as we may never in our lifetime fully comprehend Jesus. Generations will pass before the perfect balance may again exist in the form of a marriage. And this is the relationship of the One, which may rest on any partner, but nevertheless is the relationship with that partner, and not the partner themselves. The One, the divine infinite ultimate purpose, exists in the marriage relationship of two spouses.

This is not that complex, but many seem to stumble when they try to grasp it. It is like the right hand rule in physics. If the thumb of the right hand is extended, and the fingers allowed to curl naturally, then the direction the fingers point, around the direction of the thumb, is in a relationship to the direction of the thumb. The fingers may be pointing up or down or across the room, but their relationship with the thumb will always be the same. This is what the marriage relationship of the One is like – it doesn't matter what either spouse does, there is a relationship with the other spouse.

This idea of the One is built on the One and Many problem of philosophy. If there can be one of something, then how can there be many of something. Clay is one thing, but a piece of clay is another thing. Both are clay, but a piece of clay is different than clay. As well, if there is female then how can there be male. If everyone is the same, then how can we all be different individuals. Secondly, this one and many is manifested as female and male and is an opportunity to chart vast unfathomed areas of existence, since all knowledge has both a specific and a contextual aspect, as does all experience have both a specific and a contextual aspect.

The joy is found in this balance and union of whole and part, female and male, and acts like a beacon to all who encounter it. The joy of One is not limited to person to person relationships, but can exist in any other balance of whole and part. Take for example, the young man in a Ferrari ! He can know a great deal of joy as long as his part of the car is in union with the whole of the road. But let this balance of whole and part deteriorate and for his part his car will fail to remain whole!

Furthermore, consider an adolescent, who is wondering which person they will kiss first. It doesn't seem to matter much who it is, but they still want to know who it will be ! They are more in love with the idea of being in love, than actually being in love with any particular person.

This is why the animation text reads “. . . until it rested over the place of a child.” The joy is felt by the majestic daughters before they even meet the man, who acts like a child, but it comes to rest upon him. This may be influenced by his acting like a child, which will be discussed further, below, but is not really any of his own doing, other than being open to the relationship offered by the majestic daughters. And this could very well be enough! “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven,” or something or other like that. The joy of the One is far more apparent in children or childlike attitudes, and that is what the kingdom of heaven is like, a lot of people with childlike attitudes of wonder, awe, and auugh, with their hearts on their sleeves. There is a lot of joy in childhood, in spite of children not being in any way in control of their circumstances.


Epiphany, Sunday, January 8th, 2012


Verse 10 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 10 10 When they felt the joy they saw stars.

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 10 Discussion

The Wise Men, or kings from the east, or Magi, when they saw the star, they were overjoyed, but the majestic daughters, when they felt the joy, they saw stars.

This is a phrase that isn't used much anymore, to see stars when one is overcome. It is an expression, like

many expressions, that has come and gone out of popular use. This is often overlooked, how much our language rests on common phrases. But just look at the difficulty high school students have with reading Shakespeare. The phrases used in Shakespeare are definitely not common today, yet they remain very expressive to those who take the time to consider what these expressions could mean, as well as refer to the many guidebooks published on Shakespeare.

Our language relies heavily on repeated phrases, and when one changes these phrases, or creates new phrases, the audience is challenged to ascertain the meaning of such new phrases. So in reality, which is a phrase, we do not communicate with words but with phrases. And anyone who creates new phrases, has challenged their audience to understand them.

Taken further, the use of buzz words such as “popular morality”, or “global economy”, or “downsizing”, or “stalemate”, or “worst case scenario”, or “clock ticking”, or “lockout”, or “diversifying”, or “global demand”, or “skyrocketing”, or “underground economy”, or “privatizing”, or “high-tech”, or “down turn”, all express an idea more specific than the word or words alone mean. We do not communicate with words, but with phrases. “ Now having said that, God knows what's going to happen over the next few months.” - Rene Morissette, Toronto Star, Friday, January 13th, 2012. There's a sentence that is completely made up of phrases ! To an audience 100 years before or after her writing, this sentence may not make any sense at all, to the casual reader !

So if we communicate with phrases, rather than words, are we really thinking about what we are communicating ? I believe that we get hung up in common phrases and do not really think about what we are reading or what we are expressing. This animation writing requires that the audience think about what is being expressed, more than any popular entertainment demands. And then the natural extension is that the audience will think about the original Gospel text and what it is really saying.

Jesus saves, Moses invests !

Jesus saves ! Moses shoots ! He scooooorrrres !!

There are two plays on the use of an overused common religious phrase - “Jesus saves!”. The problem is that when communication gets bogged down in overused phrases and expressions, it fails to communicate anything at all, as the audience fails to receive any new idea, and so throws the communication in the dumpster with all the other discarded messages. Buzz words are a waste of time, and an even worse waste of time than a challenging creation of new phrases. The only problem is that the new phrases, seeming unintelligible, are discarded along with the overused phrases. But at least there is the chance that some meaning may get across, as opposed to using the same old buzz words, where there is certainty that no message will get across.

All the “thee”s, “thou”s, and “shall”s of the King James Bible, do not merit their use as implying that a more important message is being communicated than the use of common words would imply. Christianity was spread in Greek, the common language of the people at the time, and not in the loftier languages of Latin or Hebrew ! All this use of lofty language detracts from the practicality and obvious nature of the christian message, and I will not use lofty language to promote the marriage relationship. I will use parables, examples and other challenging forms of communication to bring the real message to the audience, rather than to exclude the audience from the message that marriage is the salvation of society, as well as society's greatest challenge.

Finally, if this message is so obvious, why do most people find it to be obscure? Well, where is your nose ? Did you have to think about it – as to what I meant by that question? The most obvious can very easily be overlooked, and we need to be mindful of even the obvious, which we often overlook. Will you die ? - of course! But are you spending all your waking hours aware of this ? I think not. Have you incorporated this fact into your daily life ? Perhaps you have a retirement plan, but what is your resurrection plan ? This is real. Act like it.

Whether one is aware of it or not, they will die. Whether one is aware of it or not, their actions have a cumulative ultimate infinite goal. This is a fact. If one tosses popcorn in the movie theatre, this may be random but there will be popcorn to be swept up, and this is a fact. So what is your ultimate infinite goal ? Are you only thinking about the next job, or are you thinking about your next death ? This self discussion is your religion, whether you believe it or not. Is this what you want ?

So don't talk to me about how a job is necessary when I am not allowed to do a good job by my employer and co-workers who are playing politics as they screw up even the simplest of tasks. I am not interested in your finite religion. Do what you want, and leave me to the death of my own choosing, if it be that. Don't talk to me about an education where I am to cheat the results all the way through to only end up in debt. I'll educate myself, thank you. Do what you want, and leave me to the death of my own choosing, if it be that.

This writing is passive and can easily be avoided, as can the animation. When one is ready to appreciate any of this, it will be here. My next death will be mitigated by this work, if only because I alone value it.


Sunday, January 15th, 2012


Verse 11 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 1111 On coming to the house they saw the One of their mothers' and they bowed to worship him. One opened his treasures and they received gifts of gold and fragrant flowers and perfumed soap .

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 11 Discussion

This is a long verse with a lot to it, so let's list what will be covered in this discussion. First of all, there is how the majestic daughters saw the One of their mothers', then how they worshiped him, and how One opened his treasures and they received the three gifts.

The One, the balance of whole and part, is the anointed one, or Christ, in our world today. It, or he, as it is referred to when apart and beyond us, lives in the communion of the people around us, as well as in each of us individually, and brings joy with his presence. So the One, is not particularly the man, but the relationship that exists between the friends, of whom the man is one. The One, the joy, is present among the friends including the man, but also has been a part of the women's lives before, which causes them to recognize it when they are with the man. Specifically, the women have experienced this joy in the presence of their parents, including their mothers, so that is why they find there, the One of their mothers. The majestic daughters are following in the path of their mothers.

The joy has been present to all of us, and we recognize it when we encounter it. We pursue it. It is the joy of the union of whole and part, and not only exists in romantic relationships, but beyond as well, to include all of existence. But romantic relationships, as a balance of whole and part, female and male, have the greatest potential for bringing the One to the world, and the joy with it.

This pursuit entails leaving behind other interests for the sake of the pursuit of the joy. We bend to the pursuit. We turn away from other interests to focus on the joy of the One. We bow and worship this anointed union of whole and part, female and male. We seek it out and accept what it offers.

Worship – what is it really ? Well, first of all, we all worship, whether we admit it or not. The question becomes,

instead of why worship this or that, but rather the identification of what we already worship. What are we willing to sacrifice our sense of self and self respect to an object of worship to allow it to flourish. It has been claimed that many people worship money, and this is so, since most people will do things for pay that they would not do otherwise. Picking up garbage in the street is one example. Unless one is paid, they will not act in the community interest by picking up garbage from public places. There can be more to it then the purpose of getting money, but the fact remains that being paid will influence one to act beyond their self interest. Worship is the same, this deference of self interest to a higher interest. Nevertheless, being paid makes the service to be in the person's self interest, as the pay will serve the person's self interest when they spend it. Self interest is not the problem, but the choice of which larger purpose is in a persons self interest. This is where your worship is – the choice of a larger purpose that is in your self interest enough to allow you to defer your self interest to it. Many people despair that the larger purpose they defer to will not redeem them, and this is what evangelists appeal to – that there is a larger purpose that will redeem one and all, and then the evangelists go on to explain this larger purpose to anyone with an ear.

Work and pay is just one example of this worshiping, amongst many others such as the success of one's children, the honour of one's parents, the honour of one's self, the power one has over others, the respect the community pays to one, and on and on.

But just as one worships the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, there are other guides in one's worship, such as a Sunday school teacher, a parent, a respected friend, a minister, a public official or perhaps a teacher. Likewise, a spouse can and should be a very prominent guide in one's worship of their God, as Christianity points to a balance of whole and part today as well as throughout history. I assert that one's spouse is above all humanity in deserving one's worship and service, and this, I believe, is in accordance with the late Pope John Paul II 's Theology of the Body.

Then One will open their treasures and the participants will receive gifts. The gifts that the Wise Men, or Magi, gave the baby Jesus had significance. Gold was for kings, frank-incense was for the sacred, and myrrh was a balm, not a bomb but a balm, for the dead. This signified the role Jesus was to play, as king, sacred to all, conquering death by dieing. This was the work Jesus had to do, beyond his role as a teacher, he had concrete things to accomplish.

Having accomplished them, Jesus sends us out on the same path, but not to die as he did, on a cross two thousand years ago, but to die to ourselves for the greater good of us as well as ourselves. Where is this greater good? I profess that an infinite understanding held by a finite individual is necessary for any greater good, and this infinite understanding can only be had by finite individuals who participate in marriage, the perfectable union of whole and part, female and male. This endeavour will require the death of oneself many times over before much may be accomplished. Yet each death will be swallowed up in the new, more infinite life that follows. The gifts of the One signify this.

The gifts of the One, from its' treasures, are gold, fragrant flowers, and perfumed soap. They signify the kingship of the balance of whole and part, female and male in the One relationship, the sacredness of such a relationship, and the cleansing of the world in just such a relationship, washing away the filth of the old world in preparation for the new life accomplished.


Sunday, January 22nd, 2012


Verse 12 12And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 12 12And being warmed in a dream they resode by another way .

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 12 Discussion

Where the Magi, or Wise Men, were warned in a dream, and therefore proceeded to avoid something, specifically what Herod might do, the three majestic daughters are warmed in a dream, and drawn toward a course of action, rather than seeking to avoid something. What they were drawn to was a different course from the one they were pursuing, and thereby lived differently than before. The Magi, on the other hand, simply chose a different route by which to return to their country. The majestic daughters have chosen a different way to live their lives.

“Return” versus “reside”, which in the past tense, rather than “resided” I made up the word “resode” as the past tense to “reside”. The Magi are traveling, returning to their home country, but the majestic daughters are home, where they reside, and living differently, by a different way. Surely the Magi are transformed by their experience, but the majestic daughters are far more transformed by their experience.

The majestic daughter on the left, is the married one, and she has chosen to repent, and try to address her

marriage in a new, better way, and avoid any of the pitfalls she is already aware of, having fallen into them in the past. She holds onto her previous course, but adjusts it to avoid that which she has already become aware. She seeks the One in her marriage. The majestic daughter on the right, the married elder, has chosen rebirth, as she maintains her course, through failure, and onto a new life, shepherding a new flock. For her, nothing has caused her to reconsider anything about her choices, and rather, she has met with failure and been transformed by circumstances around her, into a new kind of elder. She has been true to the end. She has held fast to her faith and inherent convictions, and witnessed the world around her change and open up to new opportunities, in a new world, with a new, more infinite understanding. She seeks the One in her ministry, as well as her marriage.

The majestic daughter in the middle, considers whether to choose repentance or rebirth. We do not know what her choice is or will be, but we know she has been presented with the choice. She seeks the One in her relationships but whether she does so by repenting, turning back and trying again, or rather by rebirth, holding fast to her convictions and faith regardless of the repercussions, we do not know.

This is the choice we are all faced with when our faith is challenged – do we change ourselves and maintain the course, or do we stand firm in our convictions, weathering the storm through to a new world, not bending to the influences around us but instead being swept up and whisked away in the resulting changes around us. This is death and rebirth, as opposed to repentance, this standing firm and being swept away.

Repentance is older than rebirth, traditionally, as John the Baptist was baptizing with water for repentance before Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. The two are different. This is stated clearly by John the Baptist himself, in Matthew chapter three, verse eleven :

“I baptize you with n water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with n the Holy Spirit and fire.”

n Or “in”

Matthew 3 : 11, New Revised Standard Version

Repentance is like a training ground for rebirth. Unless one is certain that they are correct, they would rather try to be more correct, than proceed in error. But once one is sure they are correct, the correct choice is rebirth, yet one may avoid death and rebirth at their own peril.

Although repentance is part of christianity, rebirth is its main teaching, as Jesus died on the cross and was reborn to new life. No christian can avoid rebirth any more than anyone can avoid death.

Consider the first martyr, Stephen, who was stoned as Saul watched over the coats of the crowd that stoned him. Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit – Acts 7, verse 55 “But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.” New Revised Standard Version. In the next verse he is actually quoted as saying so. Stephen stood firm to the end, and was accompanied by God at his end. He died. What was beyond death for him we do not know. This death was without rebirth in this world.

But there are many ends in this life, that go on to becoming beginnings as well as ends, and may foreshadow a beginning beyond one's end in this earthly life. Who's to know ? Nevertheless, we die to one life and begin another, as any child dies to childish behaviour and becomes an adult. It is the perseverance in spite of the consequences that may bring new opportunities, where other choices are sure to maintain the current situation. Look at Stephen Biko, of South Africa. His death resounded around the world and caused people to act differently than they would have otherwise.

Yet marriage offers new life, to those that persevere, and this is most pregnant with opportunity for those who persevere in spite of the consequences. If one is to die, let it be for marriage, as all of christianity points to the maintenance of marriage, and regardless of traditional religion, this union of male and female makes practical sense, that both genders are destined to participate in growth and improvement.

So if you are to repent, repent toward marriage; if you are to die, die for marriage; and if you are reborn, it is likely due to your marriage, not only of male and female, but of part and whole. And this view of the world allows for the greatest joy I have ever known.


Sunday, January 29th, 2012


Verse 13 The Escape to Egypt 13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 13 The Escape to Civilization 13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared before father and said “Get One up, take mother and escape into civilization, for the head of the household is going to search for the infant One to kill him.

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 13 Discussion

Joseph had a dream, and acted upon it. In his dream, he saw and heard an angel tell him to escape with his family to Egypt, because the Jewish head of state, Herod, whom the Wise Men had visited, was going to search for the child to kill him. In fact, Herod didn't search for the child, as far as we know, but instead had every child two years and under, in the region of Bethlehem killed. So something as simple as acting on a dream had serious consequences, or rather, not acting on the message of a dream would have had disastrous consequences.

But why go to Egypt? Egypt at the time was very civilized and prosperous. Since the time of Jacob and Joseph, with his coat of many colours, Egypt had been the bread basket of the middle east, with the cultivation irrigated by the Nile. During Jesus era, Egypt was a prosperous civilization. Sure they had pagan gods, but they were civilized and there was order. This is what civilization is – order. In Canada, we defer to the Crown, and the Crown keeps order. We used to be called the Dominion of Canada, harkening to the phrase “God's Dominion”. As far as infinite consensus goes, though, it has nothing to do with order. The biggest stick is the Crown, and its will will be done. This has nothing to do with gods, God or infinite. There is only arbitrary rulings, which patch up conflicts without resolving them, that are enforced by the bigger stick.

Anyone who is injured, will suffer their injury, and the bigger stick cannot make that better, only appease dissension with a ruling. It is like the parable statement “ If you who are evil, know to give your children good things, than so much so will God give you good things.” The Crown, or bigger stick, may or may not be good, but it is not God, and will only appease dissension to maintain order – its order, the Crown's order, and further their control of that order. This is civilization – the maintenance of a finite order, by whatever means, on an infinite creation. There is much lacking between this finite order and infinite creation, but there is and will be order.

Judea on the other hand, was governed more so by God, and everyone's interpretation of God, which made it akin to the wild west, as it is to this day. Rebellions and submission cycled constantly. There was a lack of order. There was God, and religion, but there was still no infinite consensus, so there was not order. The Romans had to constantly exercise their power through the use of force to impose order, just as it is today in Palestine. Just as the natives of North America, failed to maintain an infinite consensus, and thereby appeared uncivilized, without order, Judea was not civilized, or at least not as civilized as Egypt.

So Joseph took his family to the civilized region of Egypt, where no arbitrary executions were allowed, because it was civilized and there was order to keep and maintain, even if it was away from the Temple and the heart of Judaism, the faith of Jesus' youth.

In the animation text, the head of the household, with their authority being challenged by this new infant One,

the relationship between a female and a male, seeks to kill it. One can easily imagine the constant barrage of criticism, arbitrary rulings and condemnation the One relationship suffered at the hands of this challenged head of the household. Just as Joseph could not endure the infanticide and fled, the One relationship must escape, even if they are to part from their God – their partner. Otherwise the destruction of the One is certain.

Furthermore, this departing, is like a martyrdom, that although a serious defeat, allows the martyred One to grow in the awareness of the community in spite of its end. It is not the end of the One, but the beginning of the sacred life of the One. Jesus would have to do something to honour all those who died just because he was born. This would sober up even Jesus ! And whether or not the One

in the animation remains the relationship between the two specific people at the time, or becomes a One relationship between two different people, the One survives. The escape honours and preserves the One for all time.

I omitted the “stay there until I tell you” part from the animation text, and that was likely just an oversight, but

what was written is what was written. I suppose it didn't speak to me, but looking back now, I would suggest that there is no sign as to when the One relationship may reunite, other than when directed by the Holy Spirit, if they reunite at all.

I also omitted the taking of the child or the infant One with them, which again was likely an oversight, but perhaps that did not speak to me. Nevertheless, the One survives as the father and mother survive.

Finally, in any One relationship, a balance of female and male, whole and part, the participants take any of the

three roles of parent, friend and child, and may be reciprocated by the partner taking any of the three roles. If one spouse acts like a parent the other may respond by any role of child, adult or parent, and their need not be any conflict no matter what role the response takes. The same is so for the roles of child and adult; the other spouse may respond in the role once again, of parent, adult or child.

In the animation text, father is given the message, and he takes mother. Both spouses are acting like parents,

with knowledgeable care, understanding and nurturing of the infant One, the relationship.

So even though the One was not stated as being taken, it exists just as Jesus is present to each and all of us today. And though no one is waiting to be told by an angel in a dream to return from civilization, the One awaits its return to the participants in any relationship with the potential of balancing whole and part, female and male.


Sunday, February 5th, 2012


Verse 14 14So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, . .. …

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 14 14 So they got up, took the One during the night and left for civilization, . .. …

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 14 Discussion

Joseph took the initiative, and took the child and his mother, during the night and left for Egypt. In the animation text, however, both parents got up and took the infant One, and left for civilization. Both parents acted jointly, rather than one leading the other. It was a mutual decision. The infant One must be protected, and civilization is its only chance. The persecution of the One was too great for the juvenile being to overcome. It could be argued that if Jesus was divine, he could have saved himself, but such was not the case. Divinity does not overcome evil by exerting its power or authority, but by forgiveness. God makes the sun to shine on the evil and the good.

In the grand scheme of things, the infant Jesus, and the One, are protected by divine providence, just not in a magical way. Too many people seek magical solutions to their suffering, rather than participating in God's providence by seeing the opportunities he offers and taking him up on them. It is like the joke Father Paul, at St. Christopher's in Clarkson told at least once: A person prayed to God everyday in church for years - “God. .. .. please let me win the lottery!” This went on most of their lifetime. Then one day, as this person was losing their faith, they were once more, for probably the last time, praying - “God. .. .. please let me win the lottery!” Just then, the heavens opened before them ! A bright light shone down, and a voice was heard - “Help me out . .. . buy a ticket !”

Another one is a little dryer, but goes something like this. A survivor was lost at sea in a lifeboat. They prayed desperately for God to save them. Then one day a ship arrived and spotted them. They launched a rescue craft and just as they were approaching the lifeboat, they called out “Can we help you?” The survivor replied “ I'm O.K., God will save me !”

So if God makes the sun to shine on the evil and the good, and forgiveness is how to combat the opposer, Satan, then what is there for one who is suffering? Prayer, a constant sorting out of one's needs, categorizing and prioritizing and goal setting and planning and assessing and reassessing, including determined action, will resolve our situations so that we may live in JOY ! We will all die, and few are so bold as to pray to escape death, even if I have, yet we may die in JOY ! If we believe in the resurrection, as we claim to, including the resurrection of the body, as stated in both the Nicene and the Apostles Creeds, then what is death but a new beginning. Pray to be faithful in the face of death, and rely on the promise of the resurrection.

So the taking of the infant One into civilization is not its end, but a new beginning.

In the animation, the man is arrested in front of the home of a majestic daughter, as she looks on with her family. How is this escaping ? Well the persecution was so intense that the infant One would not survive unless he escaped. The parents co-operated in protecting the integrity of the infant One, yet the relationship seemed to end, just as Jesus was taken to Egypt, seemingly never to come back. But what of the One? It continues in the hearts and minds of the spouses, regardless of the presence of the other spouse, and becomes a sacred ideal, to condense once again, as it did with the majestic daughters in communion, on another suitable relationship, and guide that new relationship through any persecutions it may encounter, armed with the knowledge of past persecutions. Joseph did not return from Egypt with his holy family until Herod had died. Likewise, the One will not appear again until the persecutions it has suffered are no longer a threat, presumably when the head of the household has changed, one way or another, as this animation plays out.

Think of what would have happened if the man wasn't arrested, and the life of the One was not cut short. The persecutions would have continued, and whittled away any chance the One may have had of becoming mature. At the hands of the head of the household, the One would have been crippled and corrupted, as it dodged and bent itself out of shape to try to maintain its integrity amongst the false accusations and outrageous demands of the head of the household.

Joseph did not make any claim against King Herod, in any court. He went away and came back. Likewise, if the man is charged, he is guilty, rather than make a case against the head of the household. Let the blame rest on those making the accusations. If being a criminal was good enough for Christ, Peter and Paul, then it is good enough for us. Civilization, once again, is not interested in any infinite resolution, just order, and anything that threatens the good order of society, whether for the better or the worse, will not be tolerated. Nevertheless, civilization's imposition of order has saved the One, even if only as an ideal, to be reborn anew at a later time, in another place, with who knows being the spouses.


Sunday, February 12th, 2012


Verse 15 . .. ...15 where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” d

d 15 HOSEA 11 : 1

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 15 . .. ... 15 where they stayed until the next end of the household. But the prophet foretold: “But the more they called Israel, the further they went from them.” b

b 15 HOSEA 11 : 2

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 15 Discussion

The entire quote, from Hosea, is as follows -

11 1 When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.

2 The more Iy called them, the more they went from me;z they kept sacrificing to the Baals, and offering incense to idols.

3 Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, I took them up in mya arms; but they did not know that I healed them.

4 I led them with cords of human kindness, with bands of love.

I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks.b

. .. …

y Gk; Heb; they

z Gk; Heb; them

a Gk Syr Vg; Heb; his

b Or who ease the yoke on their jaws

New Revised Standard Version / Catholic Edition

!! the animation text is from the New International Version

One has to keep in mind, that each spouse in a sacred One relationship, ministers to the other spouse just as that spouse ministers to them. So in the animation text, even though each spouse calls to the other, the further apart they become. Taking the footnotes in the above full quote into consideration, the second verse would read “The more they called them, the more they went from them.” Once the relationship is severed, the participants must stabilize themselves since the loss of the balance of the relationship has put each of them far out of balance, and each must recover from the loss. The severance has taken hold, and neither spouse can bridge the gap that has opened up between them. This is the nature of sacred One relationships, that they may be volatile if not managed, nurtured, allowed and honoured. Eventually, as we are all aware of romantic relationships, the balance is lost and the relationship topples catastrophically. We all know this to be true.

So what hope is their for romantic relationships, balancing whole and part, whether in full romance or just any balance of whole and part, such as societies, enterprises or any other endeavour ? The answer comes from a marginalized people, living in third world conditions, right here in Canada. The answer is to roll, like a kayaker, using the momentum that topples the craft by adding to it to bring the craft right around and back into an upright position. What does this mean, theologically or philosophically ?

Well, if forgiveness is how to deal with evil, sin, and opposition from Satan the opposer, then allowing this toppling force, and even adding to it, will bring the endeavour back up into a new upright life. This is death and rebirth. This is why it is so essential to understand this truth of life that is everywhere around us – this death and rebirth. If one opposes the toppling force, one will end up stuck in their toppled position, and unable to recover to an upright position, as the inverted position is just as stable as the upright position, if not even more stable, but without the advantages of being upright. This may be why many people have more faith in failure and evil than in success and upright behaviour – the inverted position is ultimately the most stable.

Yet continuing with the kayak roll analogy, if the roll fails, there is the option of a wet exit, so even ultimate failure need not be final.

I am intrigued by the boldness of the original quote in this verse from the Gospel of Matthew. The writer of Hosea, is talking about the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt, so to use this quote to strengthen the case for Jesus being the Messiah, as Jesus came out of Egypt, seems to me to be a bit of a stretch. That's poetic license for you ! My stretches are not so outlandish after all.

The next end of the household, is the opportunity for the return of the One. The household need not be destroyed, but it will come to an end, and be reborn to a new life and awareness, that may allow for the sacred One, by then more mature, to alight once again on a romantic relationship of the majestic daughter. By then, the daughter may find the head of the household more willing to entertain the possibility of an addition to the inner circle that can benefit all, rather than see the interest the majestic daughter has in maintaining a sacred One relationship as a threat to the authority of the head of the household. This would be just as Herod's successor did not see a magical threat to their authority in the prophesied juvenile Jesus.

We all know what happens in society today, when a relationship ends. There is the political sides that must be

consolidated and maintained. This means former acquaintances can no longer entertain their relationship. Two camps precipitate from a common society and no link between the two camps is tolerated, although the existence of the other camp may be tolerated. Individuals may act on their own, and strengthen their acquaintance with a member of the other camp, but they do this only if their integrity allows this and generally their own camp may see this behaviour as benign.

So the faithbook friends become blocked, as communication channels are closed, to allow the healing of each spouse to take place.

But what of the roll ? If each spouse, as in a two person kayak, with two cockpits, acts cooperatively, the relationship can survive this death to be reborn again, if they allow the death to occur and even encourage it, knowing that it leads to new life. This could have happened between the two original spouses, as each pays attention and watches for signs and text messages that indicate the actions of the lost spouse to them. Each can prepare a place for the lost spouse in their life, looking to their eventual return.

But when they fail to return, a wet exit is necessary, which means a lot of trouble undoing the advantages of being in the relationship, swimming through their own circumstances, probably to find dry land, to prepare to be on their way again.

Societies must accept their death and rebirth, and even encourage the forces that topple them, so as to emerge upright in the new day. This has happened with the transformation of the population from an agricultural workforce to a manufacturing workforce. Today our leaders must recognize new opportunities that the workforce may take up, such as clean energy, and push in that direction, encouraging the death of the fossil fuel economy and the birth of renewable resources, to occupy the labours of society's members, keeping in mind that people need to work, regardless of the distribution of wealth.


Family Day, Monday, February 20th, 2012


Verse 16 16When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 16 16When the household realized they had been outwitted by the majestic daughters, they were furious and it was commanded that all knew Ones in the macropolis of David be destroyed .

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R. David Foster

Verse 16 Discussion

When the rage hits, there is not any reasoning that can be done by others with the person in the rage. The situation is lost. So then those in the company of the person in a rage can not do anything other than isolate the person in the rage. Herod, being in control of his kingdom despite his rage, issued orders that were carried out, but failed to accomplish the purpose he had for those orders, as the infant Jesus escaped with his parents to Egypt.

Likewise, the head of the household finds them self in a rage when they realize that the majestic daughters have outwitted them, and the infant One has escaped unharmed, as it survives without being tainted as being anything other than infinitely good. Sure the sacred infant relationship no longer exists within the household, but it exists in the awareness of the majestic daughters and is still sacred and untarnished. It is still an ideal in the minds of the majestic daughters, as the household has failed to discredit sacred One relationships and their balance of whole and part. The infant sacred One relationship remains to rule all else, and is worshiped and glorified. The head of the household has failed to end the life of the infant One sacred relationship by discrediting it.

So in the animation text, “it was commanded that all knew Ones in the macropolis of David be destroyed .”

“Knew” is spelled with a “k”, as in “knowledge” as well as being novel. The “knew” ideas that came forth from the macropolis of David are commanded by the head of the household to be destroyed, as Herod commanded all the new boys, in the city of David, under two years of age, be destroyed. But how does one destroy an idea? In this “information age” it is very hard to destroy an idea once it has taken hold. Communism knows all about that. So does South Africa – it knows all about that as well!

The attack on the knew Ones in the macropolis of David, is lame, being pathetic at best, and fails to achieve any purpose. It is like throwing stones at a

tank, or using a slingshot against artillery. The attackers can try to discredit and mock the ideal of the sacred One relationship, but it has been established and will prevail. Likely there will be bullying and mockery and slander, but it will fail to discredit the potential of a sacred One relationship, balancing whole and part, and rendering great Joy to the spouses.

This is not a radical idea at all. Even in the chaos of the the nove l The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where the earth is destroyed at the beginning of the story, just to make way for an interstellar highway, the protagonist is engaged in a sacred One relationship with a woman who has rejected him for a two headed alien, if only because he is President of the Universe, but even then only because he can provide her with a knife that makes toast as it slices. She knows such a relationship is unfruitful and entertains the possibility of something better. This longing for the Joy of a sacred One relationship is universal. This idea that there can be more in a relationship is universal.

But how does one go about improving on one's sacred One relationship? Many people claim it is the fault of the other spouse, and so spend their time trying to trade up, and don't realize that there are fundamental differences between the sexes that will never change, but can be harnessed in such a way as to provide the great Joy everyone longs for.

And regardless of romantic relationships, the Joy is prevalent in any balance of whole and part, such as a sports car on a winding mountain road, or a thoughtful and unexpected gift. A dance can bring the Joy of a balance of whole and part, just as any other art form, balancing whole and part, can bring wonder, awe and Joy. Being at one with the universe can be a source of Joy, yet ultimately being at one with the universe is essentially another balance of whole and part.

So “the One who has been born above all” was found in the macropolis of David, after feeling his Joy in communion, yet was attacked by the head of the household only to escape into civilization. That's about it altogether.

But furthermore, any grasping at infinite good, rather than letting it just come in its own time, is basically what sin is, and leads to the loss of what was sought. A spouse will resent any attempt by their spouse to take from them that which is not offered. And the other spouse will resent the holding back of something, rather than offering it as one offers all of themselves in a sacred One relationship.

And condemnation is condemned. One must accept what is offered, and if insufficient, be patient and endure, rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater to only find themselves in a relationship with a different person but the same problems as the previous relationship.

These are the ideas taught by the sacred One relationship that the majestic daughters have seen escape from the persecution by the head of the household. They are not unlike the teachings of the fulfilled Jesus, as the balance of whole and part is present fully in Jesus.

Yet the relationship has ended, as the Magi left for their homeland, and the sacred One has left for civilization. Understanding does not relieve the anguish of the loss, yet the One survives to live another day, in another relationship or even a new relationship with an old spouse. Who knows what the future may hold. The key is to pay attention, and be aware of the present, fully understanding the past, as the new kingdom of heaven may come as a thief in the night, when one least expects anything to occur, if I may mix a few metaphors.


Monday, February 27th, 2012


Verse 17 17Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: . .. ...

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 17 17Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: . .. ...

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 17 Discussion

Quoting the Bible is probably liberally overdone, and deserves a discussion of its own. As well as other quotes in other episodes of HESUS JOY CHRIST , below are the three quotes in this episode being discussed – Matthew's Two .


Verse 6

6 ” ‘ But you, Bethlehem, in the Land of Judea,

are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;

for out of you will come a ruler

who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.’ b

b 6 MICAH 5 : 2

Verse 6

6 “ ' The Lord said to my Lord:

“Sit at my right hand

until I make your enemies

a footstool for your feet” ' a

a 6 MATTHEW 22 : 44 ; LUKE 20 : 42-43 ; PSALM 110 : 1


Verse 15

. .. ...15 where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” d

d 15 HOSEA 11 : 1

Verse 15

. .. ... 15 where they stayed until the next end of the household. But the prophet foretold:

“But the more they called Israel,

the further they went from them.” b

b 15 HOSEA 11 : 2


Verse 18

18 “A voice is heard in Ramah,

weeping and great mourning,

Rachel weeping for her children

and refusing to be comforted,

Because they are no more.”a

a 18 JEREMIAH 31 : 15

Verse 18

18“ Restrain your voice from weeping

and your eyes from tears,

for your work will be rewarded. “c

c 18 JEREMIAH 31 : 16


The first quote, taken from the Bible, is from Micah Chapter five, verse two. In its place I have quoted Matthew, which is quoting Psalms, which Luke quotes as well.

But the other two quotes, as you may have noticed, in the animation text of this episode, have been substituted with the verse that immediately follows the original quote – Hosea 11:1 is substituted with Hosea 11:2 ; and Jeremiah 31:15 is substituted with Jeremiah 31:16 !! This occurs in Matthew's Three Fold as well – this substitution of the following verse when writing the animation text.

What is the purpose of quoting the Bible ? Well, just as in any quote, the idea is to support the claim being made. But in quoting the Bible, people try to support their idea, but furthermore, they seek to magically reinforce the divinity of the subject being discussed by showing it to be a fulfilled prophecy.

This is the purpose of the Bible quote of Hosea. The quote implies that the writer was foretelling the presence, or rather, the emergence of Jesus from Egypt. My opinion is that it is a lame attempt to show that Jesus was the one that the prophecies foretold.

The quote of Jeremiah, as well, fails to substantially support the argument that Jesus is the one that was foretold by the prophets. There are far better, and wider ranging, arguments that Jesus was and is the promised Messiah.

These quotes show that taking a quote out of context can support pretty much anything. It is understood, generally, that one should support their argument with references, but I could easily take issue with this. The entirety of HESUS JOY CHRIST uses the Gospel of Matthew to support the case for marriage, and that marriage is divine. But such a grand argument, that marriage is divine, cannot draw support from quotes taken here and there. Rather, the entirety of the Old and New Testaments must be understood before one may see their point being marriage, the balance of whole and part.

So just as the Old Testament points to, and is fulfilled in, the New Testament, the sacred faith of the Hebrews that Christianity builds on, points to and is fulfilled in the union of marriage, and any other balance of whole and part.

This is like a paper I wrote in university for my Natural Man, social science course. The topic was Darwin's Origin of Species, better known as Evolution. I essentially used a book called The Geometry of Meaning, by Arthur M. Young, to outline where Evolution fits in, as well as where Creation, as opposite Evolution, fits in, and how the two relate. The teaching assistant wanted to know more about the book I was referring to when I had lifted most of the ideas in the paper I wrote, pretty much right out of that book. It got to the point that I actually had to tell the teaching assistant to go, get the book, and read it. The simple idea of how the two opposing ideas relate required a thorough understanding of the geometry of meaning.

So get going, read the Bible, consider it, and take up your personal balance of whole and part, whether it leads you to marriage or not.


Monday, March 5th, 2012


Verse 18 18 “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, Because they are no more.”a

a 18 JEREMIAH 31 : 15

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 18 18“ Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded. “c

c 18 JEREMIAH 31 : 16

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 18 Discussion

This specific incidence of the infant One relationship is no more, as the boys under the age of two, in Bethlehem, are no more. Jesus, and the infant One, have escaped to live on, but the cost is high, as other children have been executed.

But the prophet goes on to say, in the very next verse, that they should restrain from weeping and tears for their work will be rewarded. What is their work? What are they working on, after such a great loss? The answer is whatever they are working on!

In the animation, the image is of a Sunday School class lead by the majestic daughter. The children are eager

and engaged in the lesson. This is what the majestic daughter was doing and is still doing. This is her work, and it will be rewarded. She is not compelled to engage in this work, but does it willingly, to give of herself to others. She is devoted to this work, as it is her way of expressing her faith – a faith that she wants to share and a faith that led her to the sacred One relationship. In presenting herself entirely to the children, she presents her faith, under the guidance of the curriculum, and this faith includes her adoration of the sacred One relationship. She is not preaching her personal faith, outside of the curriculum, but by presenting herself her example shines and gives glory to the faith she professes, a faith encountering the One sacred relationship, that lives on in her heart, to one day manifest itself once again.

In Matthew, chapter twenty-four, Jesus speaks of the end of the age. This is also understood as the Second Coming of Christ. In the animation, Matthew's Two Four, many statements, paraphrasing the Gospel text, are made about the end time, which is both the end of this age and the beginning of the next age. The important thing is to be ready, when everything of this age is failing, to welcome the coming of the next age. In the same way, the sacred One relationship will return to a new heaven and a new earth, and likely with different players, but not necessarily different players. The trick is to endure the end of this age and welcome the new age with the same players. This is death and rebirth, and this is a significant part of the sacred One relationship. Jesus did not abandon his followers once he rose from the dead, but rather left so as to make room for them to grow in faith and responsibility, and to take on his mission for themselves. This mission is not just nice sentiments, but existential reality, more real than anything, including death, which we are all headed for, whether we maintain an awareness of death or not.

So as the animation plays out, look for the second coming of the sacred One relationship. Just as surely as Jesus returned to Israel, the sacred One relationship will manifest itself again. This is not radical at all. We all have died to one relationship to only find ourselves in another relationship. It is not a question of if the sacred One relationship will arrive again, but when and where it will arrive. We are to watch and stay awake so as to be ready to welcome it, like the birth of a child, when we may least expect it, and welcome it for it will need to be honoured, nurtured and cared for. This awareness is maintained by our work, and our work will be rewarded.

If, on the other hand, we weep and mourn the loss endlessly, we will fail to see the opportunities, when they occur, to welcome the sacred One relationship once more! I have witnessed this many times. Especially in arguments, when one is being berated by another, a glimmer of a resolution will appear in the endless beration, but the berated will fail to take up the resolution and speak up, since they are wallowing so much in the fact that they are being berated!

Another example is this animation itself! When I became unable to work due to reasons beyond my control, I could have wallowed in self pity and repeatedly failed at attempts at employment, which would all fail for the same reasons that were beyond my control. I paused, looked around, and all circumstances were supporting my pursuit of this animation and other artwork. This support has been maintained, surprisingly, for over three years, and has resulted in five episodes of animation and over forty-thousand words of discussion written.

If one professes an omnipotent, almighty, benevolent, merciful and loving God, one should exercise a little faith and look for the opportunities that are presented by him, to take them up and live on in Joy and love! Many are surprised to realize that the Creeds profess the resurrection of the body! This means our bodies will be resurrected! This is what the church professes in the creeds! Furthermore, we seem to have lost sight that God wants to live with us eternally on earth! We pray, in the Lord's Prayer, “your kingdom come, your will be done; on earth, as it is in heaven”! We are not intended to go to heaven, but live in heaven on earth !

This is the power of God, that we could live forever with him on earth, if we could only see the opportunity of the sacred One relationship and work at such a relationship to harvest the potential of the understanding it freely provides.


Sunday, March 11th, 2012


Verse 19 The Return to Nazareth 19After Herod had died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt . .. …

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 19 The Return to Nativity 19After the head was reborn, an angel appeared before father in a dream . .. …

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 19 Discussion

Herod persisted in his rebellion against God, to maintain his authority as the sole ruler of Israel, and did not entertain any other ruler, be it a “soul” ruler or not !

The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, is quoted by Eusebius, in The Church History . Eusebius states that as well as murdering his wife, children, relatives and friends, Herod became gravely ill, with worms breeding in his genitals, as well as many other illnesses, and quoting Josephus, Eusebius writes that Herod clung to life, desperately seeking baths to cure himself, but to no avail. Realizing he was dying, Herod gave 50 drachmas to each of his soldiers, larger sums to his officers and friends, and commanded that eminent men from every village in Judea be assembled in the hippodrome, to be executed upon his death, so that, vainly, all Judea would mourn Herod's death.

Where Herod persisted unto his own death, in the animation text, the head of the household is reborn, enduring the death of their perception and world through to the beginning of a new and greater world. Those are the only two paths there are to choose from – death without accepting forgiveness, or death accepting forgiveness, and the death accepting forgiveness leads to rebirth and new life.

Some may say repentance is the way to salvation, but without fully understanding why one strays from the law, one is doomed to re-offend. Instead, when one is certain that the law under which they offend, is lacking, then they persist to their death under that law, and place their hope in a new life beyond that limited law. Nowadays, when everyone hopes for a life in heaven beyond the grave, this is what they are doing – hoping for a less limited law of life and death.

Apparently Herod neither repented nor hoped for a new life under a greater law. He hoped for earthly rewards, the mourning of Judea, and the benevolence of those he benefited, beyond his death. I'm sure there must be some way he might have justified himself, but few are interested in that. Nevertheless, if he were to accept forgiveness he would be forgiven. And so, continuing to rebel by not accepting forgiveness, he has his relief from life, and lives no more.

So the head of the household, may maintain their authority, where it is due, but has somehow changed so as to allow the sacred One relationship to return, in a new nativity. This opportunity was present to Herod as well, although he may have suffered execution if he entertained challenges to his authority, and the head of the household takes the same risk, by allowing any challenge to their authority. This, as well as the end of their perception of the world, is the death they must accept in order to be reborn. It is as real as any other death, full of anxiety and fear, as they submit themselves entirely to another in order to be transformed into a new person. This submitting oneself to another is only possible by the grace of God, and cannot be accomplished by anyone on their own. It is grace that saves, not merits.

So then why did God not grant grace to Herod ? The answer is that He did grant grace to Herod, but Herod did not accept it. This is the difference between a sinner and a saint. A sinner does not allow God into their life, claiming and clinging to the fact that they are a sinner. A saint, which only means one that the church declares is in heaven, is a sinner that does allow God into their life, claiming the grace He offers them in spite of their being a sinner.

We are all sinners, and that doesn't change, but we can regret our sins and claim the forgiveness offered. Why are we all sinners ? We are all limited in that we each fall short of perfection, as no one rose is perfect, but the perception of perfect can be obtained by observing many roses. Our limitations are our sins. We cannot escape our limitations, but we may overcome them by seeking the infinite purpose and taking up the opportunities that present themselves to us, in our life of faith, devoted to the most infinite purpose we can muster. This is the Joy of life, being a limited being in an unlimited infinite world. This itself is another union of the One and the Many, of female and male, and as such a balance of whole and part, renders true Joy to the participants.

So an angel appeared before father in a dream, the masculine nurturer of this specific romantic incidence of the balance of whole and part, the sacred One relationship. This would be what he longed for, and joyous news. But still, he must act on only a dream, and take a risk that cannot be taken lightly, with only a dream to justify such action. This is the life of faith, listening and watching for opportunities and acting on them. Most likely, no reasonable person would trust a fact on a dream, but rather trust the resolve that a dream may provide, and move forward based on that resolve, rather than the dream, looking for corroboration as one proceeds, cautiously but boldly.

Finally, it is our limitations, our sins as individuals, that slay Jesus - the manifestation of the balance of whole and part, and the realization of this brings the head of the household to their knees, before the object of their worship, the Son and the Father and the Holy Spirit, the knowledge of Being, Being, and the love of Being.


Sunday, March 18th, 2012


Verse 20 . .. ...20and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who are trying to take the child’s life are dead.”

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 20 . .. ...20and said “Get up and take the One to church, for those who are trying to take the life now know more.

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 20 Discussion

Joseph had a dream that Herod, the head of Israel, was dead and no longer posed a threat to the child Jesus. This is rather extraordinary, that a dream would communicate such a fact, yet Joseph, cultivating his spiritual life, knew how to respond to a dream both practically and faithfully. As discussed earlier, one may find themselves resolved to take action because of a dream, and this action, taken boldly, will likely resolve the facts of such a dream.

In the animation text, father, a male nurturer of this specific incidence of an infant One

sacred relationship balancing whole and part, female and male, is compelled by a dream to take the infant sacred One relationship to church. This corresponds to the gospel text in that the people of God, the Hebrews, lived and worshiped in the land of Israel, specifically at the temple in Jerusalem, as well as the synagogues throughout Israel. The people of God, as christians, worship in churches. So taking the infant balance of whole and part, the child Jesus, to Israel, corresponds to taking the infant One sacred relationship balancing whole and part to church.

Just as Herod, the head of the household of Israel, is no longer a threat to the child Jesus, the head of the household, in the animation text, is no longer a threat to the One relationship. But where Herod is dead and no more, the head of the household in the animation, is re-born, having died to their old perceptions and life, seeking forgiveness, to awake in their awareness to a new life with newly born perceptions. In this new life of the head of the household, they know more, rather than are no more. Herod is no more.

If there was anything redeeming about Herod then someone would take up his cause, or causes, of which one may be the persecution of the child Jesus. But since Herod was the way he was, people are content to be done with him and his causes. But the head of the household, acting against the One relationship in a mistaken understanding that the One relationship would be a threat to the well-being of the household, may still protect the household, yet not attack the sacred One relationship. They have protected the household with their life and understanding, to be defeated by the One relationship, to their loss of awareness and rebirth to a new awareness.

As discussed earlier, it does not matter who the players are in a sacred One relationship, but it does matter whether such a relationship is attacked or nurtured. The head of the household in the animation text, achieved the death of the sacred One relationship, where Herod was outwitted, yet both heads of the households have died, one physically, and in the animation text, the other, spiritually. If the majestic daughter were to enter into another subsequent relationship, without any change or rebirth of the head of the household, the head of the household would once again attack such a relationship just as they did in the last relationship. If there is not any change in our lives and circumstances, we are to repeat the same failures over and over again, repenting over and over again, to only go on to sin again.

Herod's credibility was seriously discredited by his ordering the execution of all male children under the age of two in the region of Bethlehem. Like wise, the head of the household in the animation text, suffers a lessened credibility in the church each time a member of the household fails in a relationship. The church, the people of God, become jaded regarding the crises as they keep repeating for this head of the household. Can they not overcome their shortcomings and grow into a new awareness of the repercussions of their repeated behaviour ? It does grow old.

It is easy to point a finger at someone else. Do we not all fall short of our calling to bring the infinite and love to the people we encounter ? And especially in responsible romantic relationships, we are all guilty of condemnation and likely to suffer condemnation for our condemnation of such sources of the One.

Whether we abandon the sacred balance of whole and part, female and male, in the relationships we are in, or fail to nurture and develop these relationships we find ourselves in, does not matter. We are making choices that express our limitations, so we are guilty of not expanding ourselves to overcome our limitations by not taking full advantage of the balances of whole and part we find ourselves in. This is at least the sin of omission – not taking advantage of the opportunities we encounter to nurture the sacred balance of whole and part, female and male.

Why are we so negligent? We are negligent because it is very hard to advocate for a balance of whole and part when all around us people see us as either too partial or too wholistic. This is a lack of culture, that could educate its members about how the nature of existence is. It is like immigrants who do not respect national values that respect the individual as well as place responsibilities on the individual. The whole idea of educating children and youth to make them strong responsible contributing citizens fails if a simple act of balancing the whole and part becomes a target for accusations of foul play.


Sunday, March 25th, 2012


Verse 21 21So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel.

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 21 21So he got up and with the other took the One to church.

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 21 Discussion

This is a simple verse. But let's open it up and discuss it fully.

Joseph got up, took the child Jesus, and his mother Mary, and went to the land of Israel. In the animation text, the masculine participant in this sacred One relationship, gets up, and with the other participant in this specific incidence of the sacred One relationship, takes the sacred One relationship to church.

This is very common – couples taking their relationship to church to acknowledge it, as well

as present and affirm their relationship. There is a sort of comfort in acknowledging a beloved relationship in one's place of worship. One may not even worship in a church or any other building, but whatever they do worship will witness their beloved relationship, as the participants will want to share their relationship with whatever and whomever they honour. So just as Joseph and Mary would have wanted to take their son to Israel, to share their faith and culture with him, the couple wants to share their relationship with the members of their faith, in the place where they worship and practice their culture and faith.

Now on to the “other”. This is not to imply that the masculine is primary and anything else is other, but rather that whether one is masculine or feminine, there is an “other”. This generally goes overlooked, that there is an other out there, rather than everyone being the same. Everyone is the same . .. … .. . but different. This is the problem of the one and the many, from Plato's Philebus. If there is one, then how can there be many, and if there is many, how can there be one? Since I am constantly referring to a balance of whole and part, female and male, one and many, wholistic and reductionistic, and communion and agency, I intend to write out how all this works, beyond the introduction to the discussion of Matthew's Three Fold , and with references, likely after the discussion of Matthew's Foretold is written. Suffice it to say for now, that existence is a dynamic balance of whole and part, female and male, and this balance is progressing through imbalance to greater stability.

In a relationship, the acknowledgement of an other is a source of great joy. The other accepts one and overlooks one's shortcomings, gently nurturing the growth of the one into the greater knowledge of the other. And the one does the same for the other, accepting, overlooking shortcomings, and gently nurturing the other's growth into the greater knowledge of the one. It is common for this relationship to be considered sacred and a priority above all else, or at least close to it.

But nevertheless, the other is other, and conflicts are bound to arise, as the other is inclined toward their affections and the one is inclined toward their affections, and these are different in that one is wholistic and the other is partial. This is the irony, that the greatest joy is a result of the differences that are capable of the greatest condemnation and enmity. So without forgiveness there is not any One sacred balance of whole and part. And any endeavour that does not employ a balance of whole and part, is by definition, evil and destructive.

This is why it is important to take a sacred One relationship, whether of a couple or of an individual, to church or one's place of worship, because such a relationship can be volatile if not treated with forgiveness, and directed toward the infinite.

In the past, the idea that I should attend a seminary or become a priest, was put forth by a friend at least twice in my life. I reject the idea because I have not found an institution that I can be obedient to, since I have not found an institution that worships the Lord as a balance of whole and part, holding marriage in the highest esteem. Even the Roman Catholic faith, that I vote for with my feet, is only beginning to recognize the sacred and important nature of marriage as put forth in the late Pope John Paul II's Man and Woman He Created Them : A Theology of the Body . So I am taking a risk by labouring outside of institutions that I may loose my way and be lost for not gathering together with others. I have chosen rather, to be a voice crying in the wilderness, that is true to myself and my relationship with my God, and not hindered by the institutions of man, if not nurtured by the institutions of God. Nevertheless I am a practicing Roman Catholic, needing the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as I try to put forth a faith in marriage as the application of christianity.

Furthermore, a more intense faith of christianity may unite the denominations, and even the religions as well as secular society under one infinite person, with many possibilities. Even an evolutionist can see value in marriage.

But when a balance of whole and part, whether the child Jesus, or a sacred One relationship, is taken to those who intercede on behalf of the infinite, will the intercessors be capable of guiding such a powerful, potentially volatile, union? I would suggest that only the infinite itself is capable of housing the infinite sacred One relationship, whether Jesus or a marriage. Nevertheless, the participants must play out before the infinite and the infinite's intercessors to witness to the truth they have encountered. This is part of what Jesus did, and this is what the apostles, martyrs and saints have done, and this is what participants in marriage, the sacred One relationship of whole and part, are to do, both to and for their spouse as well as the community in which they find themselves to be members.

Finally, as discussed in the Theology of the Body stuff, a person may engage the infinite as an individual, and this is a valid expression of their spiritual life, if taken up freely in response to a calling. Nevertheless participants in a sacred One relationship likewise have a responsibility when each of them acts as an individual, to witness to their encounter with the infinite.


Passion Sunday, April 1st, 2012


Verse 22 22But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, . .. …

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 22 22But when he heard the Son was reigning in the head space, he was afraid to go there. Having been warmed in a dream he withdrew to another place, . .. …

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 22 Discussion

If Joseph was prudent enough to consider the reign of the son of Herod to be a threat, then no one can accuse him of being ignorant in acting on merely a dream. There is a practical truth to scripture that still allows for the infinite to act.

Nevertheless, many choose to put their faith in magic and not reconcile what they are told with what they know for themselves to be true. For certain, mysteries remain, yet failing to attempt to reconcile mysteries leaves magic in the place of fertile consideration. We are to consider everything about Jesus' presence, so much so that we are to consume his presence, in whatever form we encounter it. To not do so is to dismiss his efforts to influence our lives before infinity. This is another balance of whole and part, reconciling what we are told with what we have witnessed first hand, and it all points to the infinite.

To accept what we are told, and not consider it fully to the point of reconciliation, is to lack faith in the truth we are being told. With faith, I have considered my knowledge of the faith, and have encountered the risen Christ, and live in a world that includes Him. This world, ruled by Christ, sends us not only to follow the very path of Christ, but beyond to the fruit of his ministry and resurrection. In this world, ruled by Christ, I have found a path to the Kingdom of Heaven, on earth, and this path is marriage. We are destined to eternal life with God on earth, by the means of Christ himself and his ministry applied.

So for the Son to reign in the head space, with nothing beyond his holy height, is a static idol rather than a living God. Any sovereign who reigns idly is not a leader and is a hindrance. Christ, in the Trinity, is a living God, present to those taking up their own crosses and following Him. He is not an idol, idly ignoring his kingdom, but active in bringing God to the world, and His Kingdom of Heaven, on earth, as it is in heaven. If not life giving, by His resurrection, than christianity is pathetic. We are all to follow Jesus, to life through death. The only thing to fear is an idol god. The father of the One, is afraid to go there.

But the world goes on, in spite of idolatry, and One is warmed by a dream of heaven on earth, and withdraws to another place. There is more. There is more than a comfortable life and a comfortable death. There is eternal life, that could be here on earth, if the infinite could be fathomable, and the infinitesimal considerable.

The dark ages were dark, partly due to everyone seeking heaven rather than attending to earth. Open sewers were common for lack of anyone digging a latrine. They would rather pray than lift a finger to improve their life on earth. We are in a similar age, with everyone on track to a comfortable life and a comfortable death, rather than a worthy life and untimely death. This is the case since the mid nineteen-sixties, with the loss of the Vietnam war, with its unpopularity at least partly due to a culture of comfort among the youth rather than a culture of service. The war was a waste, but so was the second world war, yet people were committed to winning it. Many speak of a culture of death, and call the movement “Pro-Life”, yet they do not address the reasons for euthanasia and abortion. An untimely pregnancy, untimely for a comfortable life, is the reason for abortion, rather than an anti-life attitude.

Christ has offered all of us true life, by showing us the way to it, through embracing death in order to find life. If one were to accept an uncomfortable life, in a spiritual death, then they would not choose abortion or euthanasia, and live on in true life, with its challenges and spiritual birth to new life.

So rather than continue on in this pathetic worship of an idle, idol God, the sacred One relationship balancing whole and part dwells in another place, free to worship the living resurrected God, who conquered the Roman empire with the martyrs who embraced death in order to find life.

Consider what one is working for today. Is it pay for a comfortable life, or is it work to benefit others and society as a whole? If one works at something that is not benefiting anyone other than one's pursuit of a comfortable life, than could there be more? To dodge work is to steal from one's employer, co-workers and society. To work at something for the idol, idle goal of being paid is to limit the possibilities that would come from effective work.

And to propose that one's work is not illegal is not a justified response. Prostitution is not illegal, only the solicitation for the act of prostitution and benefiting from the proceeds of prostitution are illegal. Exotic dancing establishments are not illegal, yet adultery is wrong. Likewise, just because one is paid, does not make the work justified. If one were to consider their employment in light of a greater whole, one may find that they are only a hindrance to the kingdom of heaven on earth, rather than contributing to heaven on earth.

Who honestly believes that one person could benefit society to the extent of earning five hundred thousand dollars a year? Could they have accomplished such a thing if they were outside of society? Likewise, who honestly believes that a single mother on welfare is not contributing to society. If the culturally sanctified goal of distributing the wealth based on contribution through work were to be justified, than the crown must prosecute any incidence of malpractice on the part of employers, co-workers or customers. This is all a result of an idle, idol worship of the infinite, excluding the infinitesimal.

Just as there are worlds that are overlooked by idol, idle worship, that could be employed if the sincere worship of a living God were to be employed, these worlds are where those who worship a resurrected living God find themselves. This is the other place where the resurrected living God finds the sacred One relationship living, working and worshipping Him. This worship is alive and well, although overlooked to its benefit, until one day when the nurtured sacred One relationship is mature enough to rule the empire.

Capitalism won the cold war and now has free reign to show its prosperity, but where is that prosperity? If leaders cannot direct our economies to create value, our economies will flounder for a good time to come, likely only recovering by means of a social upheaval such as a war. This could be avoided if economies take both the infinite and the infinitesimal into consideration, balancing whole and part, practically worshipping a resurrected living God, and embracing death in order to find true life.


Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, April 8th and 9th, 2012


Verse 23 . .. ... 23and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: “He will be called a Nazarene.”

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 23 . .. ... 23and One lived in another place. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: “ He will be called an otherene .”

from the text of the animation HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 23 Discussion

What is an other? It is something other than us or I. This could be an inanimate collection, or other than animal, or other than human, or other than our race, or other than our faith, or other than our nation, or other than our community, or other than our trade, or other than our family, or other than ourselves. There are many distinctions between ourselves and others, and many communities of which we consider ourselves to be a member.

I was always impressed with a phrase from the animated film entitled The Man Who Planted Trees , from the writing of the same title by Jean Giono. The phrase is “There were rivals in virtue and rivals in vice, and the battle royal between vice and virtue raged incessantly.” If we consider a being as other, than how do we treat it. Do we battle it, whether it is virtuous or not, or do we align with it and seek its benevolence? This could be God himself that we consider other and seek his benevolence. This could be Satan, the opposer, that we oppose in the hopes of conquering his influence.

The whole idea of the duality of whole and part enables one to consider both situations, the other than us, and the united with us. This understanding dances through one's mind, sparkling and alighting here and there with the identification of One and Many, ourselves and other.

Christians may pray that the Holy Spirit will come upon them and guide and enlighten them. This is the seeking of a union with God, who is understood as other than us, as well as greater than us. But if God is being itself, the Son is knowledge of being, and the Holy Spirit is the love of being, than as legitimate beings, if only temporal, we are to a certain extent . . . gods! Likewise, to the extent that we do not exist, our limitations on our being, we are creatures, temporal and mortal. So there is the divine in each one of us, as well as the opposer in each one of us, and a portion of our existence that will cease to exist, whether from day to day, or for eternity.

What does it mean that Jesus was called a Nazarene? Literally, it means he came from Nazareth. But the intention is to show that Jesus is member of those that come from Nazareth, and shares characteristics with others who come from Nazareth. The phrase “ can anything good come out of Nazareth?” will give one the idea of what it means to call Jesus a Nazarene. This is the delineation of a distinction between good and Nazareth, and between good and Nazarenes. It is implied that Nazarenes were to be kept as other, not united with good, as we are united with good. Jesus was an other.

Likewise, the sacred One relationship balancing whole and part, female and male, will be considered other until it is accepted and considered united with us. But for the meanwhile, until the sacred One is accepted and adopted as our life's guide, it will be considered other. So it will dwell in an other place from where we are, and remain “foreign” to us. But this will be in degrees, as some people agree with parts of my writing that they may have read, but find other parts challenging and unacceptable at this time. Likewise, I have not presented any of this to any church authority, choosing to develop it until it has a life of its own and can stand up to critical evaluation. Critical thought – what other parlour tricks can one do? This entire project, this HESUS JOY CHRIST , is other until it is accepted and united with us.

So the sacred One relationship, balancing whole and part, lives in an other place. Religions have not accepted it, whatever religion one may consider, yet neither has the secular world accepted it, expressing an aversion to religious engagement. So, by trying to walk the line between religious and secular, I have excluded myself and this work from both – both reject this work as either being too religious, or not authorized religion, being too secular.

This is the cross that christians are called to bear, this balance of whole and part, accused of being too partial by those who are too wholistic, and being accused as being too wholistic by those that are too partial! In striving for a balance, one becomes persecuted from both or all sides. So just as christians were other than the Roman Empire, as well as other than Judaism, even though they were considered enlightened by the Greeks, and considered themselves to have witnessed the fulfilment of the Hebrew faith, Judaism, this sacred One relationship, balancing whole and part, female and male, is considered other by all. So it dwells in an other place.

This dwelling in an other place, is where new value comes from. Just as splitting the atom releases power, so within today's world there is value, rather than acquiring value from beyond today's world. It is in the infinitesimal that the means to fathom the infinite can be found. Yet when one becomes aware of the One sacred relationship balancing whole and part, a new world of opportunity becomes apparent. When one can see both the whole and the part of each and all they encounter, one can navigate throughout, gathering value as they go, and knowledge of where they are and where they are headed, so as to effectively envision and gather value.

In a closed system, there is not any opportunity for new growth as the system is closed to anything beyond it. Or is there an opportunity for new growth? If the system were to change from within, then first some part of the system will be considered wrong, as it addresses a greater system, beyond the limits of the closed system in which it is considered wrong. This is

why forgiveness is so important, that something that is wrong is not to be opposed so that it may run its course in the hope that it will present a greater system to a closed system. This is why Jesus was persecuted, because he was wrong in the existing closed system, and this is why Jesus was successful, because he was correct in a greater, farther ranging system.

Just as navigation by the stars was developed in the closed system of the north African desert caravans, and became the means by which ocean navigation was possible, opening the new world, developments within existing systems, although contrary to the existing closed system, will be the means by which the system will expand and include greater assets.


Sunday, April 15th, 2012


This concludes the discussion of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

Closing Notes OVERVIEW

Well here we go ! We were a third of the way through discussing the seventeen verses of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Three Fold , when I took take a break to consider the wordage that was then pushing seven thousand words !

A body of knowledge has it's limits, and one limit has nothing to do with how many pages are written about such a body of knowledge. When one ( or a group ) creates a body of knowledge they are making many decisions, or rather, assumptions that are not stated outright. These assumptions are made early on in the creation of a body of knowledge but seriously limit the effectiveness of that body of knowledge. So as an example of how creating a body of knowledge can become ridiculous, usually around the point at which academia takes over, I have chosen to write about everything I know about how to pick up a stick.

I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of a man in his fifties who left the aerospace industry to go to school for landscaping. That alone is ridiculous enough, but the point is that this gentleman was accomplished in academia and technological industry, who when he decided he wanted to work outdoors it was only natural that he would go to school to learn an outdoor trade. He studied for three years at Humber College and graduated from the landscaping technician program. Sadly, he only lasted five months as a landscaper, in spite of working for a very reputable, good and established company, and was able to get into good enough shape in spite of his many years of age, but could not tolerate the bystanders looking at him with the expression of 'look at that nice old man picking weeds' ! His academic and thorough understanding was not appreciated by the casual observer, so was it worth anything at all ? Likewise, this thorough understanding of how to pick up a stick is ridiculous and not worth anything at all to the casual observer. And the discussion of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Three Fold is not worth anything to the casual observer – unless an awareness is cultivated by considering the discussion, but a thorough consideration of the animation would have the same effect of cultivating an awareness, not to mention considering life would cultivate a thorough awareness.

The moral of the story, here, is PAY ATTENTION !!!


Tuesday, April 12th, 2011


Here is how to pick up a stick.

First determine the size of the stick. Is it a twig, a limb, or a full branch? If it is a twig, how many of them are there? If there are many, then get a rake and a tarp. If there are not enough to warrant a tarp than get a garbage bag or a bucket.

Drop the garbage bag or bucket in the general middle of the twigs, and begin a loop path, starting and finishing at the bucket and extending only far enough to allow you to fill your hands with twigs. If you make the loop path too big you will waste time walking back to the bucket when your hands are full. If you make the loop path too small you will be dumping too few sticks in the bucket for each loop and that wastes time loading too small a load of twigs in the bucket. This becomes a concern when the bucket begins to get full and the twigs must be stuffed into it and can no longer just be dropped into it. If you are using a garbage bag, however, this is always a concern as the twigs must be placed into the bag lengthwise as otherwise the bag cannot hold as much and is too quickly filled.

Actually picking up the twig must be done standing with legs extended but not locked. Lean down like you are touching your toes and bob down to pick up the twig, and as you bob up transfer it to your off hand until it is full, and by that time you should be more than halfway along your loop path. Finish the remaining path holding the sticks in the good hand that picks them up, so that you arrive at the bucket with two full hands. Do not crawl around on your hands and knees because you need your hands to hold as many twigs as possible. It likely isn't good for your knees, crawling in the damp ground. As well, bending your knees to crouch down to pick up the twigs will be too much bending for your knees. Bobbing will get you well stretched out.

In the case of many twigs, a rake can be used to gather the twigs into piles and onto the tarp, to be dragged or carried to the truck. The first sweep of the rake will orient the twigs perpendicular to the sweep of the rake, and then the pile can be rolled like a snowball as it gathers more twigs. Maintain the coherency of the pile if the twigs are to be tied into bundles, as such a fagot can be rolled onto the twine to allow the twine to be wrapped around the fagot and tied. Do not attempt to rake a twig that is parallel to the path of the rake. This will break the rake. It may still be necessary to gather the remaining twigs by hand. Larger sticks may need to be picked up by hand, following the above mentioned method, as they cannot be gathered by a rake. DO NOT BREAK THE RAKE !

Usually, a large area of twigs will occur in the spring as summer or spring maintenance is beginning, but may also occur when pruning. Pruning will produce limbs and perhaps branches. Branches may also need to be picked up at the beginning of spring maintenance or after a storm.

When picking up a limb or a stick that is larger, pick it up by the stump end as that will give you the most leverage over a tapered limb if you pick it up by it's heaviest end. Otherwise the limb will be unwieldy and if you can get it into your armload, you may not be able to toss it in the truck. Gather all that you can hold under one arm and make sure you are on your way back to the truck by the time you have a full load in your arms. Again, bob down and up to pick up the sticks, keeping in mind your armload. There is no way you could crawl or even crouch with an armload of sticks.

Branches are larger sticks that branch into more than one stick. They may be very large. If they are very large, do not cut them up, but instead drag them by the stump end, so that no further branches are broken off, and heave them by the stump end, into the truck. The best place to cut them, to pack them into the truck efficiently, is right in the truck. If one was to cut them up before they are in the truck, that is only more sticks to pick up and more sticks to throw in the truck and more sticks to pack into the truck to get a large load and reduce the number of trips with the truck. Once a few branches are aligned with the stump end at the head of the truck, tread on the branches carefully and with loppers, cut the branches at the crotches where the smaller branches head out from the main branch. It is the crotch that sets the limbs at angles to one another and prevents efficient loading in the truck bed. By cutting the branches at the crotches the limbs are able to fall into alignment with one another. I have seen a load of branches come out of the truck body and maintain the rectangular shape of the truck body as it sits on it's own after being dumped.

Finally, for a good laugh, try to wield a branch by the small end – it will wobble around and you may not even be able to get the stump off the ground ! The use of a wood chipper greatly improves the packing and removal of large branches, but there will still be twigs to be gathered, according to the appropriate method.


1000 words Tuesday, April 12th, 2011