Cameron Parish

Cameron Parish is truly a paradise for birds. Due to its large size and location, it contains a wide array of habitat types, including prairie, gallery woods, hardwood swamps, freshwater and saltwater marshes, cheniers (oak woods on old ridges of the gulf beach), beach, and open gulf. It is also very sparsely populated.

For songbirds and migration, coastal locations such as the Holleyman-Sheely Migratory Bird Sanctuary (owned and maintained by Baton Rouge Audubon Society), and the Jetty Woods (private property) are optimal.

For birds of the freshwater marsh, the Sabine NWR boardwalk, the Cameron Prairie NWR, and the Gibbstown Bridge are accessible, birder-friendly stops.

Highway 82 near Holly Beach, the East Jetties at Cameron, and Broussard and Rutherford Beaches are outstanding birding areas for viewing beach and mudflat flocks.