Our Committees


The Session of Grace Presbyterian Church is made up

the Elders of the church.

It is the duty of the Elders, individually and jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge. Together with the Pastor, they should encourage the people in the worship and service of God, equip and renew them for their tasks within the church and for their mission in the world, visit and comfort and care for the people, with special attention to the poor, the sick, the lonely, and those who are oppressed.

Christian Nurture Committee

The Christian Nurture Committee oversees the ministries of men, women, children and youth. There are many exciting activities for all of the groups and events that fall under Grace’s Christian Nurture umbrella! Some of the many areas included are: the Mens Prayer Breakfast, the monthly Women’s Circles, Monday Night Book Group, Fun Bunch, Prayer Partners, 4th Sunday Feast Potluck, & yearly retreats, as well as the more traditional areas of Christian Education for children, youth and adults.

Yearly activities are:

Vacation Bible School

Harvest Festival

Children/Youth Christmas Program

Mission Committee

The Mission Committee is a committee of the Session. The focus is on local, national and world missions. There are 4 denomination-wide offerings that are collected at Easter, Pentecost, Mission month (October) and Christmas. These offerings benefit world missions as well as local missions. The committee also participates in the Blanket Offering, and the Christmas Shoebox Offering. All interested persons attending Grace Church are welcome to participate.

Building and Grounds Committee

The Building and Grounds Committee manages all of the physical maintenance needs of Grace Church.


The Grace Presbyterian Deacons, in concert with tireless volunteers and generous donations from the congregation, offer a wide range of ministries that serve both the congregation and the community.

Examples of the Deacons ministry include providing crisis meals to congregants returning home from surgeries. In addition, Deacons visit church members who, for health or mobility reasons, are not able to attend church services. Communion is also brought to those shut-ins once a month. Each Sunday, a Deacon will deliver the flowers from the Sunday service to congregation members who may be ill or otherwise unable to make it to church.

The Deacons are responsible for coordinating the provision of treats for fellowship hour every Sunday after church. They also handle memorial and other receptions. Deacons provide a rose for adult and infant baptisms and set up communion for the congregation each month.

Other ministries of the Deacons include a prayer line where members of the congregation can request prayers for friends or family members in need. The Deacons also operate a food pantry where congregants and community members in need can get bags of non-perishable groceries. In addition, gently worn clothes, coats, and blankets are collected, and, through the efforts of the Wise Men and Women, are distributed to the homeless. At Christmas, the Deacons coordinate providing gifts and food to up to six needy families in the community. Gifts and food donations are generously provided by the congregation.

Finally, the Deacons are blessed to be able to provide financial donations to a few local organizations that also provide services to the needy.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee oversees all of the activities that relate to the Worship service at Grace church.