Cognitive Tutors

We develop intelligent systems for accelerating cognitive growth and teaching cognitive skills. As a first step, we have developed a cognitive tutor that teaches people optimal planning strategies.

The basic idea is to provide metacognitive feedback so as to accelerate metacognitive reinforcement learning towards to the optimal cognitive strategy. Here is an example of what the cognitive tutor's feedback looks like:

Cognitive Tutor

If you like, you can try out the Cognitive Tutor yourself in our Online Demo.


  1. Lieder, F., Callaway, F., Krueger, P.M., Griffiths, T.L., & Gul, S. (2018). Discovering and Teaching Optimal Planning Strategies. KogWis 2018. [Abstract]
  2. Lieder, F.*, Callaway, F.*, Krueger, P.M., Das, P., Griffiths, T.L., Gul, S. (accepted). Discovering and Teaching Optimal Planning Strategies. KogWis 2018. [Abstract]
  3. Lieder, F.*, Krueger, P. M.*, Callaway, F.*, & Griffiths, T.L. (2017). A computerized training program for teaching people how to plan better. Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision-Making. [Abstract]
  4. Lieder, F.*, Krueger, P.M*., Callaway, F.*, & Griffiths (2017). A reward shaping method for promoting metacognitive learning. The 3rd Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making. [Extended Abstract]