Pesky slugs!

Post date: 28-Oct-2014 10:59:18

In spite of the netting over my newly planted vegie patch, something is having a feast at my expense. I didn't think it would be slugs because apparently they don't like navigating rough paths and I had assumed that the thick layer of straw mulch would be barrier enough. Not so. My poor eggplant seedling is getting attacked and I'm not getting to taste any of of the strawberries.

Chewed up leaf from eggplant seedling
Caught in the act

Gardening Know How responded to my call for help on Twitter, said it looked like slugs and provided a link to Facts about slugs and how to kill garden slugs.

They were right! I laid out some beer and melon rind traps. While the watermelon rind did attract a few slugs, beer was clearly preferred by slugs and an earwig. I've been laying traps the last few nights; plan for this weekend is to remove some of the mulch and put some barriers around the plants.

Beer - crowd

Some observations

    • Not all slugs drink themselves stupid and drown in the beer. Some are responsible, moderate drinkers who know when to stop and leave!!

    • There were fewer dead slugs in the mornings than were seen the night before imbibing the beer. Some slugs were observed slithering away after having had a drink. It's only the silly ones that drink too much, fall in and can't get out that end up drowning in the beer.

    • Earwigs are also partial to beer and just as likely as slugs to drown in the liquid.

    • While the watermelon rind did attract a few slugs and earwigs, it didn't work as a trap. I did leave the rind upside down but no slugs were seen hiding under it the next morning.

    • No slugs were found hiding under the mulch ether. Not sure where they are residing.