
Upcoming presentations

On the so-called passive construction of Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

Syntax of Uralic Languages 5, Hamburg

When CAUS+SE=PASS: The morphosyntax, semantics and diachrony of Uralic passives (with Marcel den Dikken)

Syntax of Uralic Languages 5, Hamburg

Strategies for PPs in Ainu (poster)

WCCFL42, University of California, Berkley 

Flash talks


Autoclassifiers: a post-syntactic reduplication account

GLOW in Asia XIII, Hong Kong [online]



Locatives as binominals: Consequences for the case hierarchy

Össznyelvész 7, Budapest

Locative PPs as binominals: The view from Ainu

Factors in Natural Language Design workshop, Göttingen

A főnévi módosítók mondattani vizsgálata

Sokszínűség a tudományban. Az FKA Magyar Tudomány Ünnepi programja, Budapest

Locative PPs as binominals: Evidence from Ainu and Sora 

The First Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Workshop at KRE, Budapest

NP constituency and complex numerals in Ch'ol

Workshop on systems of nominal classification, SinFonIJA 16, Brno

A túlszámláló számnevek szerkezete

ELTE Intézményi ÚNKP konferencia, Budapest [online]

Anatomy of a complex numeral: Overcounting in Ch'ol

Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc

Silent nouns in the syntax of special uses of personal proper names (with Marcel den Dikken)

OurID Colloquium, University of Lisbon 

Silent nouns in the syntax of special uses of personal proper names (with Marcel den Dikken)

NELS 53, University of Göttingen 


Numerals and classifiers in Ch’ol: Constituency in classifier expressions

Összenyelvész 6, Budapest [online]

Predication in the syntax of collectives with numerals (with Marcel den Dikken)

Nihon University, Tokyo

The syntax of numeral modification in Southern Hokkaido Ainu

Kobe University colloquium, Kobe

On collectives with numerals (with Marcel den Dikken)

Nominal determination: form, function, and else (Marceió, Brazil)

The syntax of odd decimals in Southern Hokkaido Ainu

Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 16, University of Rochester [online]

Partitives in Estonian (with Marcel den Dikken)

PARTE. Methods for approaching variation in partitives and beyond, Budapest

Osztályozók a főnévi csoportban: összetevős szerkezet

ELTE Intézményi ÚNKP konferencia, Budapest [online]

Autoclassifiers: a post-syntactic reduplication account

International Congress on Syntax: In honour of Professor Ana Maria Brito, Porto

Partitive case in Estonian: implications for the case hierarchy

Syntax of Uralic Languages 4, Budapest [online]

The syntax of echo classifiers

31st Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Hawaii [online]

Complex numerals in Hokkaido Ainu

Linguistics and Asian Languages 2022, Poznan [online]


Complex numerals: the case of overcounting 

Össznyelvész 5, Budapest [online]

Classifiers: licensing and constituency in the NP

NELS 52, Rutgers University [online]

On the internal and external syntax of depictive secondary predication (with keynote speaker Marcel den Dikken)

The International Workshop on Secondary Predication 2021, Tokyo [online]

The morphosyntax of sociative and dissociative phrases, with particular focus on Hungarian (with Marcel den Dikken)

14th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis, Novi Sad [online]

The morphosyntax of sociative and dissociative phrases (with Marcel den Dikken)

15th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Pécs

Classifier licensing and the constituency of classifier expressions

Humboldt University research seminar, Berlin

Classifiers for nouns, classifiers for numerals

44th GLOW Colloquium [online]

Where propositional arguments and participial relative clauses meet (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

On the nouniness of propositional arguments at the 43rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, Freiburg [online]

The participle–nominalizer polysemy in Uralic and Turkic (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

Sixth Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, Toronto [online]


The participle-nominalizer polysemy in Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

5th workshop on languages of the Volga-Kama Sprachbund, Moscow [online]

On the shared morphology between participles and nominalizations (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

Synactic approaches to morphology, New York [online]

Participles and nominalizations (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

Nano weblab, Brno [online]

Three ways of explaining the participle-nominalizer polysemy (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

13th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis, Budapest [online]


The participle-nominalizer polysemy in Udmurt (with Ekaterina Georgieva)

New results in the syntax of Uralic languages, Budapest

Passives that look like causatives – Causatives that read like passives. CAUS+SE=PASS (with Marcel den Dikken)

Sinfonija 12, Brno

Possessive structure in Hungarian: from Poss to the DP left-periphery

Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv

Numeral classifiers in language contact: the case of Finno-Ugric (with Klára Agyagási)

Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv

Functional structure in the Udmurt necessive participle (with Yulia Speshilova)

Össznyelvész konferencia, Budapest


Ótörök hatás a magyar osztályozószók kialakulásában? (with Klára Agyagási)

Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 4, Budapest

Structure and control with Northern Udmurt necessive participles (with Yulia Speshilova)

HSE Workshop on the Volga-Kama languages, Moscow

Hol a határ? A fiatal kutatók helyzete Magyarországon (with Donát Alpár, Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi, Enikő Kubinyi, Ágnes Máté, Balázs Munkácsy, Eszter Neumann, Katalin Solymosi, Gergely Toldi) 

A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe, MTA székház, Budapest 

Extended projection and defective goals in the syntax of noun incorporation (with Marcel den Dikken)

Nominals at the interfaces, Seoul

Spatial case and latent Place: on case, concord and pseudo-partitives in the Estonian Noun Phrase (with Marcel den Dikken)

Nominals at the interfaces, Seoul

Khanty relative pronouns and the clauses that contain them (with Katalin Gugán and Orsolya Tánczos)

51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn 

Chomsky nyelvészeti radikalizmusa [Chomsky's linguistic radicalism]

189th General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Chomsky90 workshop, Budapest

DP structure and (in)alienability in Hungarian Sign Language

Jolien Scholten's PhD defense workshop, Utrecht

Nyelvünk változása

Időkapszula - Kecskemét várossá válásának 650. évfordulója, Kecskemét (opening lecture of a conference for high-school students)

Uráli mondattani kutatások az MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézetében 

(with Erika Asztalos, Barbara Egedi, Katalin É. Kiss, Nikolett F. Gulyás, Katalin Gugán, Veronika Hegedűs, Nikolett Mus, Eszter Simon, Anne Tamm, Orsolya Tánczos)

Finnugor Szeminárium, Pécs


From prenominal to postnominal relative clauses in Udmurt and Khanty (with Orsolya Tánczos and Katalin Gugán) 

Mutatvány "Az uráli nyelvek mondattanának változása aszimmetrikus kontaktushelyzetben" OTKA-projektum eredményeiből, Budapest

Finitization in the Udmurt future participle (with Orsolya Tánczos)

Uralic Syntax Days, Tartu

New relative clauses in (Surgut) Khanty (with Orsolya Tánczos and Katalin Gugán)

13th day of Language Change, Tallinn

The typology of noun incorporation: V, v and defective probe-goal relations (with Marcel den Dikken)

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences lecture, Beijing

The structure of the left periphery in Khanty and Udmurt relatives (with Orsolya Tánczos and Katalin Gugán)

Workshop on the Left Periphery, Oslo

The Noun Phrase in Hungarian Sign Language

Sign Languages East and West workshop, 25th Annual Meeting of the  Association of Chinese Linguistics, Budapest

The structure of the Udmurt past participle (with Orsolya Tánczos)

Budapest Linguistics Conference 2, Budapest


Udmurt -m clauses as relatives and arguments: a unified analysis (with Orsolya Tánczos)

12th day of Language Change: Contact-induced changes in syntax workshop, Tartu

Embedded clauses in Udmurt: figuring out the label (with Orsolya Tánczos)

What's in a label? workshop, Arrezzo

Grammaticalization paths in complex adpositional phrases (with Veronika Hegedűs)

49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Naples

The development of split CP in Udmurt embedded clauses (with Orsolya Tánczos)

49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Naples

The structure of DP, with special reference to Hungarian

the EGG school, Lagodekhi (Georgia)

'Nominal' numerals: the case of Slavic and Finno-Ugric

Il Getegra international workshop on Nominals, Recife, Brazil


A bal periféria kialakulása és kiterjedése udmurt alárendelt mondatokban  (with Orsolya Tánczos)

Nyelvelmélet és kontaktológia 3, Budapest

Changes on the left periphery of Old Hungarian relative clauses (invited talk, with Julia Bacskai-Atkari)

Masaryk University, Brno

Recursion reconsidered (with Marcel den Dikken)

SinFonIJA 8, Ljubljna

Two positions for verbal modifiers: evidence from derived particle verbs (with Veronika Hegedűs)

SinFonIJA 8, Ljubljana

Quantificational case in Finno-Ugric

12th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, The Syntactic Structure of Uralic Languages Workshop, Oulu

Head last to head first and left peripheries: evidence from Khanty and Udmurt relatives (with Orsolya Tánczos)

22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples

Udmurt relative clauses with and without a left periphery (with Orsolya Tánczos)

Budapest Linguistics Conference, Budapest

Cyclic changes in Hungarian relative clauses (with Julia Bacskai-Atkari)

17th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Reykjavík

Head last to head first and left peripheries: evidence from Khanty and Udmurt relatives (with Orsolya Tánczos)

17th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Reykjavík

Recursion reconsidered (with Marcel den Dikken)

12th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Leiden

Two positions for verbal modifiers: evidence from derived particle verbs (with Veronika Hegedűs)

12th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Leiden

A vonatkozó névmások története az óangolban és az ómagyarban (invited talk, with Julia Bacskai-Atkari)

Debrecen Uiniversity Colloquium, Debrecen


Russian quantificational case and the case hierarchy

9th Annual Slavic Linguistics Society Annual Conference, Seattle

The syntax of Sami quantified numerals

35th TABU Dag, Groningen

Az -é birtokjel szerepéről a főnévi csoportban (invited talk)

Signum linguistics research seminar at the University of Pécs, Pécs

Az ómagyar gerundiumok alanyáról

A nyelvtörténeti kutatások újabb eredményei VIII, Szeged


Az ómagyar -va/ve és -ván/vén igenevek használata véges igeként (with Eszter Simon)

Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 2, Budapest

Variation in the position of case markers relative to possessive agreement 

Variation in P, Venice

Hungarian anaphoric possessives 

SinFonIJA-6, Nis

The structure of Old Hungarian -t gerunds

11th Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Piliscsaba

Word order variation in Hungairan PPs (with Veronika Hegedűs)

11th Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Piliscsaba

Obligatorily possessed gerunds in Old Hungarian

Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc

Rethinking the structural vs. inherent case contrast: a view from case- assigning numerals 

University of Utah Linguistics Colloquium, Salt Lake City


Across the river and into the syntactic trees (with Veronika Hegedűs)

Comprehensive Grammar Resources - Hungarian Conference, Szeged

Anti-agreement: the case of Hungarian possessors

SinFonIJA-5, Vienna

On some questions regarding the Hungarian nominal and pronominal  plural

Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Approaches to head movement

Trial lecture for the degree Philosophiae Doctor, University of Tromso

Inside proper names: the case of Hungarian 

36th Penn Linguistics Colloquium, Philadelphia


The functional sequence of nouns: how to spell out D

State of the Sequence Workshop 2, Tromso

The spurious NP ellipsis of Hungarian

34th GLOW Colloquium, Vienna

The ellipsis that wasn't there: classifiers and adjectives in the Hungarian spurious NP ellipsis

21st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Sevilla


Osztályozószók és melléknevek az NP-ellipszisben

Celebratory Workshop of the Theoretical Linguistics Department of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

A spanning account of Hungarian classifier and adjective interactions (with Aniko Csirmaz)

CASTL Colloquium, Tromso

Classifiers and the functional sequence in DPs (with Aniko Csirmaz)

11th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, The  Syntax of Finno-Ugric Languages and Universal Grammar Workshop,  Piliscsaba


Hungarian classifiers (with Aniko Csirmaz)

Word Classes 2010, Rome


Two types of postpositions in Hungarian  

Console XVIII, Barcelona

Reduplication in Hungarian (with Andrea Márkus)

3rd Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Philology, Bergen


On Hungarian verbal particles

6th Middle East Technical University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Ankara

Comitative adjuncts: appositives and non-appositives

3rd Annual Moscow Student Conference in Linguistics, Moscow



Locatives as binominals: the view from Ainu

GLOW in Asia XIV, the Chinese University of Hong Kong


Embedded clauses in three Uralic languages

Joint Annual Conference of Academia Europaea and ALLEA 2017, Budapest


On the left periphery of Udmurt embedded clauses (with Orsolya Tánczos)

SinFonIJA9, Brno


Weak and strong phases in infinitives: the case of Old Hungarian infinitival anti-agreement 

16th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Budapest

Higher and higher: postpositions, prepositions, and particles in Hungarian (with Veronika Hegedűs)

Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc


Hungarian postpositions: deriving variation in a postpositional language (with Veronika Hegedűs

Variation in P, Venice


(Anti)-agreeing with Hungarian possessors (invited poster)

Decennium: The first 10 years of CASTL, Tromso


K hidden and in plain sight:  the case of Hungarian postpositions

20th Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Barcelona


Dressed and naked postpositions in Hungarian

EALING Fall School,  Paris


On the base-position of Hungarian verbal particles

39th Poznan Linguistics Meeting, Poznan