Agent Based Economics

In spite of all its weaknesses, the practice of modelling an economy worth several trillion dollars by means of a rational optimizing Robinson Crusoe in continuous equilibrium has become the scientific standard of modern macroeconomics, also known as Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) theory. (Gaffeo et al. 2008)

(2019) An implementation of the Lengnick (2013) Agent-based in JAS (descargar)

(2019) An introduction to JAS-MINE (descargar)


Lengnick (2013) Agent-based macroeconomics: A baseline model (descargar)

Mitkova (2017) Labour Market Model with On-the-job Search, an Agent-based Approach (descargar)

Neugart and Richiardi (2018) Agent-Based Models of the Labor Market  (descargar)


Turrel (2016) Agent-based models: understanding the economy from the bottom up Bank of England (descargar)