Program Summary

At Immanuel Lutheran Preschool, our class day begins with drop-off at 8:00am. We offer a morning program option which runs from 8:00am-11:30am, and additionally offer an extended day option. If you choose to enroll your child in the full day program, the day will begin at the same time and end three hours later at 2:30pm.

Although our schedule is flexible, on normal days the schedule that we follow at Immanuel Lutheran Preschool will look like this:

8:00-8:15 - Arrival

8:15-9:15 - Centers

9:15-9:35 - Circle Time

9:35-9:45 - Bathroom Break/Transition

9:45-10:05 - Snack

10:05-10:25 - Bible Time

10:25-10:55 - Teacher Planned Activities (large or small group activities; subjects differ daily)

10:55-11:00 - Pack Up/Transition

11:00-11:30 - Outdoor Play

11:30-11:35 - Departure for AM students

11:30-11:55 - Outdoor Play (continued)

11:55-12:00 - Bathroom Break/Transition

12:00-12:45 - Lunch

12:45-1:00 - Bathroom Break/Story Time

1:00-1:30 - Rest/Quiet Time

1:30-2:30 - Free Play/Centers/Outdoor Play

2:30-2:35 - Departure for PM students

Immanuel Lutheran Preschool uses a Concordia Publishing House curriculum that provides many different activities for a variety of interests. Using this curriculum the teacher and aide present concepts and provide guidance so that the student may grow in each of the five developmental areas. The student is not required to master the curriculum presented, but is able to learn at his/her own pace using the developmentally appropriate materials that the preschool offers. Hands on experiences through child-directed play and experimentation as well as teacher-directed activities help the student learn to make wise choices.

At Immanuel Lutheran Preschool, there are several different areas in which we encourage children to develop. Our goals in each area follow:

1. Spiritual Growth – that the child develops and strengthens their relationship with Jesus, begins to enjoy and follow the Bible as His Word, and feels secure that Jesus is our Savior and friend.

2. Social Growth – that the child strives to be considerate of others, develops positive and effective means of interacting with others and is given the opportunity to celebrate different cultures and customs including their own.

3. Physical Growth – that the child develops an appreciation for how his/her body functions and that he/she participates in activities to aid in coordination and control of body movement with both gross and fine motor skills.

4. Emotional Growth – that the child develops self-esteem, learns to express feelings and emotions through words rather than actions, and becomes an increasingly independent person.

5. Intellectual Growth – that the child expresses satisfaction and creativity in all activities, is able to follow a series of directions, and practices problem solving skills.

In specific areas -

Language – that the child develops language skills which aid in more effective communication, recognizes the labels and sounds of letters and begins to sound out words, and begins to connect written and verbal language;

Math – that the child is exposed to and begins to use mathematical vocabulary, recognizes numerals and shapes, explores classification and sequencing and is exposed to symbol representation;

Science – that the child observes and explores in God’s creation, makes predictions and experiments to learn;

Music – that the child recognizes melodies and words of familiar songs, learns to listen to and identify sounds, and enjoys singing or practicing with instruments.

Immanuel Lutheran Preschool does not facilitate formal testing for your child, nor will we ask for homework or completed worksheets. Instead, your child’s development will be tracked and recorded with anecdotal records which go home daily, and photographs that will be available monthly. This will allow for parent-teacher communication of expectations, goals and achievements.