
T-year Baby Photo Album

T is the letter used by chinchilla organizations to designate kits born in the year 2007. Following are some pictures of babies born here in 2007.

T-1 and T-2

Closeup of T-1's sweet little face

Already active at one day old! The little brothers are very quick and seem to be playing "follow-the-leader"

Babies in a basket at one week old

Playtime for the babies!

Two weeks old and just gettin' bigger. Here they're out for playtime with their toy cars!

One month old playtime celebration! On their one month birthday, they got to play with colorful toys and chews during their photo session!

Momma Aurora even got to join in on their celebration! You can see how big the babies have gotten - already over 200 grams at one month of age!

11/29/07 - Tommy (T1) on the left with his new friend, Perseus, the dark ebony. Tommy is almost 500 grams now at 4 months of age. He loves his new little buddy and I hope to find a home for them where they can stay together. Tommy has turned out to be such a sweetie and loves to give chinnie-whisker kisses!

11/29/07 - Timmy (T2) playing with his hay. Timmy will be staying here to grow out and be shown. He has been growing very nicely (540 grams at 4 months of age) and is such a glutton for attention! Anytime I open his cage door, he jumps right into my arms for some chinnie scritches and his daily apple twig.

1/16/08 - I ear-tagged and groomed Timmy today in preparation for the show this weekend. I think he looks very handsome:

2/24/08 - Timmy through the "looking tube."

T - 4

12/24/07 - Pictures of Christmas Eve baby T-4 on day one. He's such a sweet little beige boy!

12/25/07 - Merry Christmas from T-4!

1/16/08 - Almost a month old now and growing like a weed! He has a huge appetite with an adorable fiesty personality to boot. I'm thinking about naming him Tyson. :)

2/7/08 - Tyson, the little chunker... he weighed in at 254 g today! He's at that awkward stage when the body hasn't yet caught up with his head!

3/19/08 - A silly picture of Tyson! 442 grams at almost 3 months old - he is such a porker!