CDAC members paintings and photographs of CDAC social events are displayed on Flickr. All pictures uploaded to Flickr from this site are under copyright license 'all rights reserved'. Nonetheless images can be downloaded (just as any painting can be photographed). If you would prefer not to have your pictures on line then please let us know at CDAC'at'artbrendafield.uk

To see members paintings click through on 'members paintings' (below). You can enlarge each picture by clicking on the picture. Navigate back by clicking the large blue left facing arrow at the top left of the page. Return to the webpage by repeatedly choosing the back arrow until you arrive back here.

To find all the pictures by one person click on Photostream (above). Insert the appropriate surname in the Search box on the top right of the Flickr page and then click on cdac webpage photostream in the drop down box which appears. (Do not click on 'Search Everyone's Uploads' - you will get everything from all over the world for that surname. )

If you would like a picture put in the Gallery please email it as a .jpg attachment to CDAC'at'artbrendafield.uk. It would be particulary good to have one painting from each member.