Under-recorded 10km squares

Most of Berkshire is well-recorded at 10km-square level, but we do still have four squares with no moth records, although they also have almost no opportunity for moth records since they just clip tiny segments of the county! It would be nice to have a few records for those squares if we can, but it's not a high priority (these squares will be well-recorded by our neighbouring counties). A quick look for daytime moths in summer would be sufficient to tick them off the list!

Of greater significance are four squares for which we do have some records, but not many, see map below. All of these would benefit from greater recording effort to help fill in gaps in the national atlas.

SU28 - includes Shrivenham, Bourton and Ashbury

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in this square are shown below, and for more detail explore priority habitats and SSSIs in SU28 (via Defra's 'Magic' mapping system). Lots of agricultural land in this square but also some woodlands and semi-natual grasslands, plus wetland at Tuckmill Meadows BBOWT reserve.

SU37 - includes Lambourn and Great Shefford

SSSIs are shown below, and explore priority habitats and SSSIs in SU37. Lots of open grassland of varying types, plus some small woodlands and wetlands. Includes Watts Bank BBOWT reserve.

SU36 - includes Hungerford, Inkpen and Kintbury

The far south-west of Berkshire: SSSIs are shown below, and explore priority habitats and SSSIs in SU36. Stuffed full of good habitat and SSSIs! Includes three BBOWT reserves: Inkpen Common, Inkpen Crocus Field and Kintbury Newt Ponds.

SU78 - Remenham and other villages to the east of Henley-on-Thames

No SSSIs here, but the area is shown below, and explore priority habitats and SSSIs in SU78. Some potentially interesting woodland and parkland, and lots of Thames-side habitat. (This square will probably appear less under-recorded once we have Ian Sims's records digitised.)