Coding page 7








Option Base 1

Option Explicit

Dim activated As Boolean

Public InitialX, InitialY, CurrX, CurrY, FinalX, FinalY As Single

Private Sub Form_Activate()

CurrentDocument = Me.Tag

activated = True

Select Case ImageDocArray(CurrentDocument).ViewRatio

Case 100:

MainForm.mnuViewNorm.Checked = True

MainForm.mnuView120.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuview150.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView200.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView300.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView400.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView800.Checked = False

Case 120:

MainForm.mnuViewNorm.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView120.Checked = True

MainForm.mnuview150.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView200.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView300.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView400.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView800.Checked = False

Case 150:

MainForm.mnuViewNorm.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView120.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuview150.Checked = True

MainForm.mnuView200.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView300.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView400.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView800.Checked = False

Case 200:

MainForm.mnuViewNorm.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView120.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuview150.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView200.Checked = True

MainForm.mnuView300.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView400.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView800.Checked = False

Case 300:

MainForm.mnuViewNorm.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView120.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuview150.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView200.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView300.Checked = True

MainForm.mnuView400.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView800.Checked = False

Case 400:

MainForm.mnuViewNorm.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView120.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuview150.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView200.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView300.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView400.Checked = True

MainForm.mnuView800.Checked = False

Case 800:

MainForm.mnuViewNorm.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView120.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuview150.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView200.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView300.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView400.Checked = False

MainForm.mnuView800.Checked = True

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Deactivate()

activated = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

VScroll1.Min = 0

VScroll1.Value = 0

VScroll1.LargeChange = 100 'Arbitary values

VScroll1.SmallChange = 50 '-----"------

HScroll1.Min = 0

HScroll1.Value = 0

HScroll1.LargeChange = 100

HScroll1.SmallChange = 50

Pic.ScaleMode = vbPixels

Pic.AutoRedraw = True

InitialX = 0

InitialY = 0

CurrX = 0

CurrY = 0

FinalX = 0

FinalY = 0

FrmFilter.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_LostFocus()

activated = False

End Sub

Public Sub Form_Resize()

On Error Resume Next

If (frmProgress.Visible = True Or FrmFilter.Visible = True) And Not activated And (Not PrevWindowState = vbNormal) Then Me.WindowState = PrevWindowState

If PrevWindowState = vbNormal And (frmProgress.Visible = True Or FrmFilter.Visible = True) And Not activated Then Me.Height = CurrentImgWndHeight: Me.Width = CurrentImgWndWidth

If Pic.Visible = True Then

If Pic.Height > (Me.Height - HScroll1.Height) Then

'Height of form is smaller than PictureBox. Show Vertical SB

VScroll1.Visible = True


VScroll1.Visible = False

End If

If Pic.Width > (Me.Width - VScroll1.Width) Then

HScroll1.Visible = True


HScroll1.Visible = False

End If

ElseIf PicScaled.Visible = True Then

If PicScaled.Height > (Me.Height - HScroll1.Height) Then

'Height of form is smaller than PictureBox. Show Vertical SB

VScroll1.Visible = True


VScroll1.Visible = False

End If

If PicScaled.Width > (Me.Width - VScroll1.Width) Then

'Width of form is smaller than PictureBox. Show Horiz. SB

HScroll1.Visible = True


HScroll1.Visible = False

End If

End If

If HScroll1.Visible = True And VScroll1.Visible = True Then

Picture1.Visible = True


Picture1.Visible = False

End If

HScroll1.Width = Me.ScaleWidth

VScroll1.Height = Me.ScaleHeight

HScroll1.Left = 0

HScroll1.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - HScroll1.Height

VScroll1.Left = Me.ScaleWidth - VScroll1.Width

VScroll1.Top = 0

Picture1.Left = Me.ScaleWidth - VScroll1.Width

Picture1.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - HScroll1.Height

If Picture1.Visible = True Then

HScroll1.Width = HScroll1.Width - Picture1.ScaleWidth

VScroll1.Height = VScroll1.Height - Picture1.ScaleHeight

End If

HScroll1.ZOrder 0

VScroll1.ZOrder 0

Picture1.ZOrder 0

If Pic.Visible Then

VScroll1.Max = (Pic.Height - Me.Height) + HScroll1.Height + Picture1.Height + 2 * HScroll1.Height

HScroll1.Max = (Pic.Width - Me.Width) + VScroll1.Width + Picture1.Width + 2 * VScroll1.Width

ElseIf PicScaled.Visible Then

VScroll1.Max = (PicScaled.Height - Me.Height) + HScroll1.Height + Picture1.Height + 2 * HScroll1.Height

HScroll1.Max = (PicScaled.Width - Me.Width) + VScroll1.Width + Picture1.Width + 2 * VScroll1.Width

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

Dim i As Integer

For i = Me.Tag To UBound(ImageDocArray) - 1

ImageDocArray(i) = ImageDocArray(i + 1)

ImageDocArray(i).ImageFrm.Tag = i


If UBound(ImageDocArray) <> 1 Then

ReDim Preserve ImageDocArray(UBound(ImageDocArray) - 1)

End If

DocCount = DocCount - 1

If DocCount = 0 Then


CurrentDocument = 0

ElseIf DocCount <> 0 Then


CurrentDocument = DocCount

End If

End Sub

Public Sub HScroll1_Change()

If Pic.Visible Then

Pic.Left = -HScroll1.Value

ElseIf PicScaled.Visible Then

PicScaled.Left = -HScroll1.Value

End If

End Sub

Private Sub HScroll1_Scroll()

If Pic.Visible Then

Pic.Left = -HScroll1.Value

ElseIf PicScaled.Visible Then

PicScaled.Left = -HScroll1.Value

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Pic_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then


Pic.AutoRedraw = False

Pic.DrawMode = vbInvert

Pic.DrawStyle = 1

Pic.DrawWidth = 2

InitialX = x

InitialY = y

CurrX = x

CurrY = y

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Pic_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If Button <> 1 Then Exit Sub


Pic.Line (InitialX, InitialY)-(x, y), , B

End Sub

Private Sub Pic_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If Button <> 1 Then Exit Sub


Pic.Line (InitialX, InitialY)-(x, y), , B

Pic.AutoRedraw = True

Pic.DrawMode = vbCopyPen

Pic.DrawStyle = 0

FinalX = x

FinalY = y

End Sub

Public Sub VScroll1_Change()

If Pic.Visible Then

Pic.Top = -VScroll1.Value

ElseIf PicScaled.Visible Then

PicScaled.Top = -VScroll1.Value

End If

End Sub

Private Sub VScroll1_Scroll()

If Pic.Visible Then

Pic.Top = -VScroll1.Value

ElseIf PicScaled.Visible Then

PicScaled.Top = -VScroll1.Value

End If

End Sub

Public Sub RefreshImage()

Dim hDestDC As Long

Dim hBMP As Long

Dim i, j As Integer


InitialX = 0

InitialY = 0

CurrX = 0

CurrY = 0

FinalX = 0

FinalY = 0

PrevWindowState = Me.WindowState

CurrentImgWndHeight = Me.Height

CurrentImgWndWidth = Me.Width

frmProgress.Show 0, MainForm

frmProgress.Caption = "Refreshing ..."


hBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap(Pic.hdc, Pic.ScaleWidth, Pic.ScaleHeight)

hDestDC = CreateCompatibleDC(Pic.hdc)

SelectObject hDestDC, hBMP

For i = 0 To ImageDocArray(CurrentDocument).PicHeight - 1

For j = 0 To ImageDocArray(CurrentDocument).PicWidth - 1

SetPixelV hDestDC, j, i, RGB(ImageDocArray(CurrentDocument).ImagePixels(0, i, j), ImageDocArray(CurrentDocument).ImagePixels(1, i, j), ImageDocArray(CurrentDocument).ImagePixels(2, i, j))


frmProgress.ProgressBar1.Value = i * frmProgress.ProgressBar1.Max / (ImageDocArray(CurrentDocument).PicHeight - 1)



Unload frmProgress

BitBlt Pic.hdc, 1, 1, Pic.ScaleWidth - 2, Pic.ScaleHeight - 2, hDestDC, 1, 1, &HCC0020


Call DeleteDC(hDestDC)

Call DeleteObject(hBMP)

End Sub


Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Left = MainForm.Width \ 2 - Me.Width \ 2

Me.Top = MainForm.ScaleHeight \ 2 - Me.Height \ 2

Set rs = conn.Execute("select * from book order by id")

& Combo2 & "'")

MSF1.Cols = 11

MSF1.Rows = 1

MSF1.FormatString = "Book Id |Subject |Book Name |Author |Publication | Edition | Date of Purchase|Cost | Quantity |Status |Remarks "

If rs.EOF = False Then

Do While Not rs.EOF = True

MSF1.AddItem rs!id & Chr(9) & rs!subject & Chr(9) & rs!bookname & Chr(9) & rs!author & Chr(9) & rs!publi & Chr(9) & rs!edition & Chr(9) & rs!date1 & Chr(9) & rs!cost & Chr(9) & rs!qty & Chr(9) & rs!Status & Chr(9) & rs!remarks



End If


End Sub

Private Sub MSF1_DblClick()

Set rs1 = conn.Execute("select * from book where id ='" & MSF1.Text & "' ")

If rs1.EOF = True Then

MsgBox "Please click only Acc. No.", vbInformation, "Click Only Acc. No."


Exit Sub

End If

frmnewbook.Text1 = rs1!id

frmnewbook.Text2 = rs1!subject

frmnewbook.Text3 = rs1!bookname

frmnewbook.Text4 = rs1!author

frmnewbook.Text5 = rs1!publi

frmnewbook.Text6 = rs1!edition

frmnewbook.DTP7 = rs1!date1

frmnewbook.Text8 = rs1!cost

frmnewbook.Text10 = rs1!Status & ""

frmnewbook.Text11 = rs1!remarks & ""

frmnewbook.setNo (rs1!id)


frmnewbook.Command1.Caption = "&Update"

frmnewbook.Command2.Enabled = False

Unload Me

End Sub

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