Coding Page 2








Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim RST1 As New ADODB.Recordset


Dim i As String

Public rno As String

Dim BD1 As String

Dim BD As String

Private Sub TRANSFER()

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open ("Select CregNo from Student where CregNo = '" & TxtRegNo & "' And format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "' "), conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

If Not rst.EOF Then

MsgBox "Regestration Number already exists", vbInformation

Set rst = Nothing


Exit Sub

End If

Call AddStudent '**************** Adding New Student ******************************

CmdTransfer.Caption = "Old Tranfer"

CmdAdd.Enabled = True

CmdEdit.Enabled = True

CmdDelete.Enabled = True

Call EmptyFields

End Sub

Private Sub update()

Dim j As Integer

If CheckEmptyValues = False Then Exit Sub

BD1 = Right(TxtAddmissionDate, 4)

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CCLASSID = '" & TxtClassForAddmission & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'"), j

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CNAME = '" & TxtStudentName & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CFATNAME = '" & TxtFather & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CMOTNAME = '" & TxtPermanentAddress & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CPERADD = '" & TxtMother & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CPHONE = '" & TxtPhone & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CLOCALADD = '" & TxtPostAddress & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET DOB = '" & condate(TxtDOB) & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CDOB = '" & TxtDOBInWord & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CCATAGARY = '" & TxtCast & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET NINCOME ='" & TxtIncome & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CLASTCLASS = '" & TxtExam & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CLASTSCHOOL = '" & TxtLastSchool & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CLASTBOARD = '" & TxtBoard & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CPASSYEAR = '" & TxtPassYear & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CLEFTYEAR = '" & TxtLeft & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CLASTRESULT ='" & TxtMarks & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET COTHERS = '" & TxtOther & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CFATEDU = '" & TxtFatherEducation & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET CMOTEDU = '" & TxtMotherEducation & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET lboarding = '" & Check1 & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET lbus = '" & Me.chkbus & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET loldstud = '" & Me.chkoldstud & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET BName = '" & TxtName & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET BClass = '" & TxtClass & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET Occupation = '" & TxtOccupiation & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

conn.Execute ("UPDATE STUDENT SET sex = '" & TxtSex & "' WHERE CREGNO ='" & rno & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "'")

Call EmptyFields

CmdEdit.Caption = "EDIT"

CmdAdd.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdadd_Click()

Call AddStudent

End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()

Dim BD1 As String

If CmdEdit.Caption = "UPDATE" Then

Call update

Exit Sub

End If

BD1 = Right(TxtAddmissionDate, 4)

i = InputBox("Please enter Registration No.", "Modify Record")

If i = "" Then

Exit Sub

End If

rno = i

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open ("select * from Student where cregno = '" & i & "' and format(DDofadmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "' "), conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

If rst.EOF = True Then

ErrorMsg ("This Registration No. does not exist")


Exit Sub


TxtClassForAddmission = rst!cclassid

TxtRegNo = rst!cregno

TxtStudentName = rst!cname

TxtFather = rst!cfatname

TxtPermanentAddress = rst!cmotname

TxtMother = rst!cperadd

TxtPhone = rst!cphone

'Text6 = rst!cgarname

TxtPostAddress = rst!clocaladd

TxtDOB = rst!dob

TxtDOBInWord = rst!cdob

'Text9 = rst!cnational

TxtCast = rst!ccatagary

TxtIncome = rst!nincome & ""

TxtMarks = rst!clastresult

TxtOther = rst!cothers & ""

'Text14 = rst!chealth

Text15 = rst!cspecial & ""

TxtExam = rst!clastclass

TxtLastSchool = rst!clastschool & ""

TxtBoard = rst!clastboard

TxtPassYear = rst!cpassyear & ""

TxtLeft = rst!cleftyear & ""

TxtFatherEducation = rst!cfatedu & ""

TxtMotherEducation = rst!cmotedu & ""

Me.chkbus = rst!lbus

Me.Check1 = rst!lboarding

Me.chkbus = rst!lbus

Me.chkoldstud = rst!loldstud

TxtSex = rst!SEX

TxtName = rst!BNAME

TxtClass = rst!BCLASS

TxtOccupiation = rst!OCCUPATION

End If

CmdEdit.Caption = "UPDATE"

CmdAdd.Enabled = False

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmddelete_Click()

Dim res As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim a As String

Dim x As Integer


If a = "" Then

Exit Sub

End If

If Val(a) <> 7 Then

BD1 = Right(TxtAddmissionDate, 4)

Set res = conn.Execute("select * from student where cregno = '" & Trim(a) & "' and format(student.ddofadmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "' ")

If res.EOF = True And res.BOF = True Then

MsgBox "This Reg No is not existing"


x = MsgBox("Are You Sure To Delete This REGISTRATION No. " & a, vbYesNo)

If x = 6 Then

conn.Execute ("delete from student where cregno = '" & a & "' and Format(DDofAdmi,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "' ")

conn.Execute ("delete from classrecord where regno ='" & a & "' and format(classrecord.adyear,'YYYY')= '" & BD1 & "' ")

MsgBox "Record Deleted ", vbInformation, "DELETE"

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()

Dim a As String

a = InputBox("Eneter The Reg.No")

If a = "" Then

Exit Sub

End If

Set REPSTUDENT = conn.Execute("select * from student where ucase(cregno) = '" & UCase(a) & "' ")


MsgBox "No Student for this registration No.", vbInformation


Exit Sub

End If

DataEnvironment1.Recordsets("student").Open "select * from student where ucase(cregno) = '" & UCase(a) & "' "

If REPSTUDENT!lbus = 1 Then

student.Sections(3).Controls.Item("Label31").Caption = "Yes"


student.Sections(3).Controls.Item("Label31").Caption = "No"

End If



End Sub

Private Sub CmdTransfer_Click()

If CmdTransfer.Caption = "Tranfer" Then


CmdAdd.Enabled = True

CmdEdit.Enabled = True

CmdDelete.Enabled = True

Exit Sub

End If

i = InputBox("Please enter Registration No. ", "Transfer Student")

If i = "" Then

Exit Sub

End If

rno = i

Set rst = conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE CREGNO ='" & i & "' ")

If rst.EOF Then

ErrorMsg ("This Registration No. does not exist")


Exit Sub



TxtClassForAddmission = rst!cclassid & ""

TxtRegNo = rst!cregno & ""

TxtStudentName = rst!cname & ""

TxtFather = rst!cfatname & ""

TxtPermanentAddress = rst!cmotname & ""

TxtMother = rst!cperadd & ""

TxtPhone = rst!cphone & ""

'Text6 = rst!cgarname & ""

TxtPostAddress = rst!clocaladd & ""

TxtDOB = rst!dob & ""

TxtDOBInWord = rst!cdob & ""

'Text9 = rst!cnational & ""

TxtCast = rst!ccatagary & ""

TxtIncome = rst!nincome & ""

TxtMarks = rst!clastresult & ""

TxtOther = rst!cothers & ""

Text14 = rst!chealth & ""

Text15 = rst!cspecial & ""

TxtExam = rst!cclassid & ""

TxtLastSchool = rst!clastschool & ""

TxtBoard = rst!clastboard & ""

TxtPassYear = rst!cpassyear & ""

TxtLeft = rst!cleftyear & ""

TxtFatherEducation = rst!cfatedu & ""

TxtMotherEducation = rst!cmotedu & ""

TxtAddmissionDate = rst!DDofAdmi & ""

Me.chkbus = rst!lbus

Me.Check1 = rst!lboarding & ""

Me.chkbus = rst!lbus & ""

Me.chkoldstud = rst!loldstud & ""

TxtSex = rst!SEX

TxtName = rst!BNAME

TxtClass = rst!BCLASS

TxtOccupiation = rst!OCCUPATION

End If

CmdTransfer.Caption = "Tranfer"

CmdAdd.Enabled = False

CmdEdit.Enabled = False

CmdDelete.Enabled = False

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TxtDOB_Change()

TxtDOBInWord = condateL(TxtDOB)

End Sub

Private Sub TxtDOB_LostFocus()

TxtDOBInWord = condateL(TxtDOB)

End Sub

Private Sub TxtDOBInWord_GotFocus()

TxtDOBInWord = condateL(TxtDOB)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call Info

Me.Left = 0

Me.Top = 0

TxtDOB = Date

TxtAddmissionDate = Date

Me.Label1.Caption = name1

Me.Label2.Caption = Address

TxtCast.Text = "GENERAL"

Me.TxtSex.Text = "MALE"

Call GetTeachers("SELECT CLASSNAME FROM CLASSMaster", TxtClassForAddmission)

Call GetTeachers("SELECT CLASSNAME FROM CLASSMaster", TxtExam)


End Sub

Public Sub EmptyFields()

TxtStudentName = ""

TxtFather = ""

TxtPermanentAddress = ""

TxtMother = ""

TxtPhone = ""

'Text6 = ""

TxtPostAddress = ""

TxtDOBInWord = ""

'Text9 = ""

TxtCast = "GENERAL"

TxtMarks = ""

TxtOther = ""

Text14 = ""

Text15 = ""

TxtIncome = ""

TxtExam = ""

TxtBoard = ""

TxtLastSchool = ""

TxtPassYear = ""

TxtLeft = ""

TxtFatherEducation = ""

TxtMotherEducation = ""

Me.Check1 = 0

Me.chkbus = 0

Me.chkoldstud = 0

TxtSex = "MALE"

TxtName = ""

TxtClass = ""

TxtOccupiation = ""

End Sub

Public Function CheckEmptyValues() As Boolean

CheckEmptyValues = False

If Check1.Value = vbChecked Then

BD = "1"


BD = "0"

End If

BD1 = Right(TxtAddmissionDate, 4)

If CheckForEmpty(TxtRegNo, "Please enter Registration No") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtClassForAddmission, "Please enter Class") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtStudentName, "Please enter Student Name") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtSex, "Please Select Sex Type") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtCast, "Please enter SC/ST/OBC Option") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtExam, "Please enter Exam Passed") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtLastSchool, "Please enter Name of School") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtBoard, "Please enter Name of Board") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtPassYear, "Please enter Passed Year") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtLeft, "Please enter Year in which Left") Then

Exit Function

End If

If TxtName = "" Then

TxtName = "NA"

End If

If TxtOther = "" Then

TxtOther = "NA"

End If

If TxtClass = "" Then

TxtClass = "NA"

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtFather, "Please enter Father's Name") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtPermanentAddress, "Please enter Mother's Name") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtFatherEducation, "Please enter Father's Education") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtMotherEducation, "Please enter Mother's Education") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtOccupiation, "Please Select Occupation") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtIncome, "Please enter Annual Income") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtPostAddress, "Please enter Postal Address") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtMother, "Please enter Permanent Address") Then

Exit Function

End If

If CheckForEmpty(TxtPhone, "Please enter Telephone No.") Then

Exit Function

End If

CheckEmptyValues = True

End Function

Public Sub AddStudent()

On Error GoTo sam

If CheckEmptyValues = False Then Exit Sub '****************** Check Empty Values

If CheckForExist("SELECT CID From CLASSMaster WHERE CLASSNAME ='" & TxtClassForAddmission & "'", "Class does not exist") Then

Exit Sub

End If

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open "SELECT * FROM STUDENT", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

If Not rst.EOF Then rst.MoveLast


rst.Fields("CID") = GetNextID("STUDENT", "CID")

rst.Fields("CNAME") = TxtStudentName

rst.Fields("CFATNAME") = Me.TxtFather

rst.Fields("CMOTNAME") = Me.TxtMother

rst.Fields("CPERADD") = Me.TxtPermanentAddress

rst.Fields("CPHONE") = Me.TxtPhone

rst.Fields("CLOCALADD") = Me.TxtPostAddress

rst.Fields("DOB") = Me.TxtDOB

rst.Fields("CDOB") = TxtDOBInWord

rst.Fields("CCATAGARY") = Me.TxtCast

rst.Fields("NINCOME") = Me.TxtIncome

rst.Fields("CLASTCLASS") = Me.TxtExam

rst.Fields("CLASTSCHOOL") = Me.TxtLastSchool

rst.Fields("CLASTBOARD") = Me.TxtBoard

rst.Fields("CPASSYEAR") = Me.TxtPassYear

rst.Fields("CLEFTYEAR") = Me.TxtLeft

rst.Fields("CLASTRESULT") = Me.TxtMarks

rst.Fields("lbus") = Me.chkbus

rst.Fields("LBOARDING") = BD

rst.Fields("COTHERS") = Me.TxtOther

rst.Fields("CFATEDU") = Me.TxtFatherEducation

rst.Fields("CMOTEDU") = Me.TxtMotherEducation

rst.Fields("CCLASSID") = Me.TxtClassForAddmission

rst.Fields("DDOFADMI") = Me.TxtAddmissionDate

rst.Fields("CBOARD") = goApp.cBoard

rst.Fields("cregno") = Me.TxtRegNo

rst.Fields("loldstud") = Me.chkoldstud

rst.Fields("sex") = Me.TxtSex

rst.Fields("BNAME") = Me.TxtName

rst.Fields("BCLASS") = Me.TxtClass

rst.Fields("occupation") = Me.TxtOccupiation


Set rst = Nothing

Call EmptyFields

Exit Sub


MsgBox ERR.Description, vbInformation

End Sub

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