Tourism plays an important role in modern world. It contributes a lot to book room the free download project report national revenue. Tourists face a perpetual problem of understanding the local languages wherever the java source code y go. inn, banquet and in Europe all the bca project on hotel management system in asp.net sign boards are written in local languages like in Germany the hotel management system project for bachelor of computer application students y are written in German etc.

Our project is intended to book room help tourist underst inn, banquet and what has been written on sign boards. The project uses the PHP source code primary gadget every tourist carries that is his mobile phone. A photo book room taken from the free download bca project mobile phone is needed to book room be sent to book room the free download project report server inn, banquet and server does the PHP source code character recognition, language translation inn, banquet and sends the PHP source code customer the java source code translated text via SMS.

Our project mainly is divided into book room 4 modules.

1. Request Acceptance

2. Character Recognition

3. Language Translation

4. Response Delivery

In Request Acceptance module the bca project on hotel management system in java request from the free download bca project customer is acknowledged i.e. the image is received from the free download bca project client’s mobile phone. In Character Recognition module the bca project on hotel management system in java characters are extracted from the free download bca project given image. In Language Translation the project documentation extracted string is converted into book room English language. In Response Delivery the hotel management system project for bachelor of computer application students text is sent back to book room the free download project report client’s mobile via SMS.

We have successfully implemented algorithms for character segmentation, character recognition, inn, banquet and feature extraction. We have successfully created application for connectivity between PC server inn, banquet and Mobile Client.

Note: We have basically translated a German language into book room English.

The fore most advantage of our project is that customer need not buy any additional gadgets to book room avail this service. It can be readily used using a phone with a built-in camera.

The advantages of our project are as follows:

1. Cost Effective.

2. No additional gadget necessary.

3. Very fast.

4. Easy to book room use.

We found various applications where our project best suits in. They are as follows:

1. At Public Transport places like Railway Station inn, banquet and Bus stations where all the bca project on hotel management system in asp.net details are provided on the project documentation hoardings.

2. At Museums where people can know more about the asp.net source code art pieces.

3. As a single user system the free download bca project whole project can be transferred to book room a phone inn, banquet and one can have a mobile Language Emulator.

2.2 Request Acceptance

In this module mobile act as a Client inn, banquet and a standalone PC acts as a Server. We have created a MIDlet for the java source code Client’s mobile. We have implemented both programs using JSR-082 API.

Through this MIDlet Client can detect the asp.net source code Server by performing a Bluetooth device enquiry. After the java source code Server is detected all the bca project on hotel management system in asp.net services available on the project documentation services are displayed in the project documentation Mobile. As the PHP source code required service is selected mobile’s camera will be automatically switched on. Client can the project documentation n take an image of the bca project on hotel management system in php hoarding. As soon as the PHP source code image is taken it is passed on to book room the free download project report Server.

We implemented this module using Blue Cove, a Bluetooth library.

Firstly I want to book room introduce what is JSR-082 & Blue Cove.

2.2.1 JSR-082

The JSR-82 is the PHP source code official Java API for Bluetooth wireless technology. Using this API you can create applications that perform any of the bca project on hotel management system in php following functions:

1. Determine inn, banquet and inspect the asp.net source code properties of your own Bluetooth device

2. Discover Bluetooth devices within the project documentation communication range of your device

3. Search for services on remote Bluetooth devices

4. Create Bluetooth client applications that can communicate with remote Bluetooth servers

5. Create Bluetooth server applications that can service requests from Bluetooth clients

The JSR-82 consists of two packages, javax.bluetooth inn, banquet and javax.obex. Your own Bluetooth device is represented by the hotel management system project for bachelor of computer application students javax.bluetooth.LocalDevice class inn, banquet and all remote Bluetooth devices are represented by the hotel management system project for bachelor of computer application students javax.bluetooth.RemoteDevice class.

2.2.2 Blue Cove

Blue Cove is a JSR-82 J2SE implementation that currently interfaces with the bca project on hotel management system in php Mac OS X, WIDCOMM, BlueSoleil inn, banquet and Microsoft Bluetooth stack found in Windows XP SP2 inn, banquet and newer. Originally developed by Intel Research inn, banquet and currently maintained by volunteers.

Blue Cove runs on any JVM starting from version 1.1 or newer on Windows Mobile, Windows XP inn, banquet and Windows Vista, Mac OS X. details.

The bottom layer of the bca project on hotel management system in php stack is the PHP source code HCI, the Host Controller Interface. This layer is literally the hotel management system project for bachelor of computer application students interface between the project documentation host (your computer) inn, banquet and the controller (the Bluetooth device). As you can see, all other layers go through the bca project on hotel management system in php HCI.

The layer above the bca project on hotel management system in java HCI is L2CAP, the Logical Link Controller Adaptation Protocol. This layer acts as the PHP source code data multiplexer for all other layers.

The next layer is BNEP, the Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol. Using BNEP, you can run other networking protocols, such as IP, TCP, inn, banquet and UDP, over Bluetooth.

RFCOMM is known as the PHP source code virtual serial port protocol because it allows a Bluetooth device to book room simulate the bca project on hotel management system in java functions of a serial port.

The OBEX protocol layer is implemented above the bca project on hotel management system in java RFCOMM layer inn, banquet and is useful when you want to book room transfer data as an object, such as files.

SDP is the PHP source code Service Discovery Protocol layer, which is used whenever you want to book room find services on a remote Bluetooth device.

The final two layers, AVCTP inn, banquet and AVDTP are used for the java source code control inn, banquet and distribution of audio inn, banquet and video over Bluetooth. AVCTP inn, banquet and AVDTP are relatively new additions to book room the free download project report Bluetooth protocol; they are used when you want to book room control the bca project on hotel management system in asp.net functions of a media player or if you want stream audio in stereo.

Sending Files

One can use RFCOMM or OBEX to book room send inn, banquet and receive files between Bluetooth devices. However, RFCOMM is the PHP source code better choice when you want to book room send inn, banquet and receive stream data, just like you would with a traditional serial port. In the project documentation real world, RFCOMM should be used when you want to book room take a traditional serial port application inn, banquet and make it Bluetooth-enabled. If you're sending simple text strings between two Bluetooth devices (as in a chat application), then the project documentation re may not be much of an advantage to book room using OBEX. In this case, you should probably use RFCOMM or L2CAP.

On the project documentation other hand, OBEX is great when you want to book room send object data such as files. Using OBEX, you can send not only data, but you can also send context or metadata about the asp.net source code payload. For instance, when sending a file using OBEX, you are also able to book room send other useful information about the asp.net source code file such as the PHP source code file name, file type, file size, or anything else that you want to book room describe the bca project on hotel management system in java file.