Club management system project report






Club management system project report - LEO CLUB

Leo Club is a medium size club- run by a governing body of its own whose members come from the club itself. The club has presently a limited number of members but it can have any number of members. The members are selected by the Board of Directors of the club which is its sole governing body. Notwithstanding with the current club culture of India which mainly takes care of the entertainment values of its associates and members, this club is formed with an objective to serve the people of India (mainly the deprived ones). With this aim and objective the Leo Club has built a large Service base and presently has a vast number of members. The operating area of this club is also increasing with every sun rise and sun set.

The Leo club maintains the complete details of its members and also keeps track of what services it is providing, and what expense or income the club is incurring. However, the need has arose to maintain the entire work electronically, as the manual system of transaction, currently in use in the club, is badly chosen to deal with such a huge processing task.

The governing body of the club has decided to invest in a comprehensive club management system to hold details of who its members are, what services it has made in the past or it would provide in future, what its particular interests are and what its annual income and expense is, so that they can offer a better and more personalized service, save money on unproductive businesses, and expand its horizon by sending details of special offers, etc. to its members and masses.

2. OBJECTIVE - Club management system project report

The Smart Club Suite is designed to achieve the following objectives:

I. The whole system should be menu driven and the main menu should be displayed automatically as soon as the user logon succeeds.

II. The software should have a secure database to capture all the fund raising and fund utilization activities. Proper receipt and bill generation facilities should be incorporated in the software.

III. The software must have a user-friendly interface and appealing appearance to ease the work of the end users.

IV. The software must be able to return the actual monetary status of the club, i.e., it must be able to say how much money is left in the wallet of the organization and how much it could spend on different activities.

V. The new system must be designed to allow the club to record the details of its members’ date of joining, full name, address, phone no., date of birth, etc.

VI. The system should be able to generate annual budget summary, members’ report, income and expenditure reports, etc. so that they could be used by the management authorities of the club for making decisions and deciding guidelines.

VII. Above all, the software system should be able to eliminate all the paper work required in implementing the task of data maintenance, which previously was tedious, time consuming and error prone.