Computer science project on

Computer science project on Airline ticket booking system





Advantages of Swings:

· Wide variety of Components

· Pluggable Look and airline reservation Feel

· MVC Architecture

· Keystroke Handling

· Action Objects

· Nested containers

· Customized Dialogs

· Compound Borders

· Standard Dialog Classes

· Structured Table and airline reservation Tree Components

· Powerful Text Manipulation

· Generic Undo Capabilities

· Accessibility Support

3.2.2 Java RMI:

In the present modern Internet World, Distributed Computing is one of the project documentation key areas project report play an IT MCA project report important role. Distributed systems require project report computations running in different address spaces, potentially on different hosts, be able to book flight communicate with each other. .

An IT MCA project report alternative to book flight sockets used in java is Remote Procedure Call (RPC), which abstracts the communication interface to book flight the level of a ticket booking procedure call. Instead of working directly with sockets, the programmer has the illusion of calling a ticket booking local procedure, when in fact the arguments of the project documentation call are packaged up and airline reservation shipped off to book flight the remote target of the project documentation call. RPC systems encode arguments and airline reservation return values using free download an IT MCA project report external data representation, such as XDR. In order to book flight match the semantics of object invocation, distributed object systems require Remote Method Invocation or RMI. .

RMI provides the mechanism by which the server and airline reservation the BSc computer science project client communicate and airline reservation pass information back and airline reservation forth. Distributed object systems finds its applications to book flight locate remote objects, Communicate with remote objects and airline reservation Load class byte codes for BCA project synopsis objects project report are passed as parameters or return values. In such systems, a ticket booking local surrogate (stub) object manages the invocation on a ticket booking remote object.

The Java programming language's RMI system assumes the homogeneous environment of the project documentation Java virtual machine (JVM), and airline reservation the BSc computer science project system can therefore take advantage of the project documentation Java platform's object model whenever possible.

Remote Method Invocation:

RMI provides the mechanism by which the server and airline reservation the BSc computer science project client communicate and airline reservation pass information back and airline reservation forth. Server creates a ticket booking number of remote objects, makes references to book flight those remote objects. The client gets a ticket booking remote reference to book flight one or more remote objects in the project source code server and airline reservation the BSc computer science projectn invokes methods on the BSc computer science projectm.

Java provides a ticket booking program called RMI Registry which executes on the BSc computer science project server machine. The Registry maps names to book flight object references and airline reservation listens for BCA project synopsis client request on a ticket booking designated port. The client looks up the remote object by its name in the project source code server’s registry and airline reservation the BSc computer science projectn invokes the method of server object.