How to Keep Songs Playing Continuously

You might have found that the music stream no longer plays songs continuously. This is apparently due to web browsers changing their auto-play policies. See this article for an explanation of this policy in regards to the Google Chrome web browser. In Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, two ways to keep the songs playing continuously are to either 1) have the tab in which the player is open on top of all other tabs or 2) open the player in a separate window. This separate window need not be on top of other windows, but if multiple tabs are open in this separate window, the tab in which the player is open must be on top of the other tabs. Also, the separate window shouldn't be minimized to the bottom of the screen but rather open directly in back of the other window(s). In the Android version of Google Chrome for mobile phones, it seems the window in which the music stream is open must be on top of all other windows to keep the songs playing continuously.