
This page describes Tcl bindings for MPI. This package provides a shared object that can be loaded into a Tcl interpreter to provide additional commands that act as an interface to an underlying MPI implementation and will allow to run Tcl scripts in parallel via mpirun or mpiexec similar to C, C++ or Fortran programs. The main motivation for writing this package is to allow using the VMD molecular visualization and analysis package in parallel without having to recompile VMD for MPI support and to complement a Tcl wrapper for the LAMMPS molecular dynamics simulation software. Detailed documentation is here.

Source code management for this project is hosted on github at and you can clone the repository to follow development or work on your own branch through forking it. Bug reports and feature requests should also be filed on github at The github repository is connected for continuous integration testing. The test compiles the tclmpish interpreter and then runs the integrated unit and regression test library.

Citation reference: If needed, you can cite TclMPI as: Axel Kohlmeyer. (2021). TclMPI: Release 1.1 [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.598343