"You are never alone and always loved when you discover your true self." -J.A.B.

Why me? This was a question I liked to ask myself alot, but I never took the time to answer it.

I believe we are all here for a reason.

The people, places, things, events... that surround me, that influenced, influence and will influence me exist for me, to support me in the discovery and development of myself.

These exact people, places, things, events... are my teachers, my guides.

Ignoring and/or trying to forget the lessons that they are there to teach, only allows the lessons to be taught once again in another shape or form in my life.

Do you sometimes have Déjà vu...you remember the same thing happened FOR you in the past?

You can compare the unlearned lessons to a test you failed in school, you will have to retake the test, by learning the lesson again in order to pass.

Which brings me to another question I asked myself repeatedly and didn't take the time to answer...

Why is this happening to me...again? Change the to to for, or the to for for, and then you can answer the question Why is this happening for me...again?

Please remember this....

"It doesn't happen to you it happens FOR you!"

...FOR you to learn about yourself and transform into something more beautiful that you can ever imagine. You are always more than you think you are!

You are always loved and never alone when you discover yourself!

*Grab a blank piece of paper and a writing utensil (that works) and write at the top of the page Why me?.

Now answer the question, use the entire page and keep writing until it is full--the entire page. Please, NO JUDGING, simply investigate and discover! Tap in to the unconditional love you hold for yourself (we all possess unconditional love for ourselves) and allow yourself to discover...YOU!

Tip: This question can be asked from many perspectives, answer from a loving place, a place of learning about yourself through every person, place or thing that has happened FOR you in your life. The Why? question can be answered using all the other questions above.

Who or what was/is involved?

What did you learn from the person, place, thing, event...?

When and Where did it happen and did it happen FOR me before, maybe in another situation or with another person, place, thing, event...? Try to remember as far back into your past as possible.

How did it make you a better version of you, what positive things came out of it as a result?

Which perspective do I want to internalize from the person, place, thing, event...? Which seeds of influence do I want to spread?

Why?...to make you a better YOU!

When you have completed this exercise you may move on to another question...