"You are never alone and always loved when you discover your true self." -J.A.B.

YOU...of course! If you really want to help yourself you will have to investigate yourself and the sooner the better!

Who Am I? is a great question to start with!

We are our Emotions, Actions, Thoughts, (E.A.T.s for short), our beliefs and our values.

Most of our lives we are concerned for others, investigating and communicating with others - our families (mother, father, children, our relatives in general) our friends, people we meet, anybody and anything...rarely ourselves, we mostly leave ourselves out.

We ask the same 7 questions of and about others in order to get to know them and communicate.

*Grab a blank piece of paper and a writing utensil (that works) and write Who Am I? at the top of the page.

Now answer the question, use the entire page and keep writing until it is full--the entire page. Please, NO JUDGING, simply investigate!

Tip: Think of someone you know who loves you, this could be a family member, friend, dog, cat, fish, your stuffed teddy...

If they were asked the question who is (your name here)? What would they say about you? Write it down.

We all hold positive and not so positive thoughts and feelings about ourselves, this is a part of life.

One cannot exist without the other.

Happiness could not exist without sadness.

Hope could not exist without fear.

Love could not exit without hate.

Peace could not exit without agitation/distress.


We need them ALL, balancing our E.A.T.s (Emotions, Actions, Thoughts) is the key!

Tap in to the unconditional love you hold for yourself (we all possess unconditional love for ourselves) and allow yourself to discover...YOU!

When you have completed this exercise you may move on to another question...

To learn more about yourself download a free 1-week copy of "Who Am I, Really?" A Guided Journey by Journal click on the link below: