"You are never alone and always loved when you discover your true self." -J.A.B.

How Am I Me?

The way to knowing who you really are is by investigating yourself, evaluating your values and beliefs and asking yourself if they are truly yours and not the beliefs and values of someone else. You are your Emotions, Actions and Thoughts (E.A.T.s), beliefs and values.


Whether we are aware of our E.A.T.s or not...we learn from every Emotion we feel, Action we take and Thought we think. Every moment we are transforming our E.A.T.s mostly unconsciously but we have the capability of transforming them consciously, practicing and strengthening who we are and who we want to be every moment.

Look in the mirror, we are growing and developing all the time. Our bodies do not stop and thank goodness for that! Trillions of human cells are growing, multiplying and dying every second and our entire body is made up of these cells. We can change, we already do and most of us are unaware of it!!! Our Brain and Central Nervous System can be taught, how did they learn in the first place? They were taught, slowly over time by others and by ourselves. As long as we are alive and have the will, we can transform ourselves.

It is a matter of becoming interested enough in ourselves to learn who we are, by investigating what is and choosing to transform our E.A.T.s, beliefs and values into what we want for our lives.

We are given the ability to choose how we E.A.T every moment and to consciously transform into who we choose to be.

Try to think of a situation or circumstance that happened, is happening now or may happen in the future FOR you.

Use the following questions to investigate the situation.

What beliefs and values do I hold about it (person, place or thing)?

Are they my beliefs? My values?

How do my beliefs and values affect my Emotions, Actions and Thoughts (E.A.T.s)?

To access your specific values and to learn more about self-discovery and development

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